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  1. Anyone whos been to Belle Vue will know exactly what Jack meant about the fence, its impossible to throw anything through it. The parents are clearly trouble makers.
  2. What a fantastic meeting this was, a great advert for our sport. A big crowd, great atmosphere, top class racing, no controversial moments, banter between home and away fans, couldn't ask for more, it really felt like the big occasion it should. I am happy with a 12 point lead as it gives the Aces a chance, Sheffield still slight favorites, but pulling back a lead of anything over 10 in play offs is not easy. As for the Jack Holder, worky fan issue, too me its something about nothing. The way I see it, without calling anyone a liar, Jack was asked for his teamsheet and could he sign it, he took the sheet down signed it then gave it to the child, why would he go to those efforts to then screw it up and throw it at the kid, it doesn't make sense. The easy option for Jack would have been to ignore the request and walk away, now maybe he didn't smile when he passed it over, but this was within a number of minutes after he'd been 5-1'd in heat 15, so he was probably still a bit pissed off. Anyway on to Thursday.
  3. Zmarzlik stayed as a number 7 for Gorzow until he was above the under 21 rule, If the rule is there it has to be for all. They could cover that by adding any rider who gets an average 7 or above cant be an RS. On your 4 point average question then yes there has to be a cut off, don't see an issue with it, and if there was an under 21 rule then the 4point average would only be in play for 2 seasons max.
  4. No it didn't, her decisions were wrong but they were wrong for both teams. Sheffield simply weren't good enough over 2 legs.
  5. Reading the wording on Rising Stars you could be right as its around the 2024 season and doesn't cover past seasons. Common sense would mean a rider who has progressed out of the RS isn't allowed to drop back in it. My personal opinion is all riders 21 and under should be able to be a rising star no matter their average, and up to and including 23 on an average below 4 (moving our of the scheme for good once this average is achieved).
  6. I think (I could be wrong here) but your averages will have meetings missing as they only include August up to and including 23rd. The averages I have used are the season ending totals after Ipswich and Birmingham's last meetings on the 29th August.
  7. Knowing British Speedway point 1 wouldn't surprise me, but how crazy would it be if he's allowed to drop down again. Point 2 this is what i get Doyle: 9.36 Emil: 9.12 Rew: 5.79 Ellis: 5.47 Brennan: 6.59 Thompson: 3.10 Total: 39.43
  8. Dan Thompson cant be a rising star, hes now above a 4 point average.
  9. Jenkins cant be a rising star, the rules state once a rider achieves an average of 4 they will no longer be eligible to be a rising star, so he cant go back. Also what averages are you using as that 1 to 6 comes in at 39.43.
  10. That's not the same 1 to 7 just swapping Tom for king though. Also who else are you leaving out for Dan Thompson?
  11. It's over the averages and Dan Thompson can't be a rising star next year either.
  12. She made poor decisions in 2022 but against both teams not just 1.
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