Mark is the obvious choice to give a wild card too. There should be absolutly no way that Richardson is let in from this years performances. Then there is people saying that it should be given to the youth of Britain(obviously, BSI a'int going to go with just one Brit!!) however are there any young Brits that are really ready for it? I don't think so. Harris has showed glimpses but i think another year and he may be ready, even he himself agrees as is said in this weeks speedway star. Steady, i think needs better equipment as was slightly off the pace at Cardiff which pains me to say as he is one my favourite riders. Mark has been riding superbly recently and his move to Ipswich seems to have rejuvenated him and i believe that if the likes of Holta, Jagus, Protasiewich, Richardson and Iversen can compete at the SGPs then there is absolutly no reason why Mark couldn't. The only thing against him is that he is not getting any younger, but why should that stand in front of him if he is capable of competeing which i am 100% sure he is. The best person to know is Mark himself and he believes that he is, I am positive he would not be saying that if he did not truly belive it. So come on BSI, give Mark one of the wild card slots as you will be adding the most entertaining rider of our time back into the series where he belongs