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Everything posted by speedyguy

  1. There's a query on the yahoo site http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway under photos. It was taken at Hackney and identifies, in civvy clothes, Frank Hodgson, Fred Evans (manager) and Bluey Wilkinson. But the central figure, a rider, is unknown. Answers include Arch Windmill and Phil 'Tiger' Hart. Does anyone know him?
  2. I was looking for information on the old Star Championship and logged into Wilkpaedia. There was complete satisfaction when I found the source of their information to be Dr Brian Belton. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  3. Is there a route by public transport, starting by rail from Liverpool Street? http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  4. As they cover different decades, it's virtually impossible to make a choice. Both are excellent value in my opinion. VSM gets back to the days when I was a boy - so I might be slightly biased there. But I delight in following speedway in all a eras and in all countries. Just read and enjoy them both. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  5. Perhaps we cannot answer because we don't know! http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  6. I think he was claimed to be the tallest ever speedway rider at 6ft 4ins.
  7. Maybe someone on here knows http://sports.ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  8. Didn't I read somewhere that Graham Miles was 6ft 4ins?
  9. The discussion group tells how two riders in the same race both finished but without a winner! Intriguing. There's also a review of '70 Years of Rye House' as it appeared in last Friday's (August 3) South London Press.
  10. I am sure the author Dr Brian Belton can help you.
  11. Here's a new vintage discussion site: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  12. I remember Pete in his Stoke days in the PL around 1960s. Does anyone have any idea how old he was? It all makes me feel so very old when I hear news like this.
  13. In the good 'old days' no guests, no repooling at the end of each season, no points limits. Teams went on being built from season-to-season. Real magic when a star was out and an a second string moved up, as did a reserve, then a second-halfer had a chance at reserve. Speedway was then a real team sport. Those days will never return. Was that scheme of things better? I know what I think. The clubs then functioned in their team building in much the same way as football clubs operate these days. That built great teams like Wembley, Belle Vue, Wimbledon - and the sport flourished. It all took place years ago, when I was a lad. In many ways, the magic has gone from the sport. It will never return. Those who did not experience the concept of the 1940s and 1950s cannot appreciate what damage has been done to a great sport because of the constant 'fiddling about and bright ideas' of the past 35 years.
  14. This says it all on how "important" the UK Press regard the match. From today's 'Mail on Sunday' - - just three lines in the classified results under the SPEEDWAY heading. It read: WORLD CUP FINAL (Leszno, Pol) - 1 Poland 55pts; 2 Denmark 52; 3 Australia 29; 4 Great Britain 15. (Poland are world champions). A major sport?
  15. POLAND 55Points, WORLD CHAMPIONS Denmark 52 Australia 29 Great Britain 15 Don't slag off a British team for losing. It's not our way. The tradition for us is "magnificent in victory, glorious in defeat." Look how badly we did against the Australians at cricket last winter, but what a magnificent side we have fielded against the West Indies and India in recent months to prove we are one of the world's great cricketing countries. We showed our class in the qualifier at Coventry against fantastic teams like Sweden, Russia and USA. That result proved deep down that we have a great side, Leszno in the SWC was just a blip. Stiff upper lip and all that chaps (and ladies of course).
  16. speedyguy

    Garry May

    Any relation to Charlie May, the old Wembley and Southampton rider? I have a little niggle in my mind that Charlie is Garry's dad?
  17. Anyone dare to make a forecast about the result at the final?
  18. The old adage of British sport is "magnificent in victory, glorious in defeat" - no matter what sport is involved. There was little real class against GB (all English riders - why not England) at Coventry. Tougher times lie ahead - then we may hear some wailing.
  19. I'm not sure, but it's certain to have been mentioned somewhere
  20. I don't agree with your comments on Rudy Muts in any way. He was always a trier, scored points, and had what was a promising career blighted when he suffered a serious injury.
  21. Didn't I read somewhere that Graham Miles was 6ft 4ins?
  22. I read somewhere that Graham Miles was 6ft 4ins
  23. Norbold: I back you on this. There was a Bill Andrew (a good rider but no 'S' on his surname) and of course there was Bob Andrews. Perhaps people are getting confused because Bob Andrews, born in England, later decided to emigrate to New Zealand and then rode for them in international events? Bill Andrew was also a jockey. I didn't know he was active in the sport in GB however.
  24. A bit late, but there's a tribute article to George Tatnell in the July edition of 'Short Circuit magazine. http://www.ybapublications.co.uk/shortcirc...ssue_latest.htm
  25. Good to see Kyle Legault going so well. He looks like a chip-off-the-block that produced those two great Canadian internationals Eric Chitty and Jimmy Gibb in pre- and immediate post-war years. I read in Speedway Star that Kyle's dad Fred is still racing at Welland.
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