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lucifer sam

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Everything posted by lucifer sam

  1. How about the following Great Britain team: 1. Jason Crump 2. Leigh Adams 3. Chris Harris 4. Chris Holder 5. Tai Woffinden All the best Rob
  2. Hmmmm, they seemed to leave a very patchy track, which helped cause Jason Crump's broken wrist. All the best Rob
  3. How do you get 0.2 of a person? All the best Rob EDIT: Sorry, Peter, I know what you meant, but I was just imaging someone with their leg left through the railings.
  4. Oh for goodness sake. Yes, Nicki is the Prince Of Darkness and we all love to boo him. But he did bugger all wrong last night. All the best Rob
  5. More likely to be: 1. Denmark 2. Australia 3. Poland 4. Sweden All the best Rob
  6. Subedei - get rid of that bloody avatar, you're Mongolian not bloody Polish. All the best Rob
  7. All five riders were crap, so maybe they should have been called "Team Crap". All the best Rob
  8. HA - I'm sure Scotland used to ride in the UK Round of the WTC in the mid-seventies along with England, New Zealand and Australia. Then the Yanks emerged and took Scotland's place. It was only in 1960-61 that the qualifying team was called Great Britain (a supposedly English team, but with Ken McKinlay in it ). I don't think the Aussies in 1976 or New Zealand in 1979 would like to be referred as Great Britain. All the best Rob
  9. Paulco, Tully's Scottish isn't he? I reckon that lad could go a long way. But yes, you're right, England and Scotland should have seperate teams. And if your youngsters progress, hopefully we could have an England vs Scotland test series in the future. All the best Rob
  10. And deservedly so - Stead was rubbishe tonight. Where was the passion? He was a disgrace to the British racejacket - he should never be allowed to wear one again. All the best Rob
  11. I would still replace Nicholls. Give Danny King a chance. See if he rides with a bit more passion than Nicholls when representing his country. All the best Rob
  12. And the 1973 Daily Mirror International Tournament was a huge success, culminating in a tense Wembley final, and attracted extensive national media paper coverage. All the best Rob
  13. Frigbo, then stage the group matches across Europe - so there is a "home" team for each match. Speedway riders are used to travelling. All the best Rob
  14. I've been a long-term advocate for a proper World Cup. The current system is a bit disatisfying, although the race-off and final are normally fair good meetings. But it would be far better having just two teams in each meeting and having team-riding, etc. That would be far more exciting than a 4TT format. All the best Rob
  15. You can't use Airhorns at the snooker And what's wrong with snooker anyway - it's top television. Beats boring bloody tennis any day. All the best Rob
  16. How can Nicki Pedersen be the biggest cheat in Speedway? He's only 5 ft 3. All the best Rob
  17. Jacques - you just wait until the Czech GP - then you'll see... Anyway, with a top two of Nicki and Crumpie, I've got to have a couple of more economical riders in there somewhere. All the best Rob
  18. Jacques, Yes, but you weren't reminding me earlier in the season that you were in front of me... Schumi was Anyway, once Lukas hits a bit of form, I'll easily make those four points up on you. All the best Rob
  19. Hey, Lucifer Sam is not a cheapskate. Paulco had gone on a pub crawl with Pinstripe, and Seb had also temporarily disappeared. I couldn't be bothered to go elsewhere - and remained at the POW until well gone six. All the best Rob
  20. Seb - don't worry, I've made a mental note that I owe both you and Paulco a pint. You'd both disppeared when I went to buy you one back. All the best Rob
  21. On Saturday afternoon in Cardiff, Lucifer Sam nipped along to Burger King for a Double Whopper and french fries. Lucifer Sam said: "While the burger was OK, the french fries were salty and tasteless, even for Burger King's low standards. In fact, halfway through I stopped eating the fries and starting eating the cardboard container, which had more taste. "Also the music is Burger King was crap, there was not enough shale on the floor in Burger King and someone at the next table was shouting at me for eating french fries instead of British fries." He added: "I never get this kind of grief while eating french fries in other countries. It's not fair, I'm going to sulk and throw my teddy in the corner, and I may not come back." Lucifer Sam has now eaten 70 Double Whoppers in 2008, ten ahead of Jason Crump.
  22. Matt - did you see the dog's dinner he made out of Eastbourne on Sky the other week? All the best Rob
  23. Paulco - not to mention that Nicki apeared to be aiming for the back wheel of the other riders before bailing out. I would have given him the benefit of the doubt the first time and put all 4 back, but then excluded him from the semi-final. Let's face it, Cardiff is a bit of a panto and Nicki is the panto villain. He's there to be booed. All the best Rob
  24. The music this year got on my nerves a bit - playing the same bit of music every time a rider wins a race is so old hat and you wouldn't expect to find it at a showpiece event such as Cardiff Some plus points, though, such as the patriotic music to accompany Scott Nicholls and Chris Harris. That can stay - but The Wizard Of Oz and Copenhagen and such like should go. Who was doing the music in previous years? I'd say they did a better job. All the best Rob
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