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Everything posted by speedyguy

  1. A selection of photos from the Romford Reunion can be found on http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway
  2. “THE VOICE” - latest edition: The 34th Edition of The Voice, the official journal of Friends of Speedway, a non profit making concern which returns all surplus cash back into speedway racing, is now available. In this issue editor Stuart Towner provides a comprehensive review of recent FOS activities and partner Sue reports on the promising development of the under 15's championship, sponsored by Friends of Speedway. Charles McKay, Phil “Slider” Hayward and David Telfer cover a wide ranging assortment of current speedway matters including the league table of the “ best televised meeting” of the season. John Hyam compiles a portrait of legendary American stunt man Putt Mossman and Roy Delaney does likewise with the astonishing tale of wee Georgie Newton. Plus the letters page and further articles of interest by other contributors including a potted profile of one of speedway's legendary figures, Len Silver. To join Friends of Speedway and receive your four quarterly copies of The Voice please send a cheque for £10, made payable to Friends of Speedway, to Stuart Towner at 117 Church Lane, Chessington Surrey KT9 2DP.
  3. No! Why should he be - provided he's tried to find the photographer beforehand, and if he coulnd't, made it clear he tried to do. Adding if the photographer comes forward he will then make sure he's credited for his work or take it down. Subject, of course, to said photographer proving beuond doubt his original copyright.
  4. Excellent. Thank you very much.
  5. Hmmm! What's Justin Elkins got to do with this thread?
  6. That's also what I understood about the change from yellow to yellow and black. It happened in my youth!
  7. I understand there is a possibility that the interesting series of articles about the late Eric Williams could be continued on The Speedway History forum. The author, Ross Garrigan is considering the feasibility of continuing this intriguing series. Let's hope he decides to write more articles. It's something we all look forward to.
  8. The following are needed by http://londonspeedways.proboards.com/index.cgi for its rider database (London tracks only please): 1930 All London teams 1934 Reserve League team for West Ham - was any other London track involved. If so, their team as well. 1935-39 - All Rye House team squads. 1936-39 - All Dagenham team squads. 1938 - Romford. Also, if any regular teams (with years) for High Beech and any of the other London area open licence tracks. Thank you.
  9. What happens: It is 1934 - 75 years ago. A speedway magazine commissions a photographer to take stock photos of riders sitting on bikes for a set fee. The job is accomplished and the photos sent to the magazine but the photographer keeps the negatives. The photographer is paid his agreed fee for the job. In 1935, after the magazine has published the photos, the photographer dies. In 1936, the magazine ceases publication. In 2007, the late photographer's family sells his negatives to a publisher. They include those taken for the magazine in 1934. They use the 1934 photos in a publication. Who now owns the copyright?
  10. I think the basics of the previous question was this: What happens here? A magazine bought a photo 72 years on an outright copyright fee from a photographer. He died a year later. Then 60 years after his death, his family sell all his negatives/photos to a new company who, presumably then take over his copyright. However, an author is in contact with the original magazine for a photo and they present the photo that they used on an outright copyright fee 72 years ago? What is the legal situation here: I am sure there are many such deals involving old photos (sport, news, fashion, show business around). This puts the matter of ownership of copyrights into a very grey area indeed.
  11. The Speedway History Form links are wonderful tributes to Eric Williams. Please take the time to look at them. I heartily endorse the hard work in paying fitting tributes to this deservedly respected rider. Well done Ross in keeping everyone fully in the picture.
  12. More than Johnnie White dare do? I remember him at West Ham and New Cross in 1946 when he was known as Jack White. He became Johnnie in the 1947-48 era because there was "an original" Jack White (a pre-war rider) then with Sheffield. To avoid confusion, the latter became Jack D White. Careerwise, I would estimate they were very much on a par with each other.
  13. There's never been a really great lady in speedway since the time of the legendary Miss Alice Hart. She ran the Aces superbly at a time when speedway was run on a proper club basis. And don't put forward a claim for Charlie Webster!
  14. Sadly, Jack Winstanley has passed away. It was this year.
  15. Did Gil Craven ride for Dagenham in the 1938 Sunday League? And was there a similar league in 1935 including Luton and Wembley Reserves?
  16. A revival of Golden Greats, if it could be set up, would be excellent.
  17. Reasonably safe to use old photos providing you make it clear that you do NOT have the copyright, have tried to find the copyright holder, and that you are prepared to make any amendments etc if they contact you - and can prove their copyright. It's all very grey area legislation. Tread carefully but don't be afraid to use old photos. Just take safeguards.
  18. I agree entirely with your views. All we'll remember about the Olympics in 30 years is that we'll still be paying for this masive folly. Up the 'awks!
  19. The Romford gathering for this Sunday looks an interesting event. Good to see the club is still remembered.
  20. Zeke Zoltan. Hungarian second halfer at Belle Vue around 1956-57 (along with his pal Sandor Levai).
  21. YouTube Video from the Wauseon National Wauseon Racers - Pusherman Racing Thor racing @ Wauseon - Wheels Through Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWQ-Ofuavxw&NR=1 Field Games @ Wauseon - Wheels Through Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z36Mq8RkDRA
  22. This has just been posted on http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:25 pm mattjackson Re: Louis Lawson, RIP I'm not sure that is right. I was doing research into the riders who started their careers in the 1940s and was checking the birth dates of riders at the Family Research web site. Louis was born on October 25, 1921 at Southwell, Nottinghamshire and the entry is there in the ledger: Lawson, Louis - born Southwell. I've also read the Arthur Woods story but I think that Louis Lawson was his real name.
  23. This has just been posted on http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/oldtimespeedway Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:25 pm mattjackson Re: Louis Lawson, RIP I'm not sure that is right. I was doing research into the riders who started their careers in the 1940s and was checking the birth dates of riders at the Family Research web site. Louis was born on October 25, 1921 at Southwell, Nottinghamshire and the entry is there in the ledger: Lawson, Louis - born Southwell. I've also read the Arthur Woods story but I think that Louis Lawson was his real name.
  24. Good work. I have many faults on these subjects but being wrong is not one of them!
  25. I am positive that besides the article in either VSM or 'Classic Speedway' the subject of Louis Lawson's real name was also debated somewhere on the BSF about a year ago.
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