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lucifer sam

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Everything posted by lucifer sam

  1. Manchester Paul, Putting things in bold, red and capitals doesn't make your points any more valid. You're still talking rubbish and the new points scoring system is still a sham - how can the winner of the meeting not end up as the top points scorer. All the best Rob
  2. Steve did you receive my text message, when I changed my bets to 999 on Jagus and 1 on Nicki P All the best Rob
  3. Steve, Are only whole numbers allowed then?... you did ask us to make it more interesting for you, so I was merely obliging Next time, I was going to put 333.3333 recurring on Crumpie All the best Rob
  4. Sub, My argument exactly. It should have just been one extra point for the third-place rider in the semi-final, that would have been fine. All the best Rob
  5. The new points system is b*ll*cks. Why they didn't just give the third-placed man in the semis one extra point, I'll never know. It's just as easy for a rider to walk away with the championship now, as the standings after one round show. Not only that, but consider this scenario. Rider A scores 7 + 2 + 6 = 15 in each GP. Rider B scores 15 + 1 = 16 in each GP. It's possible for a rider to win every GP, but for the World Champion to be a rider who never reached a single final! Utter tripe. Get rid of it now. All the best Rob
  6. Sub, Yes, we all know that and the above record is massively impressive. However, Crump is beatable - for instance, who beat him in 2003? Crumpie is still favourite, but with comments such as "I still believe the title is Crump's, if he wants it", you're way off the mark. Nicki, Hans and Greg will make him work hard for it. All the best Rob All the best Rob
  7. Trees, The toys were well and truly out of the pram by that point, so I don't think there was any logic to Lewis's actions. His body language didn't suggest someone who was apologising. An experience he hopefully will learn from. All the best Rob
  8. Run-off: (Re-run) Glanz, Compton, Mear (fell, remounted), 60.1 1: King, Barker, Glanz, Bowen (fell), 57.8 2: Kennett, Roynon, Courtney, Auty, 58.4 3: Woffinden, Smart, Wilson, Wright (fell), 59.5 4: Bridger, Lawson, Boxall, Baseby, 58.3 5: Kennett, Bridger, Woffinden, Bowen, 57.2 6: (Re-run three times) Boxall, Glanz, Auty (excluded, starting offence), Smart (fell, excluded), 60.3 7: Barker, Baseby, Courtney, Wright (ret), 60.4 8: King, Roynon, Wilson, Lawson (fell, remounted), 58.3 9: (Re-run twice) Lawson, Wright, Bowen, Auty (fell, excluded), 58.2 10: Kennett, Wilson, Baseby, Glanz, 57.9 11: Barker, Woffinden, Roynon, Boxall (fell), 59.5 12: King, Bridger, Smart, Courtney, 57.8 13: Wilson, Boxall, Courtney, Bowen, 59.5 14: (Re-run) Bridger, Wright, Roynon, Glanz, 58.0 15: Lawson, Kennett, Barker, Smart, 58.1 16: Woffinden, King, Auty, Baseby (fell, remounted), 59.0 17: (Re-run) Roynon, Bowen, Smart, Baseby (fell, remounted), 60.6 18: Woffinden, Lawson, Courtney, Glanz, 58.9 19: (Re-run twice) Barker, Bridger, Wilson (fell, excluded), Auty (fell, excluded), 58.8 20: Kennett, Boxall, Wright, King (ret), 58.8 Kennett 14, Barker 12, Woffinden 12, Bridger 12, King 11, Lawson 10, Roynon 9, Boxall 8, Wilson 7, Wright 5, Smart 4, Courtney 4, Bowen 3, Baseby 3, Glanz 3, Auty 1. Semi-final: King excluded, then Bridger excluded - second re-run not held - Lawson and Woffinden through to final Final: Kennett, Lawson, Woffinden, Barker, 58.6 Edward Kennett: Deserving winner. Just one blip in Heat 15, when he took a couple of laps to shake off Barker, and then couldn't overhaul Lawson. Otherwise controlling races from the front, and in dominant mood. William Lawson: A slightly fortunate runner-up, after scoring just 10 points in the heats, and was then at the back in the semi-final before King locked up and Lawson fell. Nevertheless, was down for some time after that, so came back well to finish second in the final. Tai Woffinden: Excellent. A confident and assured performance. Now really has a big choice - does he nail his colours to the British mast and continue into the international rounds and also the British Final? If so, then surely young Tai is British. Ben Barker: Fast and rode the track excellently. Thoroughly deserved to go straight through to the final, and but for a poor choice of gate in the final (gate two would have been a far better option than gate 4) could have finished second in the meeting. Lewis Bridger: Should learn a lot from last night's disappointment. As Bob C has already mentioned, spat the dummy twice, after being beaten fairly by Barker in Heat 19 and then after clearly taking Woffinden clean off his bike on the second bend, leading to Bridger having an unjustified "go" at Woffinden. Needs to learn to control his temperament and also how to be a graceful loser. Otherwise some wonderful Speedway from him - including a last to first in Heat 4, and cutting up the inside of all three other competitors in the first attempt to hold the semi-final. Danny King: Unlucky. An engine failure while second in Heat 20 cost him a direct route to the final, and then had a refereeing decision go against him in the semi-final. Locked up while in second behind Bridger, regained control, but Lawson ran into him and fell, with King judged to be at fault. Likely to get the seeded spot into the international rounds. Of the others, James Wright was very unlucky, and with King also failing to make the top five, Wright's World U21 campaign is surely already over, unless Woffinden wants to be Australian and withdraws. British Final qualifiers: Kennett, Lawson, Woffinden. World U21 qualifiers: Kennett, Lawson, Woffinden, Barker, Bridger plus one to be selected by Peter Oakes - I would imagine King. European U19 qualifiers: Woffinden, Barker, Bridger. All the best Rob
  9. Mr. Snackette, Will "Carlo e Davido" not also be performing: "canzone del sideboard" (Hmmm... can't find a Italian translation for Snooker Loopy... mind you, it didn't stop listing Gertcha!!) All the best Rob
  10. Jaybea, Chas and Dave don't perform the Spurs songs live... it says so if you click the link that was provided on this thread. I presume at some point footie yobs from another club have had a go at them. However, it looks like Snooker Loopy, Rabbit and the Sideboard Song (I don't care, I don't care, I don't care if he lives 'round 'ere) are amongst the songs normally played live. All the best Rob
  11. Well, it's Crump to lose BUT if he does blow it: Only three other riders capable of winning it this year... Nicki P, Hans Andersen and don't rule out Mr. Hancock just yet... All the best Rob
  12. Iris, Nonsense - they'll have everyone dancing down the aisles - beats Tony Hadley or Bonnie Tyler anyday All the best Rob
  13. Good company, good beer (Wetherspoons across the road from the stadium) and great atmosphere - that's why I go Although this year, with the legendary Chas'N'Dave playing, I'll have to change my usual tactic of staying in Wetherspoons until 6.45pm All the best Rob
  14. Sandie, Who cares about credibility - here's the full lyrics. They don't make 'em like this any more Snooker Loopy lyrics CHORUS Snooker loopy, nuts are we, me and him and them and me, We'll show you what we can do with a load of balls and a snooker cue. Pot the reds, then screw back, for the yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black. Snooker loopy, nuts are we, we're all snooker loopy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now old Meo, we all know's got loads of dapper suits, London-bred and he keeps his head, though he's got Italian roots, Emotional when he keeps his cool, till he reaches the final, But whether he wins he whether he don't: (Tony Meo) "I always pipe me eyeballs." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And our man Den, hours he's spent down the snooker hall, On the old green baize, his mates seem amazed with his skills with a snooker ball, But them long shots he never ever got, why, the old mind boggles, But nowadays he pots the lot: (Dennis Taylor) "'Cos I wear these goggles." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now Terry the Taff was born in a gaff in the valleys of the land of song, And as the reds he puts to bed, he likes to sing along, "If I win," he says with a grin, "it can only help me, can't it?" I'll celebrate and buy another eight (Terry Griffiths): "Hairbrushes for me barnet." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But old Willie Thorne, his hair's all gorn, and his mates all take the rise, His opponent said "Cover up his head, 'cos it's shining in my eyes," When the light shines down on his bare crown, it's a cert he's gonna walk it, But it's just not fair giving off that glare - (Willie Thorne): "Perhaps I ought to chalk it." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve last year come very near to winning the snooker crown, But he never got to put it on his ginger nut 'cos the black ball wouldn't go down, His manager and all said "S*d that ball" but it helped him make his mind up, Now he don't care who wins next year (Steve Davis): "'Cos he's got the rest of us signed up." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHORUS TO FADE
  15. Schumi, I think I can contain myself to just watching them at Cardiff... hope they're on for a full hour and do all the hits All the best Rob
  16. Schumi, There was a "Snooker Loopy" board game? Drat, I missed out on that one Just remembered another bit of it: "Steve last year came very near to wearing the snooker crown But he couldn't put the crown on his ginger head cos the black ball wouldn't go down" Is there a bit in here about Willie Thorne chalking his head as well?? All the best Rob
  17. Shazzy, You mean you don't like the Sideboard Song: "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, if he lives 'round here". Rock on All the best Rob
  18. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! All together now: "Snooker Loopy nuts are we Him and them and us and we We'll show you what we can do With a couple of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds and screw back For the yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black Snooker Loopy nuts are we We're all Snooker Loopy" I am the only one who knows the chorus of that song off the top of my head Chas'N'Dave are on my windows wallpaper at work All the best Rob
  19. Sub, Stop sitting on the fence... tell us what you really feel All the best Rob
  20. OMG, it's finally happened, Subedei has brainwashed the forum Sub, if you were a Speedway rider (unlikely, I know, even Neil Collins retired at the age of 47 - there aren't any 800-year-old riders AFAIK), and you were offered a GP place by that posh bloke who is trying to ruin Reading Speedway, would you say: (a) Yes ( No Just a simple question. All the best Rob
  21. TNT, Er... sorry mate... wrong on BOTH counts All the best Rob
  22. Brief report for Under-21 test match now added to Oxford Conference League website (URL in my signature). Will add full heat-by-heat details in due course. All the best Rob
  23. Schumi, Mansell would be in the list anyway, as only three drivers have won more races, and also as one of the better overtakers in F1. Schumacher was fast, but he couldn't pass wind Oh dear, we've drifted off topic, but it's a daft topic anyway and one that has been done several times before. And I was quite worried how TNT seemed to take my post seriously, surely it was obvious it was an attempt to wind up a certain 800-year-old Mongol, with Nicholls at No. 1 and several other Brits and Oxford riders thrown in for good measure, and only one Pole (Protasiewicz) in the list. I'm also worried how Sub went and found out my original list. How long did that take to find? The old Mongol needs to get out more All the best Rob
  24. Schumi, Good point. And I forgot Freddie Eriksson too. I'll put them in, and take Andreas Jonsson and Nicki Pedersen out. All the best Rob
  25. 1. Scott Nicholls 2. Jason Crump 3. Hans Andersen 4. Greg Hancock 5. Nicki Pedersen 6. Leigh Adams 7. Chris Harris 8. Simon Stead 9. Andreas Jonsson 10. Matej Zagar 11. Bjarne Pedersen 12. Piotr Protasiewicz 13. Mark Loram 14. Jesper B. Jensen 15. Lee Richardson All the best Rob
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