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star ghost

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    Fundin County

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  1. Yes Basil Storey was editor of the Gazette in those 1940s when Speedway came back from the War, I was led to belejve it was the name used by eric Linden Although not a "comic" strip as such I can remember The Flutters, a cartoon strip in the Daily Mirror at the same time as Buck Ryan, Jimpy and Garth. The Flutters were a horse racing family and to get money for betting Bart Flutter had to take up Speedway
  2. All the best for Xmas & the New Vear Ove & Ioana, sorry to have missed you at Norwich this year. As you say Pam Hedge does a fantastic job on running these functions.
  3. I bet they will be mentioned with Wimbledon next All of Londons great tracks went because people stopped going to speedway. Speedway has never fought back really either. It has just got left behind in the modern days.
  4. Hello Igor Try speedway researcher. Under each track name you may well find your answers you require
  5. Hope you had a great time Norbold. Iust sorry I couldnt be there this time around
  6. star ghost


    Gordon Parkins was the front man at Norwich for a number of years and also worked for West Ham when the Norwich Stars closed at the end of the 1964 season. He was announcer at Kings Lynn for a while and I think he stood in for Martin Rogers at times also. He passed away in Pilgrim Hospital at a Xmas time some years back.
  7. The Sussex Championship used to be the longest running trophy at one time. In 1948 West Ham staged "the Olympiad Trophy" to coincide with the London Olympic Games, but it was not run on a handicap system as far as I remember it. There was an International line-up including someone from Holland. I think Vic Duggan won the trophy that night
  8. Howard came to Lynn from Cradley I think He also rode for Long Eaton before that He got sent back to Cradley by the notorious "rider control committee" Didnt he have his big crash at Leicester in a World Championship Semi-Final Howard was the first Kings Lynn rider to qualify for a World Final
  9. yes Andy P Ove Fundin & Olle Nygren are the same It is really great to talk to the older riders
  10. There was a write-up on the London Speedway Forum about the possibility of this event being staged. When it is not happening it is hardly likely to be forgotten about is it
  11. But if you are a Mike Parker fan you might not want to read it though
  12. MIKE Cake, the same bloke who made the team race jackets
  13. Norbold ...... Unfortunately a guest rider will have to be booked for me as I will be away at that weekend. All riders will be available for booking because Pam Hedge does such a good job of running the one meeting a year Norwich Stars are allowed. I hope you & the wife have a good time as usual. My booking is at Corton in Suffolk where I hope to meet Ray again. He is an ex-London fan who I met earlier this year when we were there. We managed to re-run a few Split v Ove battles of those days. Things dont change - Ove won them still
  14. The starting gate for the match race between Harry & Johnnie would look a bit odd. The tapes would have to go high so Harry could get under them but be low enough for Johnnie not to dodge underneath to get a roller. Harry probably used to take part in rolling starts for his races or was he a victim of the "Stamford Bridge" pushers being a visitor. I don't expect he was ever at Stamford though. If they needed a decider to the match race it could be staged at S B and Johnnie could always ride through between the legs of the footballers on the pitch today but poor old Harry could never try that one.
  15. Len has never mentioned it to me but I think he may have ridden at a local grass track like Phil Clarke ang Jack Freeman did before taking up speedway. I thinnk he said his family used to work in a Shoe Factory before the war. Norwich was known for shoe factories at one time. Len was 90 last year so he is wearing well, as they say.
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