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Everything posted by sandking072

  1. Can't be off surely? My wonderful thing called technology (copyright Steve Shovlar) says Poole is currently experiencing a 30 degree heatwave & is being assessed to be classed as a desert.
  2. So, 4:45 is not part of the day? That's a new one on me. I'll put it very simply. It rained heavily from early evening last night until I went to bed at 11:30. We've had heavy showers on and off since last Wednesday. We also had a couple of showers mid morning and another at around 5pm. Trust me, there's no way the meeting would've gone ahead tonight without 14 riders going round in canoes.
  3. I didn't need to. It was bone dry according to your oppo.
  4. On my hour long walk to work at 4:50 (to Wolverhampton) this morning, the contents of approximately 1400 showers emptied themselves over me on said walk. I was convinced this was rain as it was so wet. However, after consulting with a wonderful thing called technology, this assured me that in fact, this was not the case & I was clearly mistaken. Hope that clears things up.
  5. http://www.wolverhamptonwolves.co/download.php?view.14
  6. Luckily Brady Kurtz just happened to be available to guest in place of Morris. What are the chances? Is this meeting taking place at the new stadium or are still at the old one?
  7. Is this 'horror track' the same one that's won 'Track of the Year' multiple times?
  8. Skornicki released according to Dean Felton on Twitter.
  9. Yes. In a clever piece of team manipulation, Hancock comes in at reserve for Clegg. Sorry, I mean Harris for Thorssell.
  10. Hougaard in for Fricke, Lambert in for Jonsson. Must mean Harris for Thorssell then.
  11. Somebody tell Starman, he can stop bleating. It's been chucking it down in Wolves for over an hour now so the stadium would've been unavailable anyway. Maybe Ladbrokes knew.
  12. I'll miss the "KK heat 1, slightly wet track masterclass" tonight. It's one of my season's highlights.
  13. *Makes a cup of tea and plumps up the cushion on the armchair*
  14. Rider with lower average replaces rider with higher average. I'll look forward to you crying foul when Poole bring in Janowski for the play-offs being as you're such a stickler for the rules. Must be tough to take that Poole have been 'out-Pooled.' Have you got plenty of Kleenex to dry those tears? Ooofff!!!
  15. Still not 'gobsmacked' by the news to be honest. Feels like expecting a brand new Ferrari only to be lumbered with a Mini Metro instead. Awaiting the correction to the press release saying they've made a mistake and we've signed Steve Masters instead of Sam.
  16. Not exactly the 'gobsmacking' news da management promised at the talk-in. Hope the season ticket day was a success.
  17. I was speaking for myself. I don't pretend to speak for anyone else.
  18. You should listen to him every week. You'd soon get tired of him.
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