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About abbo

  • Birthday 05/17/1936

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    Coventry bees supporter since 1948.

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  1. I agree with your observations my point is that something could have been reportable to supporters about WHAT has been discussed some sort of positive answers. Not a list of people we know have some sort of interest in Coventry Speedway/Stock car but if you want to keep the interest there has to be some sort of positive thinking. I regret it's all negativity and supporters are waiting and if the problems were resolved I ask would there be enough supporters to keep the sport going. When you read today that Holder and Batchelor have lost their employment. The Elite league had to change it's name because we no longer have Elite riders in this Country Yes Lingren etc few and far between. I am now an armchair supporter of BT and that's the best I can do after 50 years of supporting Coventry Bees!
  2. I fully agree with you since the start of these problems throughout the winter now well into the 17 season all we get is assurances that the utmost is being done but no indication who has been consulted i.e. Rugby Council, councillor Stokes, Brandon Estates!! Surely there must be something positive/negative but nothing. Sorry if people reading this are critical there has been little forthcoming. I appreciate that well intentioned people are engaged in discussions but unless there is something disclosed any interested supporters will just fade away and Brandon Estates will have achieved what they set out to achieve!
  3. Last personal post 10th of the month only NSSiC on since trying to placate the Bees supporters. We are falling into just what Brandon Estates expected, another 12 months and Speedway in Coventry will be forgotten. I don't know the answer perhaps there isn't one. Feel by now we should be receiving some sort of update from the Save our Speedwsy friends.
  4. No posts for 4 days just sums it all up Brandon Estates are getting what they wanted it's been so predictable get rid of speedway, leave the place insecure again all we wait for now is the predictable fire and away they go. Sorry we are bleeding a slow death and unless a new site is found quickly for speedway and stock car we can be as optimistic as we want but BE will have won. Brandon is GONE they will get their houses and the profits that go with it. Sod you loyal supporters of both sports your times up and greed has taken over. Bring the box of matches and get it done and dusted!!
  5. Just turned the TV on that's not the Lance King I remember!
  6. 3 days gone since last Coventry Post. Where is the passion sorry folks Mick Horton Avtar Sandhu and Brandon Estates have got what they wanted/planned and we are liming away. Soon to be forgotten the guts have been kicked out of us! Now a armchair supporter!!
  7. Is this the same Brandon Estates who were going to sponsor the Bees this season but couldn't because of Avtar Sadhus conduct in removing fittings etc. Now we read the residents of Brandon are insisting that houses be built because of the tinkers and they are fearful. The meeting at Brandon village hall 2 years ago maintained the residents were on the side of Speedway/Stock cars continuing . This is reiterated by the article in the Coventry Observer site. There is no chance of a return and if there is the will to find land etc to resite the sports. Forget Brandon your enemy now is Brandon Estates. The whole thing has gone quiet and regrettably It appears the only solutionis is a new stadium. If and when housing is approved pressure should be applied on Brandon Eststes to honour their responsibility. In providing this.
  8. Latest suggestion in the Coventry Evening Telegraph suggests that Mick Horton is speculating Sunday afternoon National League speedway is the way to go. As one who attended Natiional League matches at Coventry last season I don't believe this would work it might keep the Bees name going but sadly there wouldn't be enough support and it would fail. Call me a pessimist if you want the numbers attending to support the Storm were low indeed. I appreciate all the hard work Jeff Davies and his group are pursuing but Nationsl League is not the way to go it would be a financial disaster.
  9. Crown Prosecuter decided that there would be no criminal prosecution i.e. No further action in respect of the criminal investigation by Warwickshire Police. Can't see why there would be civil proceedings particularly if there is to be no more Speedway or Stock cars at Brandon it's a shame Brandon Estates don't issue some sort of explanation of their intent with regard to the Stadium and land it occupies.
  10. Well said its a fruitless post about a section of air fence. Yes I agree where has Mr Watson been during all the problems at Brandon except of course his funeral hymn !!!!!!!
  11. Surely if the case of Hall Green is as reported the sole reason for giving in was the cost of an appeal being disproportiate then it could be the Council could acted illegally if it was illegal then surely the matter should be reported. I would however doubt that facts are as stated on this forum.
  12. Just been reading the Earlsdon Echo about the fate of the Albany pub in Albany Road Earlsfon which it appears to likely that it will close on 16th March. Application is being for the Albany to be given local listing protection and has been given provisional support of Council conservation Officers. Admittedly the Albany is older than Brandon Stadium but age doesn't appear to be crucial to obtain preservation protection. For example Coventry Market is protected as is the circular cafe in the Lower Precinct building built after the Second World War. Brandon is unique there is only one of them in Warwickshire/coventry areas also as I understand it from the meetings which have been going on in the last two years Brandon is listed as a motor sport only stadium. I know this has been aired before surely it is something that should be considered and strongly pursued with a view to stop whatever use that Brandon Estates are proposing houses I guess but if Brandon was listed it would surely strengthen the arguments for either selling the Stadium or allow it be used for what it was built for and is legally licensed for. I think this would make life very difficult for Brandon Estates who at stage have not popped their head above the parapet at least some sort of explanation from them would be appreciated by all interested parties. Just some thoughts on the way they new committee could be pursuing. If it can be done to a pub then surely a speedway stadium could. be pursued in the same way. One would hope that Rugby Council would continue it's support to saving the Stadium. Would also suggest that the local residents should be encouraged to be involved. There appeared to be plenty of support at the meeting held at Brandon Village hall. Good for thought I hope! I would like to thank Councillor Stokes for his work in trying to sort the Brandon situation out
  13. I cancelled Sky Sports and all other channels told the guy the reason I was leaving and going to BT Sport for one reason only i.e. speedway coverage. Down from £86 to £22 a month NO OFFER made I would doubt £2.50 being the amount offered by Sky.
  14. G the Bee what utter rubbish we are down not out. Your reply is sad I have been to Nuneaton speedway supporters meeting tonight and am full of admiration for the action being taken by their members to keep Bees alive. Yes we haven't got a stadium but the spirit is still there and what has to happen this season is NOT to slink away and die but to keep the name alive. Don't know if it will work but at least it's worth a try. We have Rugby Council on our side it's time for this sort of attitude to be condemned and praise to the committee that has been formed to try to take positive action. I must say I am disappointed that the "save our Speedway" group appear to have been anonymous in the last few months, I wonder what has happened to them?
  15. Joe Beavers is this supposed to make us happen to make us happy bunnies Leicester and Wolverhampton close by via very busy motorways average 60 mile round trip, count me out my Speedwaylive viewing is finished after over 60 years supporting Brandon. Whilst I agree with you about the riders there has been quite a large posts about these riders and how dreadful it is for them so close to start of the season.
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