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Everything posted by ballinger

  1. Please use this thread to nominate your captains for the final GP of the year, the Mecca of Speedway - Bydgoszcz !! Closing for entries is midday BST Saturday October 17th
  2. Sorry guys but the cut off time is midday. In your case Wessex boy your Captain was already Crump so you didnt need to change him !!
  3. Not quite, just Croatia. The crew are covering the ELRC, and got to get back Sunday to prepare for the Play Off Final on the Monday. Besides after being so badly let down by the Pardubice club last year we are in no rush to go back there !
  4. I've emailed my mate Sasha who lives in D-pils to ask him. I'll let you know what he says.
  5. ******************************************************************************** SCORES AFTER ROUND 9 - SLOVENIAN SGP ******************************************************************************** bandits4eva 770 Brummie Kev 754 Wendy 746 Sky Blue Bee 725 seedef27 725 pearcey 709 German Speedway Fan 709 Shalewhale 706 M08 703 smiles 694 Jimmy716 694 Baille 693 lucifer sam 691 Dietbowers 690 Concrete Cowboy 690 Scott0311 689 spook 688 jeffster 687 Squall 684 Derwent 678 Seb the Snail 672 ozziemonster 670 Snyper1010 666 Silver Bee 656 Nikkif 652 KevtheRev 652 Sandie 651 creetingblue 651 BritPete 651 wessexboy 635 beesboybert 635 kiwi 633 21st century heathen 633 Wolfsbane 629 orion 628 Diddy 628 grumpy 627 Babe619 624 davidadam 621 drakey 619 Sir Jasper 612 Paddy the Rebel 611 refereerick 610 Full throttle 610 Papa Bazarou 606 T.N.T. 604 samthepalaceman2 602 shadow 599 BUDGIE 597 Rico 595 beercellar 594 Bee Happy 594 Aussie 590 Silver Cheetah Snr 588 Mateusz 581 speedydenboy 569 Robbie B 568 MattyHart 562 Witches vs Hammers 558 Nazza 558 Ozyace 551 KevH 551 Grim Reeper 546 SCB 534 UnitedUnitedUnited 532 MrWulfAndrew 532 PirateScream 521 Pantherman 518 Blazeaway 518 bringmesunshine 514 INCOGNITO 511 Joanne 509 buzzybee 506 Lis 498 J D 498 Pirate baz 495 highside 488 DutchGrasstrack 488 CrazyMadTom 488 Brummie Boy 486 rudger 485 SuperSwindon 470 garf 459 Cov bees 2005 454 sportsnut 445 Cornishman 437 bazaar3 437 Daddyfairy 431 CMV06 422 Jacques 410
  6. ******************************************************************************** SCORES AFTER ROUND 9 - SLOVENIAN SGP ******************************************************************************** bandits4eva 770 Brummie Kev 754 Wendy 746 Sky Blue Bee 725 seedef27 725 pearcey 709 German Speedway Fan 709 Shalewhale 706 M08 703 smiles 694 Jimmy716 694 Baille 693 lucifer sam 691 Dietbowers 690 Concrete Cowboy 690 Scott0311 689 spook 688 jeffster 687 Squall 684 Derwent 678 Seb the Snail 672 ozziemonster 670 Snyper1010 666 Silver Bee 656 Nikkif 652 KevtheRev 652 Sandie 651 creetingblue 651 BritPete 651 wessexboy 635 beesboybert 635 kiwi 633 21st century heathen 633 Wolfsbane 629 orion 628 Diddy 628 grumpy 627 Babe619 624 davidadam 621 drakey 619 Sir Jasper 612 Paddy the Rebel 611 refereerick 610 Full throttle 610 Papa Bazarou 606 T.N.T. 604 samthepalaceman2 602 shadow 599 BUDGIE 597 Rico 595 beercellar 594 Bee Happy 594 Aussie 590 Silver Cheetah Snr 588 Mateusz 581 speedydenboy 569 Robbie B 568 MattyHart 562 Witches vs Hammers 558 Nazza 558 Ozyace 551 KevH 551 Grim Reeper 546 SCB 534 UnitedUnitedUnited 532 MrWulfAndrew 532 PirateScream 521 Pantherman 518 Blazeaway 518 bringmesunshine 514 INCOGNITO 511 Joanne 509 buzzybee 506 Lis 498 J D 498 Pirate baz 495 highside 488 DutchGrasstrack 488 CrazyMadTom 488 Brummie Boy 486 rudger 485 SuperSwindon 470 garf 459 Cov bees 2005 454 sportsnut 445 Cornishman 437 bazaar3 437 Daddyfairy 431 CMV06 422 Jacques 410
  7. SCORES AFTER ROUND 8 - NORDIC GP ********************************* bandits4eva 680 Brummie Kev 677 Wendy 657 Sky Blue Bee 652 seedef27 639 German Speedway Fan 639 Shalewhale 637 lucifer sam 635 M08 630 Baille 624 pearcey 623 Jimmy716 622 smiles 621 Dietbowers 620 spook 619 jeffster 617 Scott0311 613 Silver Bee 609 Derwent 604 Concrete Cowboy 604 BritPete 600 Squall 599 Snyper1010 597 Seb the Snail 590 ozziemonster 586 Diddy 582 creetingblue 581 Nikkif 578 KevtheRev 578 Sandie 577 Wolfsbane 572 refereerick 570 Babe619 562 beesboybert 561 21st century heathen 560 kiwi 558 orion 555 grumpy 555 wessexboy 551 shadow 550 drakey 546 Sir Jasper 542 Aussie 539 Paddy the Rebel 535 Full throttle 535 davidadam 534 BUDGIE 534 Papa Bazarou 533 samthepalaceman2 524 Bee Happy 521 Silver Cheetah Snr 519 Mateusz 511 Rico 504 Ozyace 503 beercellar 502 Robbie B 501 T.N.T. 499 speedydenboy 495 Witches vs Hammers 491 Grim Reeper 475 Nazza 473 KevH 472 SCB 471 bringmesunshine 467 UnitedUnitedUnited 465 MrWulfAndrew 465 buzzybee 465 MattyHart 464 PirateScream 461 Blazeaway 457 Pantherman 447 Joanne 439 INCOGNITO 439 J D 437 Lis 433 Pirate baz 431 rudger 423 Brummie Boy 423 DutchGrasstrack 420 CrazyMadTom 420 highside 417 SuperSwindon 403 sportsnut 401 Daddyfairy 396 garf 395 CMV06 380 Cov bees 2005 374 Jacques 369 Cornishman 366 bazaar3 366
  8. Please use this thread to nominate your captains for this Saturday's Italian SGP. Closing for entries is midday BST Saturday September 26th.
  9. ******************************************************************************** SCORES AFTER ROUND 7 - SCANDINAVIAN SGP ******************************************************************************** Brummie Kev 600 bandits4eva 597 Wendy 580 Sky Blue Bee 575 Shalewhale 566 lucifer sam 565 German Speedway Fan 565 seedef27 559 BritPete 557 M08 553 Jimmy716 553 Baille 551 spook 548 smiles 547 Dietbowers 546 pearcey 543 jeffster 543 Scott0311 541 Diddy 539 Derwent 538 Silver Bee 537 Snyper1010 526 Squall 525 Concrete Cowboy 524 ozziemonster 522 Wolfsbane 520 creetingblue 519 Seb the Snail 516 Nikkif 513 KevtheRev 513 Sandie 512 shadow 504 wessexboy 503 orion 501 Babe619 495 beesboybert 493 kiwi 491 Aussie 490 21st century heathen 490 Paddy the Rebel 488 grumpy 482 refereerick 481 samthepalaceman2 476 drakey 476 Silver Cheetah Snr 473 Sir Jasper 468 davidadam 467 Full throttle 465 Bee Happy 463 Papa Bazarou 459 BUDGIE 458 Robbie B 444 Witches vs Hammers 440 Mateusz 439 Grim Reeper 435 beercellar 430 Ozyace 429 T.N.T. 426 Rico 426 speedydenboy 415 bringmesunshine 409 Nazza 404 SCB 403 buzzybee 401 UnitedUnitedUnited 398 MrWulfAndrew 398 KevH 384 Blazeaway 384 PirateScream 383 Pirate baz 378 Pantherman 377 Lis 377 MattyHart 373 J D 371 Joanne 366 INCOGNITO 364 DutchGrasstrack 364 CrazyMadTom 364 rudger 360 SuperSwindon 351 Daddyfairy 349 Brummie Boy 346 sportsnut 344 highside 344 garf 324 CMV06 317 Jacques 311 Cornishman 296 bazaar3 296 Cov bees 2005 283
  10. Scores after Round 7 updated here or here Round 8 update will be posted later today, with Round 9 by the end of this week.
  11. Video clip from Heat 1 of the GP Challenge now available here
  12. Be interesting if a GP will be staged during the Football World Cup - maybe a Polish one if Poland dont qualify.
  13. They should have done - they've only had 10 years to get it 'right' However I and many others (witness comments on here) have got fed up of waiting.
  14. No, its 4th and 5th from Challenge that would qualify. For what its worth my top 3 is Bjerre, Hampel, and Davidsson.
  15. The SGP Competition Transfer Window is once again open. Anyway, it's onto Krsko and time for you to change your team should you so wish. If you wish to keep the same set of 5 riders then you may do so. If you wish to make changes then you can replace up to 3 of your current 5 but with one simple stipulation. The NEW value of the riders you wish to bring into your team must not exceed the OLD value of those you are replacing. eg. Replace Bjerre & Ulamek (OLD value = £65,000) Introduce 2 new riders with a NEW value not exceeding £65,000 As before, each rider will then score their G.P points - Plus a bonus 5 points if they win the G.P - plus you can select a captain, who will get you double points for every meeting that they are captain in. Captains for each round to be posted on THE INDIVIDUAL CAPTAINS thread only by noon BST on the day of the GP, except obviously for Krsko which can be posted here along with your revised team, but PLEASE submit your full new team of 5 riders along with their SGP riding numbers. I cannot stress enough how much this helps me avoid making mistakes !! As before, entrants shall keep the same 5 riders (and captain) should no posting be made If you want anything else explaining please feel free to contact me on here by PM. The Riders and their OLD and NEW prices are as follows : 2 Crump OLD 60,000 - NEW 60,000 3 Gollob 45,000 50,000 4 Hancock 45,000 50,000 15 Emil 50,000 50,000 7 Jonsson 45,000 45,000 12 Bjerre 35,000 45,000 1 Nicki P 50,000 40,000 10 Lindgren 35,000 40,000 5 Andersen 30,000 35,000 6 Adams 35,000 30,000 8 Holta 30,000 30,000 11 Harris 20,000 25,000 13 Walasek 25,000 25,000 14 Ulamek 30,000 25,000 16 Wild card 20,000 15,000 9 Nicholls 15,000 5,000
  16. Although the GP Challenge is a separate contract than the one we have for Coventry Bees matches, I can confirm we hold the contractual rights to produce a DVD from the GP Challenge. Subject to some Ts & Cs to be clarified upon my return to the UK, we intend to exercise our right to film the GP Challenge Cheers Pete
  17. Could someone confirm for me the times of the repeats on Sky for the Nordic GP. Cheers, Pete
  18. I am on holiday from tomorrow so setting up this thread now so that its in place whilst I'm away Please use this thread to nominate your captains for the NORDIC SGP at Vojens on 29/08/09 Closing for entries is midday BST Saturday August 29th.
  19. Please use this thread to nominate your captains for the Scandinavian SGP. Closing for entries is midday BST Saturday August 15th. Scores after Round 5 (Cardiff) have just been posted here Scores after Round 6 (D-pils) will follow shortly - programming is done - just got to update the captains for each team.
  20. It was - only captains can be declared for Latvia - and indeed ONLY on the separate thread that I set up. Scores after Cardiff are nearly done - big effort to update 50 of the 90 teams - scores certainly by the end of the week - with scores after Latvia on Sunday or Monday.
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