NOT kiwis - Jimmy Tannock and Doug Templeton. Scottish moset certainly. What about Cliff Watson though - was he a kiwi or and Aussie? Good rider at West Ham in mid-1940s.
Steve Langton is probably correct, He was still racing at Brisbane in late 1950s where his nephew Bonnie LangTon also rode and spelled surname that way.
Many Aussies had their names mispelled on arrival here and they stayed that way i.e Ron JohnsTon was Ron Johnson and Bill LAngley soon became Bill LOngley.
Didn't White City (Glasgow) sometime in the early 1950s (1952 or 1953) give trials to a Ghurka named Joe Naidoo who had raced at a speedway in Nairobia, Kenya?
Let's not forget Frank Dolan (a real star at Harringay). Jack Arnfield, Keith 'Buck' Ryan, Keith 'Porky' Veal and the Camderon brothers (cannot remember first names but late 1950s and early 1960s). Was Cliff Watson an Aussie or NZ? Don Lawson.
Here's some names:
Steve Langton, Jack Kidd, Arthur Payne, Bluey Langtry, Reg Challenger, Bill Stipwich (he rode in 1929 Northern League then drove midget cars in Australia around 1936-37), Keith Gurtner.
Ther must be hundreds. Sure it shouldn't be Austrian riders -
ie Leo Killmayer, Otto Holoubek, etc
I am told that the Odsal Stadium still houses the old speedway-stock car track round the rugby league pitch.
They were great days speedway days when Johnnie Hoskins introduced the sport there in 1945-46.
Great riders like Alec Statham, Ernie Price and the much under-rated Ron Clarke were in the team. Later came Joe Abbott, Max Grosskreutz and Oliver Hart.
Speedway WAS SPEEDWAY in those magical mid-1940s.
Anyone living in the area know what's happening there? I understand there are some photos 'out in cyberspace' of the present stadium.
Up the Boomerangs (or is that too far back?).
Speedway at Yarmouth would be great. I remember when Ted Courtnell and Alf Weedon promoted there.
But isn't the track all-tarmac now? And with a greyhound track as swell, would there be space for a speedway night as well. Greyhound three nighths, stock cars three times in the summer - what is the spare night.
Has anyone seen inside the stadium and can give an idea about the available space for also putting in a speedway track - I think it's rather tight on operational space anyway.
Are the World Cup dates confirmed. There still seems to be uncertainty.
Can anyone let me have DEFINITE dates and venues please. I need this for a potential overseas visitor.
Many thanks.
Can anyone confirm the dates for the 2006 World Cup please.
I believe there are rounds in Poland and Sweden, then two rounds in GB.
I have seen the GB rounds for both Cardiff!!! and for Reading.
Is anything settled please.