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Everything posted by uk_martin

  1. Nobody is born with an attitude. An attitude is acquired. So what would be really interesting is to see why the attitude of the state and society towards speedway is so positive when the exact opposite is true here. Maybe in this analysis, there are lessons to be learned and applied.
  2. More info about the missed meeting...cue the jokes about not having the stomach for the job etc Interesting too that the Birmingham Mail web site doesn't seem to cover speedway any more. Maybe they know something about what people are or are not interested in any more?
  3. Interesting news here https://youtu.be/mZYB9YUwjLI Hancock back to Disneyland?
  4. What he did was bad enough. What was worse was that he was caught. What was disasterous was that he was caught by someone who's a member of BSF :rofl:
  5. As I said, cut out the room to roll (see my previous post) and none of this can happen.
  6. So you have 4 bars, or chocks, placed behind each rear wheel, each on a chord that allows them to be cleared off the track quickly and simply...it's not rocket science. And there's usually enough "helpers" at the start gate that could be engaged to help the start marshal with this task. You could even get brolly dolly's to choreograph something into their routines...who knows?
  7. All done in the best interests of British speedway...obviously! More likely that knowing that this meeting was happening, there was an increased "customer service" presence on the trains running into and out of Rugby, and the prospect of them having to pay their fares scared the members of the BSPA Management Committee away.
  8. Didn't Cook have sick leave straight after his embarrassing performance at Cardiff? Did he self-certify? Did he have a doctors note? Was he given a mandatory period of inactivity by the SCB back then?
  9. Surely the simple way to avoid tape jumping is to have all the riders line up with their front wheels actually touching the tapes. All the problems now stem from the bikes being a foot or two behind the tapes giving "rolling room". Eliminate the "rolling room" and the possibilities of cheating are eliminated too. You could even back this up with a portable bar behind the back wheel that acts as a chock removes the possibility of rolling back forcing the riders to be absolutely stationary at the start.
  10. No mention of who was unavailable to see who...but not the best of starts is it?
  11. So is this a damning verdict on the conduct, professionalism and discipline of the top British riders? No wonder they never do any good outside of their own back yards.
  12. Interesting talk about an Iversen for Holder swap between Stal Gorzow and Torun http://www.przegladsportowy.pl/zuzel/pge-ekstraliga,zuzel-chris-holder-w-stali-gorzow-bedzie-kolejny-hit-stali,artykul,821752,1,984.html Przemek Pawlicki could be heading into Grudziadz https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/716723/co-zrobi-pawlicki-zostanie-gwiazda-gkm-u-czy-wybierze-inna-droge Gossip before the end of the season was that Freddie Lindgren could be heading in Stal Gorzow's direction, but that seems to have died down. Nicki Pedersen to that Mickey Mouse team remains a possibility. How much more hated can a team become?
  13. Is a period of enforced inactivity the same as a ban? Whatever. Either way, young Mr. Cook was in hot water again, for being ill on the day of the SCB/BSPA's prized event. http://www.speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.33493 What odds are the bookies are offering on Cook attending all the rounds of the SGP series without throwing a sickie when faced with his Polish demons, or pulling out if the travel costs are too high for him, like he did when he was supposed to ride for GB against Australia in Ipswich, a few years ago?
  14. How come this has turned into a Kent & Lakeside thread?
  15. Not sure how I feel either. Look forward to hearing his plans on how to make speedway in Birmingham succeed, when the past few years it's just been treading water. Will judge when there is something to judge on.
  16. Brummies to remain in the 3rd Division next year. At least this thread is in the right place then lol.
  17. Those races involving Smolinski and Barker showed what we've been missing these past few years - Quality!
  18. He got a trip as a sidecar passenger to be unveilled as the new promoter :-)
  19. Peter & David Mason just unveiled as the new promoters.
  20. Couldn't possibly say it out loud, but you can work it out from ___Salmond ___the Herald Angels SIng, Loch ___ Monster.
  21. With Torun staying up, the opportunity for Jason Doyle to move there may prove very tempting for him...watch that space. Przemek Pawlicki moving to Disneyland would be like a Celtic player moving to Rangers (or the reverse)....with similar knock-on consequences. Was it Pawel Swist that did that some years ago...and was never ever forgiven for it?
  22. At least he knew better than to do all that without trying to dodge paying for a ticket
  23. As many a seasoned fan could have guessed, Adam Roynon has sustained another season ending injury (busted collarbone) so he won't be competing now.
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