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Ray Rocket

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Everything posted by Ray Rocket

  1. But in the main, in each 'main stream' speedway operating country, the version of speedway mostly held, is team racing. I do accept the doubling of riders in teams in other countries would make life a little complicated, however, you could have a rule, that the rider could only ride in the team of his own country, if there was a doubling up situation. Maybe, that would encourage more British riders in the leagues.
  2. I know what you mean, especially as there are only 2 team members out there at any one time. However, they are, or should be, all working and pulling together, encouraging each other and as their accumulated scores, from both weak and strong riders, determine which team has won at the end of the meeting, it is not an individual event. In any case, I thought that the 2 riders out there in any heat, are expected to team ride. Also, somebody in a slightly earlier posting, suggested there are a number of indivdual speedway meetings. Outside of testimonials/farewells and the 'Under' meetings, what are these?
  3. The funny thing is, speedway is mainly run as a team sport, but we have this separate competition in speedway for the 'best' individual rider. I do wonder why we put so much emphasis on this area of speedway anyway. With so many countries now running speedway teams and I don't mean national teams, perhaps we should have competitions involving teams from other countries, similar to the way international competitions are run in football. After all, we don't have a competition for the best individual World Champion Footballer.
  4. I'm feeling warm in my un-airconditioned office, the brain is boiling, so I am sorry, here comes a 'hare brained' idea. Perhaps a way for young (i assume he is young) Snyper and his mates (assuming he has mates) to get some valuable speedway practice in, up in Scotland and perhaps the same for the rest of the UK, is for one or all of the speedway frame manufacturers to develop a sprung back end, yes a bit like Grasstrack, but to keep the bike more like and to keep the feel of a speedway bike and then for the youngsters to approach a friendly farmer who will let them use his land from time to time. The lads (and lassies) could mark out their own track, cut the grass off, if possible, roll the track, after a while the track will be something like a speedway track (a slick speedway track), but it will give the youngsters a chance to practice and more near to where they live. The cost would be far cheaper than the travelling expense and the cost of entry with the more organised tracks. The farmer, I don't think, would need planning permission, but obviously you would want a field which is unlikely to offend anyone nearby.
  5. Scotland has had it's training tracks as I recall, but I don't know what happened to them. Linlithgow was one, or certainly it was a CL team. Wasn't Felton another? I would have thought there was plenty of 'out of the way' land for training tracks in Scotland.
  6. Technically, or almost, Scotland have three tracks, as there is Berwick. I am surprised speedway hasn't caught on better in France.
  7. If there is anyone on the forum with fluency in Spanish, perhaps we could contact the Mayor and ask him. Adios Amigos!
  8. Sad person that I am, I have watched a number of the cable channels, where British people have gone to places like Spain and also France to carry out renovation projects. In virtually all cases, the local administration, i.e. local mayor, council etc, have put obstacle upon obstacle in the way of the project. Very often, the British who are out in these countries do not have any command of the language, which leaves them extremely vulnerable. However, Russell may speak fluent Spanish for all I know. We all know how difficult it is to open up a track in this country, Spain is obviously no easier. It would be nice to have a current update on the project though. 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!' (Monty Python's Flying Circus)
  9. QUOTE (speedyguy @ Apr 22 2008, 09:06 AM) As mentioned before, Eric Linden. Then there's Jim Stenner Basil Storey John Wick Cyril J Hart Peter Arnold They all chronicled speedway happenings during the years of the 'great depression' circa 1953-60. And let's not forget John Hyam. That's nice of Norbold to give John Hyam a mention. John has been a long time servant to speedway, as a 'Speedway Scribe'. You never know it could one day be 'Sir John' or perhaps John Hyam OBE!
  10. Hi Mr S My recollection of Rhonda is it's a devil to get to by road, i.e. tight mountain roads going on forever! Interesting though. Mind you, I think they have a Bull Rink there.
  11. It says, 'we, the Chinese, people, would welcome a Wimbledon Speedway Team, to take part in demonstration races, here in Beijing', wow!, what a kind invitation!
  12. I think it translates as 爸 妈 哥 弟 姐 妹 对 不 起 没 关 系 谢 明 天 休 息 会 儿 吧 as we say in China!
  13. Thank you for that info Mr P. Sadly, the heart was ripped out of the Ryaleigh team in the last year of operation, as everyone knew of the closure. So, not surprised they came last. I did not know though, they turned out as Rayleigh, for a match in 1974. Like any closure, all very sad. Regards
  14. Hi Mr S I thought the idea was to attract British punters who were on their hols and the expats. Obviously it would be nice to attract the Spanish as well. Speedway seems to survive in Argentina and Spanish/Argentinean people must be similar types of people.
  15. Hi Laser558 (I used to like Laser558 Radio Station, pirate I believe) He did have a garage on the Arterial Road, very near the track. I think it was a 'National' garage. He sold cars and repaired cars as well.
  16. Hi Bob, It was called the Weir Stadium and it stood near to the Arterial Road, the A127. The reason it was called the Weir Stadium, is because there is an underground weir nearby. In fact, there used to be a roundabout, on the A127, known as the weir roundabout, which you had to go round, to get into the stadium. The roundabout is now an underpass. Yes, I had noticed the plaque had gone, it went a few years back. The Friends of Speedway arranged it to be placed there. However, it wasn't only Sainsbury's that developed on the area, a number of other outlets did also. Really, the track should have relocated, within the area. Happy days!
  17. I know this thread reads 'were there any' (gay riders), but another question could be....are there any? Frankly, I don't care either way, however, I imagine there must be, based on law of averages.
  18. Hi Rusky Was this a special conversion, or did the early Weslakes have magnetos?. Regards.
  19. I think bottom row, middle, could be John Perry.
  20. Thank you Mr P Actually, I did see your posting, but had forgotten. I suppose the lighting situation could be resolved with 'will' and 'money', but there's the rub. Regards.
  21. Bryn, So would you say that greyhound racing has less people attending than speedway? Not trying to be clever, I do not know the answer. However, I do remember somebody saying that a lot of people follow dogs via betting shops and the internet. I suppose if you assume 3 people in a car, 1,000 spectators, you really need 350 spaces, at least. The fact they had Speedway there once, would you feel Planning Permission possible or a non starter. Regards.
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