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Everything posted by Fingersfin

  1. I know last year it was rumoured that the Prague track was going to ripped up and modified. Does anyone know if that has or is still taking place? Went to this GP a few years ago and enjoyed the city but the racing itself was rotten. Thinking of going again this year but changes to the track would be the clincher. Thanks in advance Fingers
  2. Gleaned from facebook updates 1. Howarth 2. Penfold 3. Perry 4. A.Morris
  3. Hello, Could someone advise when we should expect the Polish Fixtures for next year to be announced? Thanks in advance Fingers
  4. Come on up Shovlar, we will give you a nice big...kiss
  5. Fingers Crossed that Protasiewicz, Walasek and Ulamek bite the dust in the next round.
  6. I was told the same thing by a virgin employee when subscribing to SS for the summer. No dates were given but it was coming 'soon'
  7. Bongo altogether now - Zielona Gora la la la la la, Zielona Gora la la la la la la!!!!!!!!
  8. lol........get a grip..... what is that about Yorkshireman...arms,trousers etc. Before you say it, yes I am Scottish and yes every penny is a prisoner.
  9. Good stuff, hopefully ready before the first GP?? Don't worry about the charge, its loose change!! Really puzzles me when people get their knickers in a twist about a couple of quid.
  10. Thanks for the tip off unfortunately thats an iphone only version not valid with android.
  11. I went down the Amazon route, with the usual flawless result. A wee bit disappointed that each Grand Prix is extended highlights rather than every heat as this years series was a classic.
  12. I will go for Rockets or Thunder! But the American Eagles has a ring although a bit predictable.
  13. Perfect thanks and good luck next year I will be supporting our former pl brothers!
  14. Putting together the Christmas list for Santa, having informed him what speedway is (he had never heard of it), he now needs to know where he can source the DVD of this years cracking series!! Any hints greatfully appreciated.
  15. Ekstraliga Fixtures - Courtesy of sportowefakty.pl MAIN STAGE: 1. April 3, 2011 (Sunday) Zielona - Toruń Wroclaw - Tarnów Rzeszow - Gorzów Czestochowa - Leszno 2. April 10, 2011 (Sunday) Gorzow - Czestochowa Leszno - Rzeszów Tarnów - Zielona Toruń - Wrocław 3. April 25, 2011 (Monday) Gorzow - Leszno Wrocław - Zielona Rzeszów - Toruń Częstochowa - Tarnów 4. May 1, 2011 (Sunday) Zielona - Częstochowa Wroclaw - Rzeszów Tarnów - Gorzów Toruń - Leszno 5. May 8, 2011 (Sunday) Gorzów - Zielona Leszno - Wrocław Tarnów - Toruń Częstochowa - Rzeszów 6.May 22, 2011 (Sunday) Zielona- Leszno Wrocław - Gorzów Rzeszów - Tarnów Toruń - Częstochowa 7.May 29, 2011 (Sunday) Gorzów - Toruń Leszno - Tarnów Rzeszów - Zielona Częstochowa - Wrocław 8.June 5, 2011 (Sunday) Wrocław - Częstochowa Zielona - Rzeszów Tarnów - Leszno Toruń - Gorzów 9.June 12, 2011 (Sunday) Czestochowa - Toruń Tarnow - Rzeszow Gorzow - Wroclaw Leszno - Zielona 10.June 19, 2011 (Sunday) Rzeszów - Częstochowa Toruń - Tarnów Wrocław - Leszno Zielona - Gorzów 11.June 26, 2011 (Sunday) Leszno - Toruń Gorzów - Tarnów Rzeszów - Wrocław Częstochowa - Zielona Góra (23.06.2010) 12.July 3, 2011 (Sunday) Tarnów - Częstochowa Toruń - Rzeszów Zielona - Wrocław Leszno - Gorzów 13.July 17, 2011 (Sunday) Wrocław - Toruń Zielona - Tarnów Częstochowa - Gorzów Rzeszów - Leszno (23.06.2010) 14.July 24, 2011 (Sunday) Leszno - Częstochowa Gorzów - Rzeszów Tarnów - Wrocław Toruń - Zielona 15. chair - August 7, 2011 (Sunday) 16. chair - August 14, 2011 (Sunday) 17. chair - August 21, 2011 (Sunday) drużyna z Wrocławia będzie gospodarzem meczu w 17. team from Wrocław will host the match in the 17th rundzie round 18. chair - September 11, 2011 (Sunday) 19. September 18, 2011 (Sunday) 20. September 25, 2011 (Sunday) So rounds after the Leszno GP and Gorzow world cup final.
  16. Crikey thats harsh, finish 5th in the league and you might get relegated!
  17. Listened to the radio forum, and some interesting stuff about the silencers and Heathens future. Sandwell sounds very hopeful and although their councillor sounded a bit nervous about the noise you can sense an opportunity there! The opposition councillors for Dudley said all the right things and sounded passionate about the subject but whilst in opposition its all hot air, unfortunately. The silencers again didn't sound good and you have to feel for the riders and manufacturers given the slap dash way its been handled. Anyway a great hours listening thoroughly enjoyed it!!
  18. And is also a handy way of getting a second Brit in, most of the time!! Leaves the door open for uk riders who start the season on form!!
  19. 1. Leigh Adams 2. Jurica Pavlic 3. Jason Crump 4. Adrian Miedziński 5. Jarosław Hampel 6. Darcy Ward 7. Janusz Kołodziej 8. Greg Hancock 9. Damian Baliński 10. Przemysław Pawlicki 11. Maciej Jankowski 12. Chris Holder 13. Troy Batchelor 14. Simon Stead 15. Grzegorz Zengota 16. Rafał Dobrucki R1. Sławomir Musielak R2. Piotr Pawlicki
  20. Bongo it sounds like you have got a ticket.(don't hold me to it!) I think a lot of us didn't trust the mail enough and chose to collect our tickets at the stadium. It is those people that are having to worry about vouchers, codes and passports!
  21. Hi can I just confirm that the code is the four digit 'receiver' number? I have the voucher and will bring my passport!
  22. Hi, I have been following the rebirth of the Heathens with interest and have been blown away by the level of support that they have been able to generate, absolutely fantastic. However the ultimate aim is to return the Heathens to their local area and on that subject has the Heathens project registered within city hall, has their been any softening of their attitude or are they still as unsupportive as ever? Does the local Dudley press cover you and if so has this added any pressure on the council? It would be great if Dudley won the league! I can see the headlines now 'Homeless Heathens reign supreme, local council shamed into action' Fingers crossed!
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