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Everything posted by KenB1

  1. Hi if anyone out there has a spare, please contact me. Thanks
  2. Does anyone out there have a spare copy of the match programme for this meeting, required to keep set 1996-date going. Happy to pay cost.
  3. Cool blimey there are some people who have to move on, what went on in the past is exactly that in the past. RMC Rayleigh don't ride anymore, screen sport is no longer with us, times change, people move on, scrap the bitterness and enjoy life. Speedway is still great if you watch it and go home and forget it. The rest of you give the new guys a chance, you just never know, they may turn it around with a bit of support. Prem league for me, plus 13 heat format and the old tax sub, plus a second half so those waiting in the wings get a chance... But it won't happen, so enjoy what you have whilst you have it, ask Hull, Exeter, Wimbledon, Hackney, West Ham and many others fans..
  4. Now it has been confirmed that both Simon and David are going to be ok, The full multi camera DVD of this match is now available from www.t2tvmedia.co.uk
  5. Well we enjoyed beating the Diamonds, and you still can too, DVD will be at the track Saturday. #t2tvmedia.co.uk
  6. Dunno! But T2TV are, probably the best match day DVDs on the market. T2TVmedia.co.uk
  8. Has anyone got a copy of the NL Pairs final programme from Mildenhall 2013, that they would be willing to sell? or know of anyone who may have a copy they dont require? It is required to complete the set of every Isle of Wight programme (involvement) from 1996 to date Please call 07751978331 Cheers
  9. Great afternoon of entertainment, and you can see it all again on a special multi camera T2TV production, including interviews, replays and the most professional live commentary, from Pete Hill. only available from T2TV.
  10. There are a few pics taken from the DVD, believe me Rusty got third, or why not get he DVD and see for yourself, even Pete Hill who is one of the best and most unbiased commentators around called it at the time
  11. Media answers did the best motors programmes when they did the PLRC from Sheffield, what a shame they are no longer involved in speedway.
  12. This has all the makings of being a classic, with Rye snatching a win and Ipswich going down for the first time in 7, this is of course as long as the weather holds out and a 7 man Rockets team too as Jason returns at number 7 and Olly ok for number 1 - 49-41.. And no please, no more stupid 6pm starts.
  13. First of all my Andy Murrey tennis gag was a private joke between me and some Kent fans which I don't need to go into on here so sorry if any one else has taken it the wrong way, Nothing to do with filming etc, i am too professional for that sort of cr&p. I like anyone else hope that this and any other club can be a success, we need all the new ones we can get, as our sport is not too healthy at the mo. I do hope that my long standing mate Magic can get fixed up soon though. Sorry no, just a Private joke..
  14. Good and well deserved win for the Devils, DVDs already edited, collectors item if you come from Devon!
  15. Could have signed Andy Murrey, amount of backhanders down there!
  16. Some footage here. http://www.hertfordshiremercury.co.uk/Sport/Speedway/Speedway-stars-of-future-showcase-talents-at-Rye-House-20130520091036.htm
  17. http://www.hertfordshiremercury.co.uk/Sport/Speedway/Speedway-stars-of-future-showcase-talents-at-Rye-House-20130520091036.htm
  18. The number 8 can only take the r/r rides so we would still have had 3 riders in those races, crap rule and crap decision, but great tea m performance and still in with a chance of a semi final. Good job those Wigan and man city fans turned up!
  19. Great match, by two very good teams, and there is a 70 minute dvd available from T2TV so you can see it all over again - superb stuff
  20. Why not Kent kings, with a major sponsor just up the road in Kings storage!!
  21. DVDs of the cup final match at Rye House are available from T2TV, hope its not the last Bandits match we see.
  22. Well those who did turn up, enjoyed a good meeting, ok times were slow, but there was still better racing than some I have seen on a dry track. The reason Bellego was excluded in heat 3 was simple as he ran into the back of Garrity who had clearly passed him, the DVD don't lie!, both though we're lucky to get up from it. Bunyan got a good maximum and LykkeRacing rode excellent, but Rye did as a team, Berwick didn't give up and some lightning starts made for some good entertainment.
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