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lucifer sam

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lucifer sam last won the day on April 28 2020

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  1. More than likely! Although Cradley Heath were also blocked from bringing in a lower average rider in 1979 (Teromaa for Bastable), because it still left them over the point limit, which was 50 by then. At some point after that, it was allowed to make a change as long as the rider coming in had a lower average, even if that change still left you above the limit (i.e. the rule that has stayed in place to this day). I've never completely understood how the 1977 points limit worked. I think it was based on start of season averages rather than how they developed across the season. By 1979, it was current averages and several teams ran squad systems at the start of the season to manipulate a way around the 50 point limit!
  2. It was actually 52 (including bonus) in 1977. Reading were the first team to come a cropper, when it was found their new signing (Boleslaw Proch) had transgressed the rules and they had to release him - but not before Reg Fearman had run his team above the limit for a couple of months!
  3. Very funny when Spires make a signing that winds up poor old Orion. Last season Magic - the season ahead Kildemand.
  4. Unless, of course, Howarth is joining Poole...
  5. Slightly more than one. Check tomorrow at 8.30am!
  6. And how about each rider being able to select a round where they can score double points?
  7. Maybe it's time for the series to be called the Grand Prix Invitational Open, rather than the World Championship. It's missing top riders due to the tail (PZM) wagging the dog (FIM / Discovery), plus the rules are now more fitting of It's A Knockout than a genuine World Championship.
  8. I thought you'd going to speedway for enough years to realise the rider in blue who turned right is a home rider and therefore it could not have been Jody Scott, who was in yellow and an away rider.
  9. I'm not saying they weren't. But as soon as Luke tried to race again in Heat 6, there were problems.
  10. Because no-one - including the Poole medical team - realised at that moment in time. As soon as it was realised it was the case, both the Oxford management and the Poole medical team, ensured Luke was withdrawn. That's not a criticism of anyone, simply an explanation.
  11. Are you seriously telling me that had Luke Killeen not had Vinnie Foord barge into him and rip out over half the spokes in Luke's wheel with Vinnie's footrest, face-planting Luke and giving the lad concussion, that Luke wouldn't have scored at least six points so that Cheetahs would have won the Championship Grand Final on aggregate? Deluded of Dorset is alive and well!
  12. That's not really true. The damage was done in the first fall on Wednesday. He slid off in Heat 6 because of what happened in Heat 2. Speak to Luke, he can confirm that.
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