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lucifer sam

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Everything posted by lucifer sam

  1. BFD - it is a rather sweeping statement from Speedy69, isn't it? He certainly is not speaking for everyone, as this thread has proved. His post shows a certain arrogance - with the way he adopts his own view as "everyone". Speedy69, what the hell does it matter if I've ridden a speedway bike? It's totally immaterial. I've seen enough speedway over the years (somewhere around 1500 meetings) to be able to use my own judgement when I see an incident. And I'll make my own mind up, thank you very much. Therefore, it's not "everyone". It's not me, it's not BFD, it's not Jeff, it's not several others who have posted on this thread. All the best Rob
  2. Anthony - I would argue that Tony Steele handled a very difficult GP extremely well. You have to remember that Sky's production will (quite naturally) be biased towards those who ride in Britain. I'm sure the Polish coverage had three riders defending Gollob. Yes, I'm also tiring of the argument now - I'd say I've won on points but you can have a draw if you like. All the best Rob
  3. Anthony, But the riders are divided on the subject as well - I spoke to a rider on Saturday who thought Gollob had done nothing wrong. Personally, what I find amusing is that you think you know better than Tony Steele who has refereed 20+ GP rounds and is the best referee in the world. I think he knows what he's doing. All the best Rob
  4. Anthony, Yes, it was Gollob's choice to change line, just as it was Jonsson's choice to continue up the inside. If the rider in front loses control, then yes that's his fault. Please point at which stage Gollob was out of control? Jonsson ran into Gollob - not the other way around. What amazes me if you refusal to accept that other people can have an opinion that differs from your own. As I've said several times, I'm perfectly entitled to have an opinion and to believe that my opinion is correct. How come you refuse to accept that? All the best Rob
  5. Anthony, It's been about 50/50 on here - you may have posted 100 times but that doesn't count 100 times And anyone who probably understands the rules of speedway will agree that Gollob did nothing wrong. He is perfectly entitled to change line down the straight. I'll tell you what, next time the GP is on I'll take note is all the times the riders change line down the straight and point it out to you. Are you going to stop every single race and exclude them? All the best Rob
  6. Anthony, And you still show no knowledge of speedway at all All the best Rob
  7. How did Gollob knock off Jonsson. Jonsson ran into the back of him. All the best Rob
  8. Anthony, However, it is Gollob's prerogative to make such a move. He did nothing wrong, and the referee made the right decision. I think Tony Steele is a better judge in these matters than a highly deluded Wolverhampton fan. All the best Rob
  9. Schumi, I wouldn't say Schumacher was a dirty *******. More of a cheating *******. All the best Rob
  10. Anthony, Again, you again try to twist my words, a surefire sign that you are losing the argument. I'm not happy with riders wiping other out. However, that clearly did not happen in this case. The world's best referee, Tony Steele, who had an ideal view, decided that Gollob was not to blame. I concur. This is my opinion, and I'm right. And I don't give a stuff about what you think - I'm entitled to my opinion. All the best Rob
  11. Well, now you're putting words into my mouth. Where have I criticised Nigel Pearson? I haven't. Tatum is a different kettle of fish, however - the bloke speaks pure nonsense. Your "well Gollob must be in the wrong because Kelvin said so" argument is pure junk - this is the bloke who thought fallen riders could be re-instated off 15m I see you continue to live in the realms of pure fantasy. Gollob continued to turn - if he did momentarily straighten up it was because Jonsson rammed him rather hard from behind Gollob did nothing wrong. All the best Rob
  12. Anthony, I see you continue to invent fairy stories - as long as you don't believe in them yourself. As I have pointed out several times before, Gollob did not "swerve". He started to turn - as he started his approach to the first turn. He did nothing wrong. But it seems you'll believe anything you're told. Tell me - when was it you realised that Freddie Lindgren hadn't won the GP. Monday? Personally I prefer to make my own mind up - and not to follow the flock like yourself. All the best Rob
  13. Glad you've finally admitted that it is Gollob's prerogative to change his line. It was Jonsson who miscalculated. He continued to try to go through a hole which wasn't there. All the best Rob
  14. Don't be obtuse, Anthony. Jonsson caused the crash by running into Gollob - Gollob is quite entitled to change his line. If Jonsson had as much skill as Gollob, then the accident would not have occured. Unfortunately, while he is fast, Jonsson has limited ability. All the best Rob
  15. Anthony - but, at Bydgoszcz, riders will be changing their line down the straight all night long. I guarantee it! And not just Gollob. Wake up and start watching the racing. All the best Rob
  16. Oh, come on Anthony, he didn't swerve - he was starting to turn. A different thing entirely. Stop twisting the facts and accept that sometimes differing opinions can be just as valid. It's all down to intrepretation. All the best Rob
  17. Frigbo - spot on mate. However, Bwitcher seems to think we're not allowed an opinion if it disagrees with his own. All the best Rob
  18. So you take everything Kelvin Tatum says as gospel? How come Swiderski wasn't re-instated off 15m after he fell off at Wolves last week then? I am entitled to my own opinion, whether it matches yours or not. And, as I've already said, I spoke to a rider on Saturday night who was of the opinion that Gollob had done nothing wrong. All the best Rob
  19. BWitcher, Tatum, Ermolenko and Richardson didn't know who had won Saturday's GP. I did. Therefore, I will trust my own judgement. I also know Gollob changed his line up the straight in spectacular fashion at Bydgoszcz last year, to then fly under Nicki Pedersen entering the third bend. I can't remember anyone complaining about that. Incidentally, I spoke to a rider on Saturday night who didn't blame Gollob at all. All the best Rob
  20. Paulco - I actually gained a new appreciation of Nicki Pedersen on Saturday night. The way he was riding was very clever. He was missing out riding over the ruts but still attacking the circuit. If only he didn't resort to the tactics he displayed in the previous Grand Prix. All the best Rob
  21. Don't talk crap. Gollob did nothing wrong. It was a racing accident caused by Jonsson placing himself into the wrong place at the wrong time. Riders quite often change their line down the straight. Gollob, in particular. Watch him at Bydgoszcz. All the best Rob
  22. Gollob did nothing wrong - and Tony Steele's decision was correct. All the best Rob
  23. JB - sorry, I disagree. The referee was correct in excluding Jonsson. Gollob did nothing wrong. All the best Rob
  24. Firstly, it's Lindgren. Secondly, he didn't win - Holta did All the best Rob
  25. Nonsense. There was no contact (well, not at the moment of the accident). Carter fell off. All the best Rob
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