don't know about Sarah, but i'd like to see (and a few of them are being worked on ) ...
Richard Green, Mel Taylor, Rob Henry, Steve Schofield, Pete Jeffrey, Hans Nielsen, Erik Gundersen, Mike Lee, Phil Collins, Neil Collins, Peter Collins, Alan Mogridge, Bob Garrad, Peter & Louis Carr, Jamie & Jeremy Luckhurst, Colin Cook (and his wife Sue), Mike Spink, Paul Evitts, Kelvin Tatum, Ray Morton, Kenny McKinna, Simon Cross, Andrew Silver, Richard Knight, Paul Woods, Alan & Andy Grahame, Dave Mullett, Steve Bishop, Andy Sell, Steve Lawson etc etc etc ...
off the top of my head i could name Neil Middleditch, Martin Goodwin, Chris Morton, Kevin Hawkins, Keith White, Dave Morton, Phil Crump .. probably more but i'd have to have a think