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Everything posted by speedyguy

  1. Both were Maury - not Morrie = Mattingley and McDermott. For years I had the job of typing up the heat details and pints scorers from each meeting for a speedway magazine. I remember the Southampton programmes and they always referred to Maury Mattingley. Maury McDermott was a long-time mate of mine. I used to travel with him to some meetings and he also used to help me prepare my bike in my short-lived, ill-fated and perhaps best forgotten bid to try and race one. Maury lived for years in Clapham and I often used to visit him. Two riders who were regular visitors to his home were Al Holliday and Pat Flanagan. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  2. Sport on Sunday in Catholic parts of Europe: in Spain, a major Catholic country, it's bull fights and football. Same in Portugal (yes they have some bull fights as well as football) and football in Italy. Poland is the only other major Catholic country in Europe - and guess that's why Sunday is speedway day there.
  3. Thanks Ron. Quite agree that Peter Craven was indeed one of the true greats of speedway. Thanks for helping those who could 'crash' the site you posted. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  4. I was a schoolboy fan at New Cross in 1946 when I asked Geoff Pymar if I could wheel his bike to the pits. He joked that he didn't need help "like that old boy next to me." It was the South African rider Keith Harvey, then 50 years old and the oldest rider in speedway at that time. In the end I helped both get their bikes to the pits and earned sixpence. Some 14 years later, Pymar was emulating Harvey by riding at 50 years of age, as was Wal Morton. Good job all three weren't trying for places in the Conference League. They would have been forced out of the sport as, seemingly, in recent years has been dear old Rob Hollingsworth who is another 50 year old rider. In the USA, Gene Bonisgnore makes much of the running on the East Coast - and he's 59 years old. Is age really a barrier? Is there too much emphasis on kids these days? But I am getting away from the real theme - dear old Geoff Pymar, a great asset to the sport. And didn't he also drive midget cars and stock cars - oops! That theme is sure to upset somebody somehwere! http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  5. I am glad to see that I am not alone in trying to find out what the original posting is all about. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  6. I would love to find out what this is all about. It look intriguing. When I click on the link however it appears to just be a membership application for the Oxford Library. More guidance please. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  7. That is very interesting about the 'Deamon Barber' Billy Galloway and other Australians racing in USA in 1927. It looks like American historian Don Radbruch's query regarding Buck Whitmer (USA) has opened up new thoughts on the origins of early day speedway. I guess very few people know of the Australian riders go there in 1927. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway/
  8. My friend in Idaho, Don Radbruch the motorsports author and journalist, has asked me about an old-time rider named Buck Whitmer. His details are at the bottom of this message. Don wrote: "Do any of you have any data on Buck Whitmer as a motorcycle rider? Buck was well known as a midget and big car driver and devoted most of his career to these machnes. "According to a bio in Motorsports Memorial Whitmer began racing in the motorcycles at San Jose Speedway, California in 1927. This was a banked oiled dirt 5/8s mile oval and I don't know if any motorcycle races were ever held there. In the mid-1930s there was a fairly active speedway bike racing program in northern California but I have no record of Buck competing in these races----he was probably busy with the big cars and midgets by then. "I am working on an article on Buck and, if he did any amount of motorcycle racing, it would be nice to know about. "One item in Buck's bio mentions that he set "world"records in motorcycle racing at Oakland, California. There were four pre-war long distance races held on the one mile oiled dirt high banked Oakland Speedway but what should be complete records of these events do not show Whitmer as a rider. "Thanks gang. "Don Radbruch Sagle, Idaho" ::::Don Radbruch can be contacted by email at radbruch@sandpoint.net Here's one to test the historians. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  9. This distance sounds like a Wimbledon relocation suggestion - distancewise that is!
  10. That's an interesting name to surface. Terry Kelly was a great trier who deserved more success than he got. You say he's working as a roofer now - wasn't he at one time a meat porter in Manchester's equivalent of London's Smithfield?
  11. My recollection is that Ron Preston's very promising UK career was ended by a knee-injury in the mid 1980s. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  12. John 'Digger' Pugh. That's another name from the past. He of course played a major role in bringing stock car racing to England at New Cross in 1954. Pugh was great showman as a promoter - something akin to being a 'second Johnnie Hoskins' in that respect. Pugh was also a speedway rider in the late 1920s and possibly just into the start of the 1930s. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  13. That says much for the league!
  14. Until this day, I always thought that Brisbane Smith was a pioneer Australian, as was Bill Sticpwich (!). I know Bill was an Aussie - he rode for Rochdale in 1929 and is well documented. He later drove midget cars in Australia for a few years from 1935. What happened to Brisbane Smith after 1928? http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  15. Here's an update from Stuart Towner on the next reunion at the California-in-England Speedway: PRESS RELEASE Plans are well in hand for the second California-in-England Speedway Reunion on 12th October 2007. This will take place at the California-in-England Country Park, Finchampstead, near Wokingham. We are interested in seeing all types of memorabilia that you would like to bring along, but are desperate for any cine film that anyone may have of the venue which we would like to include on a promotional DVD before the event! The list of riders who rode there is growing as is a list of personnel who were not necessarily involved directly with the speedway. We are keen to meet anyone with memories of the venue and a book will be started over the winter months to record what went on at the park. All contributors will of course be mentioned in the credits. Upon arrival you will be directed to a car parking position, and then there is a short walk to the display area which will include a selection of machines covering 80 years of speedway in Britain. Also on display will be speedway photographs and team body colours. Here you will be able to talk with riders (please see their name badges) from the 1950’s California Poppies team. You are invited to ask questions at any time and all officials will be sporting their name badge also. Machines will be started at various times during the day; you will smell the intoxicating aroma of Castrol R to bring back memories of those earlier days. Please bring your camera and have your photograph taken with these precious historic machines. Part of the presentation will be guided walks to what remains of the track where you can stand on the recently unearthed concrete start/finish line with marked starting boxes; for those interested you can walk the racing line (stout footwear recommended). The park offers a wealth of historic interest in itself, plus a cafeteria with toilets. The display will be open between 11am ‘till 4pm. For further information please call Stuart Towner on 0208-397 6599 or HYPERLINK "mailto:stuart.towner@blueyonder.co.uk" stuart.towner@blueyonder.co.uk
  16. I remember John Debbage as a reasonably sound second-string rider at Norwich in the mid to late 1950s. Possibly, not checked this, but he may also have been with Yarmouth and Ipswich at some time. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  17. Don't forget that Wal Morton and Geoff Pymar were originally team mates when they rode for Wimbledon in the mid-1930s, probably 1934-37? http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  18. Didn't Bert Spencer qualify for the equivalent British Championship Final in 1946? http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  19. In the immediate pre-war season Vic Duggan was with Wimbledon. Before that, it was with Hackney. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  20. Without checking, I am certain that as mentioned John Dews did have a spell with Wimbledon. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  21. I reiterate your comment on both riders. And yes, Jack Kitchen was a nephew of Wembley's legendary post-war captain Bill Kitchen. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  22. The start of dirt-track/speedway in the USA? There's a photo of a 1923 dirt-track meeting in Indiana on the yahoo site http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway It shows riders racing on a track with spectaors watching from the centre as well as the outside of the track. It's in PHOTOS in the album 'veteran riders pre-1939.'
  23. Thanks for the info. I knew one of his last matches involved Ipswich and Rayleigh in some way, and that probably the last time he rode was at Rayleigh. This clarifies the situation. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  24. I think Wal Morton's last meeting was midway through 1964, after he left Hackney. I am fairly certain that he rode for Ipswich at Rayleigh in a Metropolitan League match. His daughter was at one time a member of Sadlers Wells ballet. About 1957. http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  25. A photo from a 1950s California match against visiting Rye House, centred on Vic Ridgeon (RH) - because the other riders are not known! - can be found on PHOTOS Veteran Riders post 1939 at the yahoo site http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
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