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About ajh

  • Birthday 02/15/1974

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    Love most things but love Foo Fighters and Muse more than the rest!
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    ICT Manager

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  1. Hopefully Peterborough with Nicki Pedersen and Troy Batchelor Looking forward to it already as there's a lot of riders in that field who go well at Lynn
  2. After speedway's winter of discontent, it's great to see such positive news. Welcome back Mildenhall and looking forward to your clashes with the Young Stars
  3. James Cockle has joined the Young Stars.
  4. Lewis Bridger certainly seems to be hinting on Facebook that he'll be riding for Coventry next season. Whatever the rights and wrongs, I'll just pleased to see the Bees at the tapes come March.
  5. I'm not so sure Scott Campos will be back. He seemed to get dropped at the end of last season and there were a few rumours going round about a fall out.
  6. The only downside from tonights fans forum for me was that the admission price for NL was going to be £10. But as many have said, it will allow me to get along to more meetings. Luckily enough for me it wasn't financial pressures that prevented me from going, more my family commitments. Taking up two nights a week for speedway when you have a busy job and family life isn't easy. By now alternating from EL to NL each week, I get the best of both worlds
  7. Don't know if it has been posted before or not but the EDP have withdrawn that original article and replaced with this about confirming league status - EDP Sport Still undecided on what league I'd prefer. In an ideal world, it would be a stable EL containing both Peterborough and Ipswich. For us to go up and them both to come down only in speedway Actually - seeing that spanking our friends from the South got in the football yesterday, I can see why they're running scared
  8. Cheers. Glad it's not just me then Not 100% sure Buster's always likes what the fans have to say, especially judging from the King's Lynn Town fan forums (not been, but from what I've been told) but it does seem daft to turn down a good few £££'s from takings in the off season from a packed fans forum
  9. Is it just me that finds that article quite strange That just seems a re-hash of what was put on the Stars Facebook page which says we will "confirm team news". There are no direct quotes from Buster, JC or Rob confirming that. Surely you would just say we will be announcing our full lineup or our 1-7 if that was what we are doing? Team news could be a signing, which league, a new sponsor or anything. Also, if we are doing a full team announcement, isn't that normally done at a fans forum?
  10. I can understand that I really hope it works out. Went to Peterborough last season for the Panthers v Poole clash and it was a great meeting. It would be a real loss to speedway if you didn't run. Well that's what most people I've spoken to think but it would be nice to know from the horses mouth so to speak. I don't want KL to be used, especially if it plays a part in closing Coventry and Poole.
  11. I agree to a point. But at least let us know if there are negotiations going on. We don't even officially know that, it's all rumour and hearsay at the moment. PS - I'm rubbish at being patient. Can't you guess
  12. Plenty of people I know disagree about EL or PL which is think is fair enough. Everyone has their own preference. However, EVERY Stars fan I've spoken to is pretty p***ed off about being left in limbo like this. Just let us know what's going on We are the only club like this. Coventry and Peterborough fans know they will be in the Elite if they run, which I honestly think (and hope) they will. At the moment, are we a EL or PL club. In the Lynn News, Buster hardly puts up a strong denial about going EL. Just says "at the moment we are a PL club". As I said on Facebook - how long is a moment though? A day, a week, a season?
  13. By all account we will find out either way tomorrow! Just be nice to know now so the speculation can stop and the team building can begin.
  14. It is all very odd. A simple statement from the promotion could quash the rumours straight away. The longer it goes on, the stranger it all seems. Buster is certainly no ones puppet, he's had more run ins with speedway authorities than most I can think of. He's done things his way and he's now reaping those rewards. As for the comment about going up and others expense, I very much doubt there is one KL that wants Coventry or Peterborough to not be about in 2011. I'd like nothing more than Lynn to be part of a 10 team league with a competitive side. If we are being used by other promotions as part of a big game of bluff then the BSPA can stick the EL where the sun doesn't shine.
  15. Agree with that 100% We don't need EL speedway so it should be an offer we can't refuse. It could of course be the biggest game of bluff the sport has ever seen!
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