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uk_martin last won the day on October 18 2016

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    Perry Barr, Birmingham

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  1. Michael Jepsen Jensen is Artem Laguta in disguise ??? 😉😄
  2. Make of this sign what you will, but to me it looks like you get 4 hours of free parking and that restrictions end after 8pm. In other words, as long as you arrive after 4pm, what's the problem? Yes, there are gates on the car park, and no they are never used. Anyone who'd been for a late-night KFC will be able to testify to that. Nandos is another place open to 10pm. The Gym at One Stop is open through the night from 8pm to 12am. So the car park has to stay open to allow for customers to access these businesses. Still, there's no commercial link-up any more so it won't be promoted. Cut off noses and spited faces spring to mind.
  3. 1. See IanB's explanation 2. Nobody knew before those who were going to buy season tickets had bought them...people who paid for their season tickets had the belief and expectation that Ellis was going to be #1 for the season...until he wasn't. 3. Let's not complicate matters by introducing a third rider into the mix.
  4. Why would they when they are too busy selling season tickets? So...does this have the makings of a repeat of the "Adam Ellis 2022" situation? OR has Google mis-translated from Polish to English yet again and caused people to read into the situation what isn't there? Either way...clarification IS needed.
  5. https://www.birmingham-speedway.com/news.php?extend.3579 Thinking long term, has anyone ever built a speedway track around the outside of a cricket pitch? It might have the bends of a long track circuit, but you won't have the problem of straights being too long 😄
  6. Maybe they can install a boxing ring for forum scribes to sort their differences out in, and see whose heads wobble and whose don't? 😄 And as for timescales for things like Metro extensions and train stations - don't expect this within the lifetime of most of the Brummies fans. Looking at the pace of development of the Metro, (measured in yard per year) and the lack of funding for its future, I doubt if I'll live long enough to see that happen, let alone anyone older than me.
  7. Maybe Ipswich should have signed Artem Lagua in place of Danny King? Just thought I'd get that in before the usual suspect turns up and gives us the benefit of his particular brand of wisdom. 😄
  8. Are coaches still laid on for ex-Wolverhampton fans to come to Perry Barr?
  9. Those Brummies fans who voted for Brexit can be proud of themselves. Still they've got their borders back, immigration is under control and that £350m a week is pouring into the NHS instead of into Brussels per their red Battle Bus, isn't it?
  10. Yeah, who knows, maybe the BSF scribes will have their way and Rory Schlein and some Russian geezer (I'm sure his #1 fan will remind us of his name) might be signed up.
  11. Did any Brummies fans make the trip? The rate that this meeting's going the Easter Holidays will be over before they make it back home again.
  12. Because it makes a change from Rory Schlein? Maybe??
  13. Rumour that it was Kate Middleton's "body double" shape shifter off Star Trek, getting some extra work in - any truth in that?
  14. Perhaps Sam can take you along to break the news to the riders? "Hey Leon, go out there lad, and screw your chances of earning some points money, I want you to touch the tapes so that someone else can get the chance to earn some more money instead. Be a good lad a and do as you're told, there's a good boy!" I'm sure you'd relish that job, eh?
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