Sorry if this post got up your nose mate but it was not intended to upset anyone just purely for laughs mate that's me and would never want to see any rider even 'Old Left Turn Bethell" suffer any injury having been unfortunate enough to have been to a meeting where a rider was killed and suffered the loss of a friend through speedway. But having been to quite a few of these rounds I know what its like, and at Weymouth no matter how many heats there are we never start earlier and on one or two occasions we ain't got all the heats in.
I have by the way been around the Old Wessex Stadium on a speedway bike, many years ago and both Len Silver and Eddie Lack told me to stick to the Tractor.
Any way Good Luck to All Riders for Tonight.
Believe me it was all in fun as I have a wicked sense of Humor, I have to for Christ Sake I'm a Leeds Fan as well