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Everything posted by Gresham

  1. Wally Loak that's the fella... I wonder what happened to all those recordings. Gotta love google...just found this...and there is a link you can listen to as well...wow...haven't heard that voice in 30 odd years. https://www.speedwayfiction.co.uk/speedwayontape.html
  2. Blimey...just had a flash back. I used to buy those cassettes of meetings, which used to be advertised in the back of SS. Just commentary and the sound of the bikes in the background. For the life of me, I can't think of the name of the guy who did the commentating...but he was good, really brought the meeting to life. We had to use a lot of imagination back then.
  3. I'd say flat track racing is a minor sport across the world...it's bigger than speedway in the US though. Petroleum and oil companies could get involved if Speedway changed from running on purely methanol Gulf oil have done it before. The recurring problem I often see, is so many people finding ways for it not to work, rather than finding ways for it to work. Speedway would have to drastically change from it's present form and mind set, but it seems too many people are set in their ways and resistant to change or have a financial agenda behind not changing. It seems every debate, revolves around certain people saying it wont happen because..... Speedway has evolved over the years, in a way that is not sustainable for the long time future of the sport imo. Someone once said, it's a 'garden shed sport' trying to look like F1. I think that's true in many ways. Speedway imo, shouldn't have to be a 'specialist sport'. There is no reason, why I shouldn't be able to go into my local bike dealership and walk along and see Enduro, Moto X, Trials and Speedway bikes lined up together. The sport should imo, be looking to change. Every track should be used not just for meetings, but also public practice sessions. We should be as popular as Moto X...but we aren't, because of how we have let speedway evolve. All of us should be able to purchase a bike and rock up every week at a local track and have a spin, just like they do in Moto X. Fanciful stuff as it is now...but that is how it should be thought of. The fact we've allowed it to get to this stage across the globe is indicative of how it's been promoted and by a very small minority who imo, want to keep it this way.
  4. Interesting...thanks for that Philip...begs the question why Japanese engine manufacturers bother with other minor motorcycle sports like Flat track racing etc. You wonder why JAWA still bother, when they make so many road bikes. It's the only way money would get into the sport, and that's if the big motorcycle companies and Petrolium companies get involved. Strange that NP spoke about it though...seems rather odd.
  5. Found this video today...reminded me of this thread and when I was a kid...who'd have thought this was going on in Japan though... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=japanese+speedway&&view=detail&mid=59E62418FD272D2B5D0E59E62418FD272D2B5D0E&FORM=VRDGAR This is a good en for you older London lads ;-) https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cycle+speedway&&view=detail&mid=665797DE8CAEEB2D56BA665797DE8CAEEB2D56BA&rvsmid=665797DE8CAEEB2D56BA665797DE8CAEEB2D56BA&fsscr=0&FORM=VDMCNL
  6. So what's the point of the likes of NP making statements about these bike manufacturers getting involved? If it's the case like you say, then surely he would know better? What's the point in making such a statement, if it's not even possible? When you say spin off...as in sales of Moto X and Road bikes? I'm really not so sure as to dismiss it totally. I'd say yes...dismiss it with the mind set speedway is in now...but if it were to change drastically with a totally different attitude, looking to make speedway racing more affordable and easier to get into for the general public, then maybe there would be a way in.
  7. Nail on the head... I really do wish the likes of NP would just do one...so many of these top riders are hanging out with the F1 and Moto Gp guys, and seeing the money and lifestyle. They want the same now. Speedway is far from being any of those sports... So like you, I'd like a break away. Let them get on with their individual glory. I'm all for supporting my team and it's riders.
  8. lol haha...you're not wrong...however Somerset fills me with joy every week...fantastic racing circuit ;-)
  9. I see Racing every week....so I don't miss it ;-)
  10. Most likely...it was in the context of lack of available riders and British speedways lack of flexibility contributing to the Elite leagues stagnation. The mind boggles though...so much talk, yet very little action. Considering he's a full time promotor...Poole haven't had a fixture for the best part of a month, then when they finally do, it's made up with predominately guest riders. You couldn't make it up. It's why I'm not really interested in the elite league anymore... it's a joke. Give me the Prem any day of the week.
  11. ....bored at work, so having a bit of a moment...feel free to add to the list....for me... The smell of Castrol R Individual Leathers Monkey masks Upright engines Cutting tyres Coming home plastered in dirt and not caring. Standing up against safety fence only inches from riders. Meaningful second halves Golden Helmet Race Jackets with a simple, clear large design that stands out. Russian Touring teams. Louder bikes Deeper tracks Less rain offs Fans covered in badges, rosettes, and year bars down to their knees ;-) Although some bloke from Rye House was giving it a good go last week at Somerset :-) Collecting autographs because it meant something back then. Test matches against the USA Exeter Bradford Hull White City Bristol Weymouth Newport Cradley Oxford Reading Halifax Characters Fisty cuffs and hand bags Cheese and onion rolls from back straight of Blunsden. Enough nostalgia for now.....
  12. ....according to Matt Ford, there are only 300 riders world wide!!!! I know there are not that many riders...but even with doubling up, surely it's more than that? It does stop you in your tracks though...there are way less than 1000 riders world wide, which is nuts in the big picture of things. Surprised so many people can make a business from the sport.
  13. I agree it wouldn't work with how Speedway is in it's present form, but to say 'it will never work' is surely short sighted? With respect, and not looking for an argument, as I'm sure your knowledge of Speedway is greater than mine....however, it was what NP was saying that needed to change in speedway to make it possible...ie Factory bikes, the likes of Susuki, Honda etc being involved....more sponsorship to be found. That in itself would be a massive change...to get massive bike manufacturers involved would make huge changes and a completely different mind set. Imo, I think there are people in Speedway who have a vested interest financially, that wouldn't want it to change. It would be them who would find ways of stopping anything like this. I agree, as it stands, it wouldn't work...but if change were allowed, then I see no reason why it wouldn't happen.
  14. Isn't that the truth.... It really is unsustainable from what I can see.
  15. ....the 'Top Racers' just ride in Individual events like the GP? Anyone else think the top end of racers, could end up just competing in a bigger GP series in time? I ask this, based on the Nikki Pedersen interview in last weeks SS. Where he wishes Speedway could go in the direction of F1. Wants to Introduce 'Factory' teams, with Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki involved etc. To attract more money and sponsorship. Goes on about how he has the most sponsors over most riders, his Professionalism, wants to take more of that from F1. Then talks about moving to Monaco and rubbing shoulders with F1 drivers... Can't help thinking it may end up going this way in the future.
  16. Got to admit, I by far prefer watching Prem league racing over Elite league. It's like watching Championship football compared to Premiership...quality without all the propaganda surrounding it...in other words, tell the public it's better entertainment enough times and they'll start believing it. Prem league racing has an 'honesty' about it...with great entertainment and quality imo.
  17. With respect, I think it's obvious Willowman wasn't able to witness first hand, the well being of Cook after the crash, because as he was having to deal with a fence panel that had blown into the crowd. I don't know Willowman, but I'm presuming from his post that he is a Steward there. That's how I read it...open to correction.
  18. Maybe you had a better view than me...it was an odd fall. Got tangled on start of back straight, recovered and gained control, then seemed to go down in a heap at the start of turn 3...very odd. It was suggested that a few of the panthers riders, weren't happy with the conditions, but both managers and majority of riders wanted to continue. I think it was a combination of home advantage, Rebels on form, and the conditions that affected a few Panthers riders, that made the scoreline so vast. Made for some great entertainment though :-)
  19. Some good racing tonight...but conditions seemed to effect Panthers more than Rebels. It was blowing a massive gale. Enough for the referee to have a break to see if the wind would die down. It was gusting across the track...enough for Cook to hit the fence whilst leading on the back straight and fall. Patio furniture was flying about...even fence panels and the entrance gates were damaged. I think the result would have been a lot closer if it wasn't for the wind. Won't take it away from the Rebels though... Jake is on fire at the moment....very fast. BWD, again seems down on power, must be frustrating for the lad, especially when making the gate. Great pass by Rohan on Cook as well in one race. The score seems more one sided than it actually felt, if that makes sense.
  20. Any locals?...How's it looking down there...forecast saying it's going to be dry but windy...Burnham webcam showing damp conditions. I can leave it til 6pm to make a decision.
  21. Looking at the weather report, it's touch and go. Rain in the afternoon, but clearing by 6 O'clock. With the strong wind predicted, this could help dry out the track. Looks like it's going to have to be a last minute decision... now if we had track protectors, this wouldn't be a problem...it's really starting to do my noggin in.
  22. It's become apparent from this thread, that some people just enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing, and would rather spend countless hours trying to get their opinion excepted, rather than actually talk about more important things in Speedway. It's very sad, and says more about them as people, than it does negatively towards Tai Woffinden. It reminds me of gossiping nagging old woman, arguing about who's going to win X factor...it's on that level of intelligence. Some need to take a long hard look at themselves imo. Can't a mod lock the thread, because it's an embarrassment to Speedway.
  23. I'm sure I read it was Rohan partnering Josh...open to correction though.
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