there you are then ... now email Jonathan Chapman with that and see what he says, then maybe we can wait and see on June 1st cut-off date whats going on.
yeah thought that would be the case Neil maybe they'll be supporting the Stars
maybe Birmingham were thinking along the same lines ... that they would run a coach anyway.
some people might have been putting 2+2 together and getting a few more than they should.
just because Birmingham had arranged coach travel to the 4s doesnt necessarily mean they were in it.
i seem to remember something on this forum where Mildenhall were sorting a coach to run to the 4s too, but they aren't in it, but maybe they thought they would be.
maybe a little bit of paranoia going on from some quarters here.
can't disagree with that statement.
i'm still looking forward to the day when we get the 4TT qualifiers back ... it was a decent money spinner with the regional groups, with 4 local derby meetings most of the time it certainly added spice and gave some good meetings ... and then have the finals at Peterborough
well i've certainly seen the four legged as well as two legged there, and expecting tomorrow will be no different.
racejackets are looking good, the pits layout looking good, and the airfence borrowed from Eastbourne will be in place tomorrow.
looking forward to this, lets hope the riders feel the same and give 100%
no pictures of the whole stadium unfortunately Ben, all i have is 3 pictures of the start/finish line and views behind that.
can't work out who the geezer in white is taking the chequered flag though
from the NA press release ...
Demand for tickets to the Elite League Best Pairs at King's Lynn Speedway this Saturday has been so high that the organisers have decided to open the box office at the venue in Saddlebow Road on Wednesday night between the hours of 6-8pm to sell tickets in advance for fans want to avoid queuing on the day,
Super7even series organiser Jonathan Chapman said 'The advance tickets having been selling like hot cakes through our ticketing agency but they have now had to stop taking orders as the event is only a week away, we know some local fans still want to buy them in advance so hopefully they will be able to make it over to us on Wednesday, if not they will still be able to buy them on the day!'
all changed this year Gem ... trying to recruit new members and the V word seemed to be putting people off.
i've sorted a Kings Lynn table this year and really looking forward to it ...