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Everything posted by Gresham

  1. The 'ignore list' gives you an option to 'look' if you want...it gives me total control over whether I want to read members posts. You're on it, because I class you as one of those idiots. Proven again by the fact you don't understand Irony, as my 'rolls the eyes' comment indicates...too subtle for you obviously. Again 'rolls eyes'. Keep on talking about forum members Mr Troll...you are exactly the type of person said Promotors and sponsors were referring too...more interested in making arguments and 'points scoring' on an insignificant forum, than actually caring about the topic or speedway. Keep enjoying the burgers ;-)
  2. Yep...I just made it up mate...rolls eyes... I couldn't give a toss what people on this forum think tbh, whether you believe it or not makes no difference in the bigger picture. Just putting it out there....what I think has no relevance. My opinion is worthless, its just words... however, businessmen, sponsors and promotors are. The fact I agree with them has no relevance. There is no point trying to impose opinion on people on a forum...especially if you don't respect many of them. If that's what turns you on, you should get out more fella I'm interested in Speedway.... not what a freaky speedway forum member thinks.
  3. Interesting comments on here... I spoke to two Promotors recently ( and no I won't say who they are, apart from one PL and one EL ) and I asked in passing when talking about attendances, whether they ever read this forum. Both said they did occasionally, and both said they ignored any thoughts on here as it was predominately frequented by idiots who have no idea about the sport, or people living in the past. They both said they want to attract new people to the sport...not those who have been before. Interestingly they also said that the in fighting often seen on here, was also a reflection of how it is sometimes with the Promotors themselves. From another angle...I know people who have sponsored riders and Clubs. Also a businessman who was interested in putting money into a Club and getting involved himself at Promoting. The sponsors have all pulled out of the sport, and the businessman said he wouldn't touch Speedway with a barge pole, after meeting some of the Promotors in the sport. His words were along the lines of 'the sport is unsustainable and run by a majority of idiots'. He's a multi millionaire and now is involved in another motor sport. Shame.
  4. I really struggle to understand many thoughts on this forum...is it a pre requisite to be stupid? The majority of Sports throughout the world have people representing them, who have either moved away or have family connections. The sportsmen or woman choose to represent a Country which suits them, within the regulations of that sport. Tai has chosen GB...Jason Crump could have chosen to represent GB...but it suited him to represent Oz. It happens in all sports...why do people still need to bang on about it...Get a grip. As for Aussies taking the piss...good for them...better than the constant whinging on nearly every topic on this forum. No wonder we have a reputation for it. And while I'm at it... Loads of people sitting in their Ivory towers, voicing opinion on so many topics, as if they actually know what they are talking about...it's so cringe worthy. And if that doesn't work...they turn on others, and spend more time slagging off forum users and talking about them instead of Speedway...this really is one of the dumbest forums in existence imo. I know Speedway is seen as a working mans sport...but that doesn't mean you have to be thick or uneducated...it really is unbelievable on here. If Jeremy Kyle did Speedway shows...look no further than here.
  5. I think it just shows how reliant riders have become on getting the set up right at each meeting. Plus he hasn't fixed the problem yet...he alludes to still not finding the right set up that suits him, and his riding style. He also mentions it has affected other riders who were consistent, and then not the next meeting. I'd agree with that... These riders are all talented. I can guarantee if you put Bomber on a bike that was equal for all riders, he'd still be one of the best. He's a talented rider...it's a shame for Speedway that it's all about the 'set up' now.
  6. Riders are always trying to find a way of getting a flyer...all of em. It's for the ref to sort out. Been going on for years. The point is...there are so many variables to a Speedway meeting, and so many things can go right, or wrong. That's why imo and others, the league is won over the season, not over a few play off meetings. As a Somerset fan...if Glasgow were to win the most points over the season, but lost in the play offs to Somerset, I would still think of Glasgow as the Champions. We all know it's a farce for the sky Cameras...
  7. I'd like to see the league winners crowned as Champions...but a separate competition at the end of the season which consists of the top four teams. There would have to be an incentive to win it. Make it worthwhile and important to win. As for what that incentive would be...i'm not sure. Maybe an extra point to play with, at the beginning of the next seasons averages when putting a team together....Or allowing the winning team to keep the team they won the title with the following season with no restriction? Obviously riders will have had to have ridden the majority of meetings and no wringers pulled in. Or something along those lines...something worth winning, if you get my drift.
  8. Not looking for if's and but's fella...just pointing out that it wasn't just because of Dan Bewley that Glasgow lost. There were many reasons as to why Glasgow lost last night.
  9. Forget the play offs... whoever wins them doesn't mean they are the best team in the league. We all know, it's what Team comes top of the final league table at the end of the season, not who wins the play offs, that's the real winners. Play offs are just a money spinner and joke to be fair. As for last nights result...no one likes to see their team win with guests. Having said that... I think Jake Allen would probably have scored more than what Jorgensen did last night...he's on fire atm. I can't imagine BWD getting zero again either. What was wrong with him last night, anyone know? Set up? Instead of looking at Dan Bewley as the match winner...perhaps certain people should be looking at Lawson and expecting more from him? Perhaps it was his low score that lost Glasgow the meeting? ;-) Regardless...look at the league table...the two best teams in this league by far are Somerset and Glasgow. It would be a travesty for neither of them to win the play off finals.
  10. The score line suggests Somerset trounced the Monarchs....however the racing was a lot closer than it suggests. In fact it was a superb meeting...some fine racing all round. It had pretty much everything. What a joy to watch young Dan Bewley...a terrific little rider. You Monarchs fans are lucky to see him every week. Was also impressed with James Shanes...if that lad had the equipment, he'd be a class act. Reminded very much of Chris Morten in his approach and style. Hope Mr Fisher is ok...I said as he rode down the home straight that it was going to end in tears...it did. Bikes everywhere and punctured Air fence. Plus...not one tape break or unsatisfactory start all night. Topped off by a nice little chat with Rosco and Neil Collins. Great nights speedway...thoroughly entertaining.
  11. Who dictates as to what the BSPA do? Who democratically votes them in place? A governing body run by businessmen who want to make a profit from the sport in charge of how it's run...Really??? Time? Christ...how much 'Time' do you want to give them? They've flogged this sport to death over the years. Thankfully someone...a rider with a high profile, is taking action and causing waves. If no one takes any actions...it's just words again, and the same old rubbish...year after year after year. Speedway in this country needs drastic change, and it needs people like TW to take ACTION and make people take notice. Otherwise it's just words and nothing gets done. Hopefully others will follow.
  12. TW probably is bigger than British Speedway...that's why he doesn't need it. British Speedway is pretty worthless these days...nothing to be proud of. Ruined by a bunch of Promotors who seem clueless at promoting the sport and at loggerheads as to how they want speedway run in this country. Why can't people see the bigger picture. The people who run British speedway are killing it. It's obvious TW wants the best for the sport in this country. It's obviously so frustrating when you want to do things to improve it, and can see ways of doing it, but those who run the sport are to damn stupid to see it....or see it, but don't want to. It's ok for the fan to say, he 'owes' British Speedway and he should be proud to ride for his country. That's all well and good in a perfect world. But would you want to represent a body of people who run the sport, that you feel are ruining it? Why would you want to represent something you don't believe in anymore, just because it has a flag attached to it? Speedway in this country has been dragging it's feet for years...that's why it's in the sorry state it is. People seem to just let it happen...moan about it on forums and such like, but never take any positive action. Lemmings...following for the sake of it. Changes need to be made...actions speak louder than words and 'statements'. I'm glad he's stuck two fingers up to them tbh...why support a bunch of idiots killing the sport you love? Representing them, would be hypocritical if you don't agree with what they are doing or not doing. I feel the same way, when I'm paying my money and traveling to watch a sport that I love...but stand there frustrated at all the bollocks I'm witnessing before my eyes. I'm paying into something I don't agree with how it's being run...how foolish are we for all doing it. We only do it, because we know Clubs would close, and would struggle to re open. It's a catch 22....and the Promotors know this...that's why they do the minimum.
  13. TW's PR man is Nigel Pearson. Having spoken to TW recently, there is far more to this story than meets the eye. No wonder he's pissed off. The people running this sport in this country are going to run it into the ground. They are clueless. As for TW not being 'Universally popular'... a few very vocal moaning old gits, on a speedway forum frequented by the same few people, doesn't actually count' ;-)
  14. Makes a mockery of speedway if that's the case.
  15. Agreed...I thought the back of the jacket, would go a long way to identifying the year etc. Hoping from that it may have been possible to work out which rider wore it.
  16. I have no idea fella...I saw it on Bristol East Auction rooms website. Was it being sold elsewhere? When you say no one can verify it...do you mean just a few people on here, or in general? I'm sure it could be verified if you approached the right people.
  17. Enjoyed the racing last night...got absolutely plastered in dirt off the exit of bend 2...was just like the old days. The missus wasn't impressed though lol Sadly had to leave before the end, due to having to catch a train. Was hoping to get to see the meeting in it's entirety but that was never going to happen, due to the length of time it's taking to run meetings these days. So many tapes exclusions and unsatisfactory starts recently. What with that, the track grading and then an Interval...why do we need an interval? Why do we need 2 hours for 15 mins worth of racing?
  18. Just to confirm the idiots we really do have trolling this forum...the fact I actually mention 'Sweden?' in my OP apparently means 'clarified by the OP not having a clue who the team even is upon seeing the jacket'...you can't make it up how stupid some people are. Then it goes into a rant about how I find it easier to distinguish riders in traditional simple designed race jackets over race suits and how that is an 'utterly a stupid idea'. An idea that has existed pretty much since the advent of Speedway. Rolls eyes at the idiot behind the keyboard. As for my list showing who I have blocked...it's there so that you know I don't want to get into conversation with you...is it that hard to understand? I don't want to talk to you...I don't respect you or your opinions, as you probably don't mine...so what's the point. Seems some people just like to troll and keep it going and bringing up old conversations. Any time you are down in Somerset for a meeting, pm me...would love to meet you all ;-)
  19. It is great...watched that earlier whilst researching. Here is a great video of Tommy Jannson wearing these colours in 1975 as Steve has just implied. Seems they wore both colours that year as well. Perhaps they did change during each year? The back of the race jacket is different though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeBDe8kCa_M
  20. Nice pic of Tommy Jansson wearing one 1974? https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e15/13266754_247859742238765_598994954_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI1NTYxMzc4NTI4Nzg3MDk5Mw%3D%3D.2
  21. Cheers for that...Was there ever a Swedish touring team or test match at Ellesmere Port in the 60/70's?
  22. ...anyone hazard a guess...I'm intrigued to know it's history. Sweden? https://postimg.org/image/xmo5471hn/ https://postimg.org/image/o82gb2c6z/
  23. The decision to exclude BWD was ridiculous...how he didn't see he was taken out is beyond me. There is photographic and video evidence to prove how wrong RA was in his decision. Never seen a heat one like that before...or that many re starts. Shame...it took an hour to run 7 heats last night...ridiculous. Shame the track got so dusty, especially after they watered it so much beforehand. Somerset is always so windy and open to the elements...they do a fine job considering. Just to add...the music was great last night, as was the presentation. The lad on the mic made an effort to entertain by chatting with the crowd with a bit of banter. ;-) Praise where appreciated...it made the meeting far more enjoyable as a whole round experience.
  24. If you want to see the worst Speedway crash ever, imo...then this is it. It's maddening and so dumb...you can't believe it could happen or be allowed. I'll warn you it's not pleasant.... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6bd_1465779302
  25. If Somerset have Dan Bewley at Reserve then I can see Somerset winning this.
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