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Everything posted by uk_martin

  1. I don't think that the PL clubs are getting ticket allocations this year the way that they have in the past. At Birmingham, we previously packaged tickets and travel for the purchasers of the Birmingham block allocations, but that's all gone out of the window this year. The Supporters Club contacted the SGP's promoters, and found out that they no longer believe in discounts for block purchases so no way forward there. Seems that anyone who wants to go to the SGP has to buy a full price ticket, on their own, direct from the "official sources". Can't wait to see what impact that has on the numbers going.
  2. Don't give up hope. Remember Kyle Legault last year. He had a rod down his thigh bone, and was racing again by July. Give the job to SCB who obviously knows more on the subject than anyone else!
  3. I'd be quite hopeful about Jason Lyons and Tomasz Piszcz doing well. Whether they have enough in their tanks to win, I can hope for it, but you never know. My main concern is that they get to the end of June without injury. If they can do that, if the track is conducive to good racing, their machinery is dialed in, and the Lords of Kobal are on their side, then anything can happen.
  4. I don't understand. How can a team have a home fixture every week if they only race on one day of the week? Surely their home fixtures are fortnightly so that they can alternate home and away fixtures?
  5. I shan't travel to a Super7 meeting again for all the reasons above and the one that wasn't mentioned, namely the wearing of those stupid body colours. Let the riders representing their teams wear their team colours IMHO. (mind you, as this was on my doorstep, I went, but that and to see the track record broken was my only reason.) Future Speedway Trivia question...who was the first Brummie rider to ride in the ELRC?... Sorry, not up with EL stuff, so excuse me for asking, but how did he get that nickname? And who is BJ?
  6. My comment was in relation to visability not safety. The safety arguement has been done to death on numerous occasions, including a crash by crash analysis of the Brummies injuries of 2008 which concluded that an air fence wouldn't have helped us out one ha'peth. Do a search for the appropriate thread if you intend to pursue that arguement, as that's the more appropriate place for it. Agreed, as anyone regularly watching Jason Lyons would testify.
  7. I was there...was hoping and expecting the superstars from the EL to smash the track record and put the PL times to shame. Also expected the racing to be closer than what it was from all those great riders whose bike control was supposed to be so superior to the riders in the PL. I was disappointed. Had Jason Lyons, (a fit) Daniel Nermark, Tai Woffinden and Kevin Doolan, to mention just some of the PL riders I've seen, been there, they would have been as competitive as the rest of the "cream" of the EL. Could have hoped for a bit of banter between the fans from the various clubs. It didn't happen. I was pretty non-aligned, not having any particular favourites amongst the EL riders, and I missed not having anyone to look out for and to cheer on. Sorry if anyone had their views blocked on the corners. The EL will insist on air fences. We don't have that problem in the PL, and CAN see what's going on through the mesh fence that does a very good job as it is. Thanks to Stoke for the loan of their fence...you can have it back now...please take it as soon as possible. Give me a bog standard PL league match any day.
  8. Is this thread now going to be spammed with that link to the Daily Mail every few minutes? 4 links to it already :-(
  9. Planning applications are decided by PEOPLE. Worse than that, they are decided upon by people who are POLITICIANS. Politicians are just as capable of being influenced by events as anyone else. Tell the Council that Speedway brings presitige and prosperity to the City and that turns them on. Put a Speedway event on that associates the name of the City with a joke you will get the reverse reaction. Don't for one minute think that in the world of politics, hard facts are all that matter. Subjective opinions (especially the vote catching kind) count for a lot more.
  10. It will be interesting to see how the sport treats the city of Birmingham. This month we have the Horse of the Year Show, and the EDF Half Marathon amongst other things going on here, (http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/GenerateContent?CONTENT_ITEM_ID=116067&CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE=0&MENU_ID=126) so if this ELRC doesn't end up the event it was promised to be, I can't see the Council being too keen to embarrass itself by involving itself with the sport of Speedway again...and remember, there is a Planning Application about to be considered...
  11. Yes, but wasn't that more to do with Pot Noodle becoming too associated with Wales ("tectonic plates" "food of Britain, isn't it?" and all that) and not wanting to be stereotyped by eatinig his favourite food?
  12. 104 Euros = £80ish... Can you believe it? The worlds biggest sulk for something barely more than what you would get in this country for a speeding ticket. If someone wants him they will be welcome to him. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but how anyone can desert their country over anything, let alone something so petty is beyond me. I've been caught on a GATSO in Birmingham, and received a £60 fine for my actions, but that's not made me say "to hell with Birmingham, I wanna be a Cockney" or anything remotely similar. Maybe I'm out of setep though. Has anyone here's who's been caught speeding in their home town, upped sticks and moved to somewhere else as a result?
  13. Not forgetting us poor unfortunates 14 miles up the road Sorry, that should have read, "As everyone in Birminigham knows by now, CVS can be guaranteed to be acting and behaving "in the best interests of British Speedway" and for the best interests of the poor unfortunates 14 miles up the road, at all times..." er, or something like that...
  14. As everyone in Birminigham knows by now, CVS can be guaranteed to be acting and behaving "in the best interests of British Speedway" at all times...
  15. The weather is great for ducks. Been a sort of light rain / heavy drizzle almost non-stop since about 4pm, so all that on top of the wet stuff that's come down in the past week, not at all surprised by the decision. Glad I checked on here before going out and getting wet. http://www.birminghamspeedway.co.uk/news.php?extend.522.1
  16. You won't have any problems. Coming off the M6 to head to Perry Barr on the A34, you'll be going the same route, to go to the same car parks that Villa Park used for its FA Cup Semi Finals in years gone by. The odd car load of Man United and Arsenal fans never managed to defeat Perry Barr's infrastructure, so I doubt if the attendees for the ELRC will bring the place to its knees either. The top tip will be the One Stop car park though. It has McDo-dah's, Burglar King and Kentucky Fried Squirrel there in case you feel peckish. Second choice for me would be the University car park, which I hope will be well signposted. Mind you, if zillions of Man United fans can find their way to the University Car Park, then it should be easy peasy for the infinately more intelligent speedway fan to find it. Any more local familiarisation needed, here's the place as seen by Google Maps - http://www.brummiesfans.com/forum/cms_view...icle.php?aid=14 The University car park is that tree-lined bit in the bottom right hand corner of the initial image. The One Stop Car Park is just off screen from the bottom left (zoom out to see it) Hope that this helps.
  17. Simple questions really, Sky start their coverage at 6pm UK time. How much build up is there and what time is the first race scheduled to be? Cheers
  18. Good job well done Superbart, but with a bit of room for improvement for next year... e.g Motorhead's "Bomber" for Chris Harris, "Nickles and Dimes" by Dolly Parton for Scot Nicholls, and you'll have to get a band to do a bespoke version of "Tai Me Woffinden Down" for next year, 'cause he's going to be there for the next one, and find something a bit more Aussie for the real Aussies. Mind you, it does kind of rely on these guys winning races. Is it all cheesy? Yes of course it is. Just as cheesy as any pantomime. Just as cheesy as "You'll Never Walk Alone" at Anfield. But I think that people like it that way on the whole. It's called entertainment. If anyone wanted originality, they could have gone to see the Zutons at Canock Chase instead. The Last Night of the Proms stuff was great. "You're a Blanker" was very risque, and I was holding my breath for you on that one mate! But hey, you got away with it, so the boundary is set back a bit more now. Only let down was the accoustics. As someone said, it all sounded rather tinny. It needs discussions with a proper PA company to do it all justice, especially as the stage etc all faces the cameras and the rich people on the home straight, whereas us mere mortals are in the poor seats on the bends and the back straight. We got too much tinniness and too much echo, and not nearly enough bass. Oh, and it's not Perry Barr...you CAN turn the volume up a notch or two too! The neigbours won't complain...
  19. Quite right...it would be like the Whacky Races without Dick Dastardly if there was no Nicki Pedersen in the Grand Prix series.
  20. There are an awful lot of times that "All Four Back" is a simple cop-out decision for a ref to make. This ref made some decisions. Shame that they were wrong ones. Seems that anything you do can get you shot...including doing nothing. The reason I think Pedersen got stick was because of the same reason that Drogba and Ronaldo get stick in football. They go over too easilly and try to get an advantage from it. They don't get the advantage from being good at their game, they do it from being good at their gamesmanship (some call it cheating). The problem is that Pedersen had a rubbish first heat, and needed "something extra" in his other races to gain his points, and getting riders excluded by looking like an innocent victim and conning the referee was his way of doing it. He's an old pro, he knows he's get booed for it, but its points that win World championships, not popularity, so he went with it. Maybe Simon Cowell could run a Speedway Championship - The S Factor - or something, with telephone voting from the public, then we'd see a different Nicki Pedersen, I'm sure.
  21. Depends on who would have a 7-point hole to plug, as that would be his average coming into the PL. He'll be on Ronny Corrie's bike for the AHM, so no lack of power there I suspect. Watch out for the Mad Dog!!!
  22. Could be interesting if Brent repeats his New Year Classic form. Last year of coures he was the first rider to beat Zetterstom around Perry Barr, so the potential is there....good addition to the line-up if you ask me.
  23. In case anyone remembers his name...Hans Nielsen will be the Brummies Guest Of Honour at the Alan Hunt Memorial Trophy.. Wow and with news that more former riders will be over here in the Summer, and hopefully paying us a visit, it sounds like it could be a great year in many ways for Brummies fans.
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