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Ray Rocket

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Everything posted by Ray Rocket

  1. Hi Bryn I had a look at a website that said the Crayford dog track is 334 metres. I know it would be small, but what size speedway track could be built inside? Perhaps CL racing could be accomodated and maybe wouldn't cheese off Lakeside? Looking at other dog tracks that do hold speedway, although bigger than Crayford, some are not that much bigger. Would be a closer option for Wimbledon, rather than Sittingbourne. Regards.
  2. Hello Bryn, Many thanks. What a pity. Regards.
  3. Out of interest.......why wasn't a new track put into the new Crayford dog track? I know the season they closed, Arena Essex opened the following year, but at the time, I can not recall anybody suggesting a new track at Crayford. Regards.
  4. Hello Joe, Your posting is very interesting, especially the quote above. I have just finished reading Eric Boocock's book and in the last chapter he talks about his time at Hull. It sounds as if they had the same problems with poor crowds and costs as MK. But they can not be the only clubs. What does the sport need to do, to allow speedway to be run, where at the very least, incomings equal outgoings. The only answer is reduce riders pay and reduce riders costs and some how get more people through the turnstiles. The last bit is probably the hardest. Regards.
  5. The forks look similar to those seen on Ice Speedway bikes. Am I right in that observation?
  6. Hi Clutchplate, Yes please, will bring it over to you. I will call you first. I will need rings as well and also I found one of the clear plastic rings, which sits under the valve cups broken. I don't suppose they do very much except stop the cup from sticking to the head, but if they can be replaced I would rather do so. All the best. Ray Rocket
  7. Hi Clutchplate, Best of luck to your daughter. Regards. Ray Rocket
  8. Hi, Terry Stone of Rayleigh, always rode JAPs. They packed up in 1973 and I think Terry was still riding occasionally until they closed. JAPs were regularly used in grasstrack throughout the 70's. A friend of mine had a brand new one in 1975, Terry Birkumshaw, a very good grasser. Regards. Ray Rocket
  9. Hello Conkers, Sorry, only just saw your thread. Very interesting and many thanks. All the best. Ray Rocket
  10. Hi Russ, Thanks for the update, all the very best. Ray Rocket
  11. Hi, As this was my posting, perhaps I should have the last word. As Japan is a long way away, it is unlikely many of us will ever go to Japan anyway. We all know speedway is regarded as a minority sport and has some international representation, but once again on a minority basis. I think it is great that a sophisticated country, as Japan is, has a version/type of speedway racing. Surely it is as close as you can get to the 'loose stuff'/conventional type of speedway, as you can get. If I had the opportunity to go to Japan, I would watch it and I love the 'loose stuff'. I would personally prefer to go to watch autoracing over road racing. After all Grachan has been to Japan, is obviously a big 'loose stuff' fan, but has told us the history of the sport/activity and Grachan clearly thinks there is a similarity. That's good enough for me. God bless speedway, wherever it is and whatever guise it is in. Regards. Ray Rocket
  12. Gracias 2 Min, I hadn't joined the forum in January, so missed it. Seems like an update would be handy. Many thanks. Ray Rocket
  13. Hello, What is the latest on the track that was being built in Spain? The last I heard was the track was built, some riders had tested it, some thieves pinched some tools. Is that the latest? However, I may have missed any further news. I think the track was being built on the Costa del Sol, near Marbella. Uno cerveza por favor Ray Rocket
  14. Hello f-s-p, Sorry f-s-p, I thought you were having a dig. All I was really saying is, yes, I know Japanese Autoracing is not the speedway racing as we love and understand, but the fact it's not on the loose stuff, does not mean that it should dismissed. In my opinion. Sayoonara. Ray Rocket
  15. Hi f-s-p, So British speedway has a monopoly or has patented the name 'speedway'. I did not realise that was the case. Regards. Ray Rocket
  16. Hello 2minwarning, Several motorsports contain the name 'speedway', such as: * American motor speedway * Ice speedway Agreed it is not speedway as we in Britain understand it, but you have to admit, the Japanese autoracing is very similar, for the following reasons: * Similar machinery * Oval track * Anti-clockwise racing I think it looks very exciting, however, I still prefer the 'loose stuff' type racing, whether it be speedway, long track or grasstrack. (Notice long track and grasstrack doesn't have the name speedway!) Regards. Ray Rocket
  17. Hi Grachan Still trying to get to grips with the site, but seems very good. Regards. Ray Rocket
  18. Hey Grachan, Just watched one race, in silence I might add, as at work. Can only say, awesome! Many thanks and would recommend others have a look. Ray Rocket
  19. Thanks Grachan, The website on Auto Racing, is also very interesting. It's given me a chance to brush up on my Japanese as well! The picture of the bike seems to show a straight through exhaust, so I imagine it to be very noisy, but a great noise. Do they run on methanol or petrol I wonder and castor oil. Perhaps if there are DVDs/Videos available, it could be a change from horses for race nights in pubs and clubs. If there were demonstration races, maybe they could be held at tracks that have tarmac tracks as well, i.e. Arena Essex and Ipswich. It could mean racing returning to Wimbledon! Very interesting. Ray Rocket
  20. Hi Grachan, Very interesting. I thought it was still going. I think years ago they used Triumph twin engines. I wonder if any promoter would be willing to give a Japanese speedway rider a try or perhaps a Japanese rider give some demonstrations at British tracks. Thanks Grachan. Ray Rocket
  21. Hello, I remember seeing an article in the Motor Cycle News, years ago, about a type of speedway in Japan. I think they rod on tarmac and used twin cylinder engines. There was, as I recall, on track betting. Does anybody know whether it still exists? and if so perhaps put a 'bit more meat on the bones'. Regards. Ray Rocket
  22. Hi KrisB, I originally came from Rayleigh and as a lad used to see the Rockets. Sadly, I was always too late to see the start. Mostly sad, because I always wanted to see the mascot go round on his bike, which was Triumph Tiger Cub speedway bike. The stadium, as I remember was tatty, but the racing and track, as I remember, was excellent. A very entertaining rider was Red Ott. He was often injured, but when he was racing he was exciting. He rode wearing glasses. His mechanic was a little old boy, called Bill Pryke. I too have never got over the closure. Regards. Ray Rocket
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