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Everything posted by Grachan

  1. That'll be the Sheffield that ride on Thursday nights would it?
  2. Good ol' Facebook. In response to Nick's original comment, which was shared on the Swindon Speedway group. (He didn't write "twit". This forum's filter changed that.) https://www.facebook.com/nick.morris.940?fref=ts
  3. Quote from Neil Middleditch: "I dont want the little twit!! god he eats enough when he is here with Darcy, every week i would be broke!!"
  4. It would appear that Nick Morris has posted the following on Facebook: "Big news coming gonna be some upset speedway fans but have to do what's best for myself." Wonder what that's about!
  5. Does it really need that much credibility though? It's just a vote put together by a tv show. It's not really a big deal. Nevertheless, it's still nice to see that Tai won it.
  6. Editing out the words "but you come across as" because they invalidate your comment about speculation. Sheer BSF-style selective editing on your part.
  7. You seem determined to knock this. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you come across as slightly peeved that a speedway rider has actually won some sort of award. It must be hard for you. And of course it's not as prestigious as the SPOTY award. Maybe there's a clue in the word "minority". It's just a small thing from a fledgeling TV channel, so I wouldn't take it too seriously. But it's still great that Tai won it, so let's at least try to be pleased about that, shall we? My guess is that this is the first of its kind, and the announcement looked slightly shambolic, but maybe it will grow in significance in future years if BT Sport gets more of a foothold. It's not a big deal, but it's great that Tai won it. Quite ironic that he wasn't there to collect his award, though, after all the stick some people gave Andy Murray on the "Tai Woffinden for SPOTY" Facebook page for not being there to collect his!
  8. A shame for Ashley, but Swindon obviously have to go with a higher averaged rider if they can get one. I really don't understand why a rider like this can't qualify for a reserve spot though. It does seem a bit crazy. What choice do Swindon have? No team is going to go for a 3 pointer as a second string if they can fit a better rider in in his place.
  9. Yeah. Two second strings just above the level of reserves with 3 strong heat leaders could be a good combination. They may have to back track a bit on the protection of reserves though, as it could prove difficult to come up with a race formula based on what people are saying.
  10. They should up their averages because reserves are being "protected" by riding against reserves and second strings. consequently, second strings will have to be racing against a lot of NL standard reserves, so should be able stick a couple of points on their averages no problem! It doesn't suddenly make them better riders. Plus, because second strings and reserves are riding against each other, presumably heat leaders will be racing against each other. So some heat leaders might end up getting an average of about 6 points and get dumped. So maybe we can sign one of those to replace our much improved second strings?
  11. So him and Gustafsson would fit. They are the type who should up their averages at this level, so bring them in and replace one of them later with Zengota.
  12. Some people say £17 is expensive. Some say it's good value. I watched an old clip from Press and Practice day in 1980 today. Admission to Swindon Speedway was £1.50. A season ticket was £40. So I put those values in here: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-1633409/Historic-inflation-calculator-value-money-changed-1900.html Today £1.50 is £5.46. Not sure what point I'm making. But it does show that Speedway is more expensive in real terms these days. I think the NL reserves thing and incredibly low points limit will just mean lower crowds yet again. Let's face it, we're now talking about 3 point riders coming in a second strings! It's ludicrous really.
  13. Simon Stead has reportedly tweeted to say it wasn't him that was driving the car!
  14. Bacause he fits. http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sport/speedway/10859400.Birks_backs_new_reserves_to_shine/ "Birks, who is recovering from a broken back he suffered at the end of last season but has declared himself fit to race in 2014,"
  15. You don't seem like someone who is ignoring Stevebrum to me. Just saying...
  16. Well, if Lambert is really as good as Lee then the rest of us may as well give up now! Didn't Lee average about 7.5 in his first year for King's Lynn?
  17. I totally agree regards the present league scoring. It should be a good way of getting rid of the silly TR. The score was Sheffield 47 Glasgow 48. So would have been Sheffield 47 Glasgow 42 (assuming Glasgow got 6 extra points from the TRs).
  18. Leicester Speedway is great. Great stuff at Leicester Speedway. What can you say, but... Leicester. Yay! Love it!
  19. Thank Christ for that! http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sport/10863499.Kildemand_takes_Robins_number_one_slot/
  20. It's something to do with Poland I think.
  21. I don't think we can fit both PK and Mads into the side. Are we really about to dump Kildemand? A much bigger deal than not having Jason Doyle if you ask me. These are the averages on BSPA site. Are these final? Bachelor 8.21 Mads 6.97 Morris 5.90 Makes: 21.08 That leaves 10.92 PK is 8.25. That leaves 2.67. Can't be done. Can't be done they said. Doyle at 7.30 leaves 3.62. Enough for someone like Ashley Birks or Mickey Dyer.
  22. I read somewhere on here that it has now changed and if the rider is an asset of the EL club then the EL club get first choice in a fixture clash. It was only a post on here, though, so who knows if it's true! Doubling up heat leaders is not a good option in my opinion, although apparently Doyle is still a possibility according to the Adver. That would make for a strong top 3 if PK is also retained! And leave just 8.24 for the other 2. Anyway, Troy Bachelor now signed as skipper. http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sport/10859457.SWINDON_ROBINS__New_skipper_Batchelor_vows_to_lead_by_example/
  23. I'd take Batch over Doyle, and for me it's better to go strong at the top. Second strings will be getting rides against NL riders probably twice a night. An EL 3 pointer should be able to take those points in theory. PK, Bach (if we get him) and Morris leaves us nearly 10 points for the remaining 2 riders, which should be pretty solid when you take into account the strength of the reserves.
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