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Everything posted by Grachan

  1. I've always thought that a well marketed Speedway GP would go down a storm in Japan. All those georgeous Western daredevils would have girls screaming at them at the airport - especially if BSI payed for a few to turn up and start it off! They used to have speedway in Japan, but it has mutated into Autorace over there, but if the GP took off I could see it being a bigger event there than anywhere else in the world. Just get Crumpie and his wife on the telly. Japanese girlies would find him irresistable, and his wife speaks the language apparently.
  2. Fascinating photos. Amazing, also, to see spectators leaning directly on the wire safety fence. Talk about getting close to the racing. I remember visiting the site of Canterbury Speedway and taking some photos once. Your imagination really runs riot wandering round the site of an old Speedway Stadium. I believe there is a small section on California in the book 'Speedway In the Thames Valley'. I have the book somewhere, so I'll see if I can find it later. I can never find the books I'm looking for when I need them though!
  3. Not the best of nights, no, but a damn sight more practical to get to Sheffield than it would be to get to King's Lynn for most people. I can see you're trying to be a bit of a 'clever trousers' with your expert arguing technique here, but I've already said that a Thursday night could cause problems for spectators, whereas, from what I can gather, you seem to be saying that if it was held at King's Lynn it wouldn't be. No way is King's Lynn an easier place to get to than Sheffield. That's what I'm saying. I travel to Sheffield a lot, and I've been up to Norwich (which is sort of King's Lynn-ish) a few times and, although KL is slightly nearer, the trip to Sheffield is a lot easier.
  4. That's on a Saturday, which makes it a lot more practical. You wouldn't get me going to King's Lynn to watch the pairs though.
  5. King's Lynn? Are you serious? Okay, it's a great track, but they haven't even invented motorways in that part of the country yet. How can that be easier to get to than Sheffield?
  6. Sheffield is the perfect venue for the ELRC. One of the best tracks in the county (currently being wasted on PL riders). One of the best stadiums in the country to hold Speedway. Neutral venue. You can't knock it. Thursday night may cause problems for people and effect the crowd, but at least it will presumably be a proper meeting with the proper riders. Isn't that the idea? Yes, it's difficult for Swindon supporters, but I've checked my calender, and it looks like I'll be working in Sheffield that day, so it's easier for me! Hell, I might even make the effort to go and watch! Be great to see some top quality riders giving Owlerton a proper test, and presumably see Steady going round there again - one of the finest sights in the sport. There can be no denying the ELRC has lost its importance compared to what it once was, though. If they do get full a strength field for the meeting then, at the end of the day, it's down to the fans how significant it it. If the stadium is packed, I'm sure the riders will be a lot more likely to feel its importance.
  7. I do tend to agree with you to be honest and I'm as puzzled as you are. I'm just saying don't let it get to you. Hey, Falcace. You know tha Mike Oldfield song 'Moonlight Shadow'? Well....
  8. This is bizarre! How can you have a system where the winner of the GP doesn't neccesarily get the most points? Still, I'm sure it's only for one year. It usually is.
  9. I really wouldn't worry about it so much if I were you.
  10. That was 1972. In 1967 he came fifth with 11 points. It was the last chance for Briggs or Fundin to stake their claim for 'best ever' before the Mauger era kicked in, with Fundin coming out on top.
  11. Shouldn't this be in 'Years Gone by'? (Ducks for cover) I went to a few World Finals over the years. The first one was in 1975 at Wembley when Martin Ashby was reserve and didn't get a ride when someone touched the tapes. Outrageous. There was also a bomb scare which everyone chose to ignore. Next one was 1976, when I went to Poland with Tee-Mill tours and survived on a diet of bread rolls and gherkins for a few days. Poland at that time was another World, and the Poles in the town wouldn't speak to us at first because they thought we were German and then, realising we were English, swarmed round us as though we were heroes. Main memory of the meeting isn't Peter Collins winning, but Egon Muller coming of. 1978 next. Ole wins at Wembley. Oddly I don't remember this one as clearly as 1975, other than Jan Andersson being a bit rubbish in it. The next one I went ot was 1981. Wembley again. There really was something special about those World Finals at the Empire Stadium. It was an amazing place to watch speedway. I start to lose track after that. I went to Bradford in 1985 when Erik won and 1990(?) when Per won it. Bradford was good, but it was no Wembley. I also saw Egon Muller win in 1983 and still say he doesn't get enough credit for that. He was senstational that day, homer track or not. Also went to Vojens one year, when Per Jonsson fell off and Erik, once again, did a number on Hans. Not sure of the year. 1988 I think? My main memory of that is that I didn't pack very well and had to keep borrowing clothes from my girlfriend.
  12. From a racing accident in 1964 - making it early sixties.
  13. Ah, but you still came bottom of the league though!
  14. In that case it's great footage. I'd recommend it to anyone - particularly Oxford and Swindon fans.
  15. Ken. Is the Oxford and Swindon footage from Steve Roberts or is it different footage. I know he had some Swindon v Oxford footage although I think it was from 1973. I remember Swindon v Oxford 1974. Oxford turned us over 32-46, those buggers.
  16. Grachan


    I always remember the Crewe track record being the one in the Guinness Book of Records in the 70s as the fastest rider in the UK and the track record being held by Barry Meeks - who I'd never heard of. Ccan't help any more than that though.
  17. No problem. Sorry I can't help with any of the others.
  18. No, it was a classic moment. It was totally obvious and everyone already knew he as going to ride for Long Eaton the following year. Bought howls of laughter from the crowd.
  19. I wonder if Richard Hellsen will recall his last race for Swindon, when he needed less than 2 points for his average to be below 6 and enable him to drop down to the NL. There he was, happily cruising around in third, when one of the riders in front had an ef on the last lap. Cue comedy last bend cock up, where he was surprisingly passed and still finished in third place.
  20. I'm not sure we'd be able to do that. You watch the films on something called a 'Steenback Table Viewer'. I don't know exactly what that is, but it seems to me that you'd have to watch them individually. http://www.bfi.org.uk/nftva/access/rvs.html
  21. Let me guess. Tony Davey?
  22. You weren't supposed to click on the links, guys!!!
  23. I thought I'd enquire with the British Film Institute about the availability the film. I've just received this reply: Unfortunately Money For Speed is not available for hire or purchase on video/DVD. Any DVD or video title that is currently available to buy in Britain can usually be ordered directly through a good retailer - on the high street, by mail order, or via the internet. Internet-based retail sites often boast very extensive catalogues of available titles and have listings that are usually searchable by actor, director or genre, as well as by title. Try the Film Links Gateway on our website - www.bfi.org.uk/gateway/categories/videodvd/ - for links to a selection of browsable websites, including some also offering titles to rent. Many films, particularly older titles, will never have been released on DVD or video in Britain. Other films will have been released at one time, but will have since been deleted from stock and will therefore not be available to purchase. Unavailable titles If a DVD/video cannot be supplied by a retailer, or is not currently on release, you will probably not be able to purchase a copy. Copies of titles that have recently been deleted by distributors may sometimes still be found for hire in rental outlets or via public libraries. If you wish to view a particular film or television title that you cannot obtain on DVD/video, the BFI National Archive holds viewing copies of a large range of material for research purposes (please note that we cannot provide copies). We do hold a French dubbed version and German subtitled version. The latter, the longest copy acquired, is still incomplete by approx. 16 minutes.Viewings are made by appointment with the archive, and are charged at an hourly rate. See details of the Research Viewing service on our website at www.bfi.org.uk/nftva/access/rvs.html. Yours sincerely, Information Services BFI National Library and BFI National Archive BFI, 21 Stephen Street, London W1T 1LN tel. +44 (0)20 7255 1444, fax. +44 (0)20 7436 0165 contact us at www.bfi.org.uk/ask with your film and television queries, or telephone +44 (0)20 7255 1444 and ask for Information (Mon to Fri, 10am-1pm & 2pm- 5pm).
  24. Try putting 'Ginger Lees' in Google and see what it comes up with!
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