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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. From the Newcastle forum page: ..... we are unable to clarify is each individual stadiums capacity, but what we can let the fans know is the capacity as to which we were told Newcastle could have from the dates of May 17th to June 21st. We were advised by our local authority that they would let no more than a little over 200 fans outside and 75 indoors, which would have to be stretched between the hospitality suite and the main bar upstairs. Given the above what are the implications for Monmore Green during this period? Also the Monmore Greyhound website suggest paying public to be admitted to the afternoon meeting on 17th May. Does this have implications on running speedway on the same night?
  2. How long will it be before Chris Harris & Scott Nicholls have ridden / guested for all six teams?
  3. Whinging bunch of Muppets....... As Statler & Waldorf would say.. (quoting Dickens) ... Speedway: It sums up the best of times and the worst of times! For me, standing on the spectator side of the fence it's a sport. Go the other side and it's a business and sadly not the greatest of business models. It's like selling diesel cars, the car works well but it's future is less than bright
  4. I attended a Jim Wells / Jack Millen Training School at Stoke. I learnt how to drift wide and nudge riders into the fence, Signed: N Pedersen (Denmark).
  5. As an away supporter I've been disappointed that car park charges apply when it is then followed by a walk of the distance that is needed to get to the track. I'm currently able to do it and feel extremely disappointed for those less physically able who want their Speedway fix. This situation is greatly compounded by this current Blue Badge status. Having assisted friends who are wheelchair bound to attend speedway meetings I have been amazed by the differing facilities and support offered at speedway tracks over the years. For this to happen in 2021 is an embarrassment at both a Peterborough level and BSPL overall. A thumbs up to those who have kept this topic live. A thumbs down to those who can get it sorted and haven't.
  6. Is the completion date referring to housing or the stadium?
  7. 1) the paying public feel short changed (again?) 2) the junior riders miss out and wonder why they bother? 3) the paying public wonder why there was a 25 mins interval between the meetings.
  8. I'm thinking Jimmy Gooch was possibly at Hackney at the period I'm thinking of?
  9. I'm thinking Oxford in the late sixties with Genz, Goody, McCauliffe, Reeves, Bishop seemed old. Rick Timmo looked young. Who am I missing? Is it Pete Jarman?
  10. Not painting a very good picture there Mr. Rembrandt.
  11. Fair call. My local supermarket has designated aisles for Polish, Asian & Gluten Free foods. I'm told if you use the Polish aisle you can only then go in one of the other aisles.
  12. "One, Three, Five, Seven, Something To Shout About in Devon!" Truly, "A Field Of Dreams" moment - If you build it they will come! The most positive Speedway News in over twelve months. Well done Plymouth.
  13. Wow.... that would look good on the side of a yellow Reliant Van to promote ticket sales!!!
  14. Smack on 100% - Variety is the spice of life.
  15. Oh yes. One of the finest folk singer / poet / guitar carrying comedians I've had the privelage to see. Every song I recall raises a smile. Sadly missed, but never forgotten.
  16. I have a Texaco Star Rewards card. Could they be convinced to sponsor the reserves? The reserves might have to be regraded as:- 1) Unleaded 2) Leaded 3) Supreme
  17. I was very touched by the billboard on the fence celebrating the romantic attraction of the intelligent Gundersen fan with a local supporter.
  18. Smack on again MikeBV. I was raised on a home meeting every week keeping the habit. Never looked at what else was on. A few early rain offs could be catastrophic on attendences when we start up again.
  19. Glad I've only ever stood on the 1st bend at Owlerton. Is the '4thbend' closed for 'elf & safe-tea these days?
  20. If that's the parade on the photo then I would be finishing my beer in The Top House pub opposite
  21. I've heard Crump and Batchelor.... problem is that it's: Troy Crump & Jason Batchelor!!!
  22. Don't worry - the riders will easily maintain social distancing after the first bend!
  23. One of my chums threw the towel in after an Eastbourne v Wolves match in 2013 when Lukas Dryml copped a busted collar bone in Ht1 and the understandable delay on a cold night was then further time delayed by the tractor display being put on. We had tried every viewing spot to avoid the freezing cold wind to no avail. Sadly for CVS it wasn't just away travel that stopped. He's not been down Monmore Green since.
  24. Yes the spread of the doubling up / doubling down virus has not been contained.
  25. Good summary Mike. The regulars will be immune to various things. I do hope in parallel to on track focus that the standard of toilet facilities and crowd movement is being reviewed and improved. This is both in anticipation of level of restrictions, if any and the increased awareness and expectation regarding hygiene.
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