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Everything posted by speedyguy

  1. Elite League fixtures and update from British Cycling: http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/eliteleague
  2. Some interesting comments throughout about the NJL. I just need a clarification please - is the league still going to function? I see no harm in what type of rider initially takes a place in a team - in the end those with ability will get the team places as and where they exist. Competition always sorts the "wheat from the chaff" in any sport.
  3. Harold MacNaughton at 37 and Tom Oakley at 38. Both rode for England in junior tests and had distinguished senior speedway careers - and were at one time team mates at Southampton and then at New Cross.
  4. From the spokesman on-line. Latest TV development update: TELEVISION PRESENTS UNPRECEDENTED DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY - posted 4 May 2012 The announcement that Sky Sports are to cover six Elite matches this season is wonderful news for cycle speedway. All credit to Joe McLaughlin, Graham Sutton and Rob Haywood for their commitment and professionalism in persuading production company ProActveTV to screen six 30 minutes programmes which will not only feature on Sky’s four prime-time sports channels but will be seen in millions of homes worldwide. In our New Year editorial we highlighted what could be achieved by partnership working and encouraging those best able to do particular jobs. Surely there is no better illustration of this than the combined achievements of Messrs McLaughin, Sutton and Haywood. Clubs now have to play their part by delivering competitive and sporting racing, attracting good crowds and showcasing cycle speedway at its very best. Of course the series is not yet sealed. Firstly organisers have to put together a self-funding package, before any filming can begin. Having experienced first-hand how lack of funding came so close to scuppering the 2011 National Finals broadcast, every effort must be made to find the money to enable cycle speedway’s long-held dream to become a reality. British Cycling has a crucial role in ensuring that cycle speedway’s best-ever development opportunity, goes ahead. The door has been unlocked. It now remains to be seen if the governing body, in particular principal movers and shakers on the BC Board, can use their combined weight and influence to push the door open.
  5. Hmmm! Looks like another 'speedway storm in a teacup'? - maybe?
  6. From the Daily Mail, page 52, May 7, 2012: QUESTION: When I was a youngster, I used to watch West Ham speedway at Custom House on a Saturday evening. Does anyone know its history and why it closed down? ANSWER; Further to the earlier answer, I was promoter/manager for the Greyhound Racing Association, from 1965-70, when the Custom House stadium was sold for redevelopment. A number of the streets on the housing estate which were built on the old stadium's grounds were named after famous West Ham riders Bluey Wilknson, Eric Chitty and Tommy Croombs. I have a book to be published in the summer - Cinferfellas, When Speedway Was Rock'n'Roll - in which the central character is is a Hammers hero in the the immediate post-war years when crowds of 60,000 regularly attended the stadium. The book (originally a play) strongly features West Ham history, along with other famous clubs of the time such as Wembley and Belle Vue (Manchester). Incidentally, speedway was not staged on a Saturday but was always on a Tuesday evening, although there were some stagings of Formula 1 Stock Car Racing on some Saturdays. West Ham Speedway was, and remains the 'Newmarket of Speedways' and is sadly missed. Dave Lanning, Poole, Dorset.
  7. Have you let the 'Speedway Star' know about this? I suggest you send them an email. I am sure they will be interested - they have just started a Junior League section.
  8. The following changes in championship venues are announced by British Cycling: July 7: One2Call Women’s Inter Regional League Round – Now at East Newport. August 11: Wosskow Brown BJYL National League Round (Over 12’s) – Now at Exeter. The venue changes are because the original track at Filton will not be available on these dates.
  9. Not before I get a job on the Titanic watching for icebergs! But banter doesn't answer why there were the different places for the start and finish of races at Wimbledon at one-time.
  10. The Editor of Monthly Speedway World was John Wick. He was also editor of Speedway World. I am certain that was from the latter's founding in 1937 until its demise in the 1960s. John Wick was also, from what I remember, the sports editor of the Hornsey Journal in north London. The HJ. as I recall but accept correction on this point, were the publishing company for both speedway magazines. Besides Cyril Hart, another leading staff member was Peter Arnold.
  11. An interesting looking weekend. I wonder if there is anything on at "my local track" at East London - about 12 miles from where I live and a public transport journey involved (no P1928nearly: no Streatham bus - where I don't live anyway - goes that way). I forgot they had a website. Sadly though I found this message about Sunday May 6 2012: Please note: No match this weekend as Somersham have pulled out of the SE League: Next Home Match: 10th June East London v Hethersett 2.00pm
  12. There was indeed start and finish lines in separate places at Plough Lane many years ago. I think it went back to the days when Ronnie Greene was the promoter but off the top my head I can't think why it was introduced. Maybe somebody will jump on this comment now? Anything to stoke up my stress level is what I need at the moment. Better still, maybe I should shut down all the links to the forums I am on and get a real life? That could be the answer?
  13. Excellent. This little cycle speedway thread is proving a welcome relief to me, well away from the sport proper. I have browsed two or three photos and now intend to work my way through the full set.
  14. How right you are - spot on again! I was talking in a post-war sense but it's fashionable these days to pick me up on comments that I make. My memories go back to 1946 and, to be honest, at the moment as things are going for me I am beginning to wish that I had never seen or heard of speedway.
  15. That's a sad observation but an excellent comment in regard to the sport and its chances of a London rebirth, plus a sound summary of the sport in general worldwide. Hard facts but they need to be made clear if there is to be a long term future for the sport.
  16. The weekly 'Speedway World' moved into also publishing a very fine 'Monthly Speedway World' in the late 1940s. Can anyone advise when the first and last editions appeared please? Among is contributors was the late Cyril J Hart who later became the secretary - and a very good one - of the Speedway Riders Association (when that organisation was strong enough to have a voice in regard to what was happening in the sport). The monthly edition was printed on good quality quality paper which allowed for excellent photographic reproduction.
  17. Speedway badges are fascinating items. In my youth - I did have on! - I had a fairly large collection. Then one day I decided to sell the lot - I think for £20 - and have regretted it ever since. Especially when I see some of the prices being asked on ebay.
  18. The reunions at California-in-England are now an annual event, usually taking place on a Sunday early in October. The previous ones have, thanks to the courtesy of the BSF, been fully publicised on this website. Details usually start to emerge about mid-August.
  19. How sad to read all this topic about no more speedway in London. It is very disheartening. And at the moment hopes of the sport's return to the capital look remote. To a small extent Lakeside and Rye House get some recognition as London tracks because they are a reasonable distanc from the capital. You can actually travel to Rye House on a direct line from Liverpool Street. Lakeside is a difficult place to reach by public transport - but it's not impossible. I can remember all too well a golden period in 1949 when you were spoiied for choice with - MONDAY - Wimbledon or Walthamstow Tuesday - West Ham Wednesday - New Cross Thursday - Wembley Friday - Harringay Saturday - free night Sunday - late afternoons Rye House Golden days indeed for the sport in the capital. But that was 62 years ago.
  20. When was that? I remember Ian MacDonald as editor, then a Tony McDonald/John Bolle period. I also did a stint for a few months between the departure of Ian Mac and arrival of Tony. The MacDonalds were not related. I was involved with the Mail between 1973 and early 1984. Any pay - for what I did as a freelance I was satisfied
  21. This is how cycle speedway was when I started in the 1940s. This track was reasonably close to where my first speedway love New Cross was situated.
  22. Yes it was a much different world in 1948. There was actually an Olympic Championship held that season. http://glasgowcshistory.tripod.com/id14.html
  23. On a deviation about fatalities at Stamford Bridge, it's sad to think that the track was dormant from the end of 1932, with a variety of excuses as towhy it couldn't be used for speedway, then briefly reopened in early 1948 when an American midget car team was based there.
  24. I have many memories of Wimbledon too and saw them for the first time at New Cross in 1947. Dons riders then included Norman Parker, Les Wotton (who rode for NX the previous year), Mike Erskine, Dick Harris and Arch Windmill. As the years have caught up with me I forget the match result but at that time as the saying goes "they didn't travel well" and its odds on that New Cross won. At the other extreme, I saw the last speedway meeting at Wimbledon in 2005. Happily I can also say that I saw all the greats that one associates with Wimbledon over the years.
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