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  1. I've been fed misinformation then. oops 29th June, final answer!
  2. thanks for the update I may do the same and if the date is wrong I will have to cancel my next 15 years of speedway star subscriptions to cover the loss
  3. Is there any official news yet? I don't really understand why this one isn't announced sooner, it's not like its a cheap Ryanair flight + weekend trip! I know its near 100% certain to be the 23rd, but equally I don't want to put £1.7k for two flights on my credit card without confirmation!!! Couldn't justify the trip last year, but the cricket should be the clincher this year
  4. good to see the link in the ticket email for the discounted hotels doesn't work this year! typical BSI!
  5. I spoke to ticketmaster this morning and apparently its my fault for not ordering earlier! (25th of July!) I think this is a repeat of the last time BSI used ticketmaster for Cardiff (2006?) before changing to seetickets. Back then my GP tickets arrived 10 days AFTER the GP! Didn't have any problems during the years in between when seetickets looked after the tickets, I guess BSI have switched back as ticketmaster offer a better £££ deal to them at the expense of any form of customer service Will try calling them again tomorrow in the hope of getting the call answered by someone with some customer service skills who can resolve the situation!
  6. Don't the BSPA know that Lee Richardson's van is due to breakdown that day?
  7. Sorry if this has already been mentioned elsewhere, but I just found that as well as the GP in Cardiff on the 25th August next year its also t20 finals day on the same day in Cardiff, in addition to England v South Africa ODI on Friday the 24th also at the SWALEC I'm glad I'd already got my hotel rooms booked as this may lead to more demand pushing the prices even higher At least we should be out of the MillStad and in the bars before the cricket finishes on the Saturday. I'm expecting bigger than normal queues in chip alley too! Cricket at Cardiff
  8. I checked the programme after i got back to the hotel and had dried off, the programme had 20 heats in it , and then two blank heats for ht 21 and h22 with no indication of what they were for So as far as I could tell there would have been no semi finals or final , maybe hts 21 and 22 were just for race offs for podium places (I think Pavlic got 3rd through a coin toss)
  9. yip, looks like its broken, and can't seem to find the draw details anywhere else...
  10. When you go back in to check your tickets section does it stay waiting for authorisation still? my payment seemed to go through ok, but it still says that? thanks!
  11. looking on the pkp site there are trains back to Poznan from Leszno at 20:05 21:10 22:03
  12. Vojens is Sept 11th http://www.speedway.dk/index.php?mact=News...52&hl=en_US
  13. Race Off @ Vojens is 29 July, final is 31 July tickets have been on sale for a few days now
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