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Everything posted by Grachan

  1. Ward 8.70 Morris 7.96 Bachelor 6.92 Zengota 5.62 Comes to 29.20 so leaves 4.80. Conversion rate is 1.4, so it would be a PL rider up to 6.72. Summers is 7.20.
  2. If he's not available then presumably he won't be in the declared side yet, so Swindon will still have a facility for Miedzinski.
  3. About the same probably. Swindon haven't particularly strengthened here unless the Czech turns out to be a ringer. They've just made a change out of neccesity.
  4. Guest and Howarth did okl, but we were going to lose the guest facility. Miedzinski made a token appearance for one meeting (to allow the side to be redeclared) then withdrew his services, giving a 28 day facility. After that, Swindon were on 6 point PL guests at number one. So the correct comparison is Ward/Krcmar or Howarth/6 point PL rider.
  5. Ah, so you're another Coventry fan then. Lots of you on here I see. It's really not relevant. Besides, you, yourself, just admitted that in Rosco's position you would have done the same thing. As I've said before, it's fine for Coventry fans to be wetting themselves about this, as they are in a good position. It would have been suicide for Swindon to ride out the year with a 4 man team and a 6 point PL guest. Any team or fan who would have wanted the same would be foolish. Oh yeah, and I notice recently that quite a few Coventry fans were hoping Swindon would release Zengota so they could bring him in for Robson. It's ridiculous all this.
  6. Quite ironic, isn't it, thaat a select group of coventry fans are outraged at Swindon having to release a British rider, but seem more than happy to release on of their own to strengthen the Bees. Or are you all hoping to bring Kyle Howarth in for Kylmakorpi?
  7. So what would you have done if you were a manager in the same situation?
  8. As I said. People having a pop don't understand the situation.
  9. That's correct. I wonder how many of the people having a pop at Swindon know what we were up against.
  10. Just to confuse Gemini even further, I can now confirm that the mean of the highest and lowest numbers is called ... Da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... The mid-range. No I'm right this time. I really am. I double checked.
  11. So what is it if you take the highest number and the lowest number and take a midpoint? Is there a name for that? We need a name for that. Edit. Just googled it. It's the range. Pretty obvious when you think about it.
  12. He quoted the highest and the lowest numbers and took the middle. That's the median. There were about 18 teams in the league. Had there been 2 teams it would also have been the mean.
  13. Hate to be a smart arse but that's actually the median, not the mean. :-) But yes, you're right. It will always, inevitably, work out at around the 42 mark when all 7 get an average.
  14. I'm wondering about this. Remember the old days of rider control? Averages weer really a good old nerdy guide to form in those days. I'm not sure that rider control would work any more, but if averages were taken out of the equation, Swindon would probably have been able to sign Darcy Ward without relleasing Kyle Howarth. Also, even if they did, coventry probably wouldn't be able to sign him because they are top of the league. Yet, because team strengths are governed by averages, both could happen. Certainly, if team strengths were governed by a committee, it would have to be a neutral one, not the BSPA. I guess averages are so ingrained in the psyche of team building nowadays that people would never accept uneven averaged sides. I have a programme somewhere from 1976 that showed the averages of the sides at the start of the season. The highest was around 55 and the lowest about 39. Nobody gave it much thougt then. What other methods could there be to ensure even balanced teams?
  15. Been confirmed now. Eduard Krcmar is the other signing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUvYXg5HPV0 Corrupt by whom? UKVI? I'm guessing from the confirmations that the visa is all sorted.
  16. The 0.1 comes from last month's averages I think. I remember looking and getting that.
  17. I don't know if that's true, but having just watched him storming through a 6 man field on Youtube he looks quite good.
  18. I wasn't actually, because you've got a Swindon avatar. But I can if you want! Anyway, as I was saying. I've always loved the mighty Mr Darcy and the very talented <<insert name of low averaged foreigner here>>!
  19. So what should Swindon have done then? Got rid of their best rider just to suit you? People, eh?
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