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Everything posted by speedybee

  1. Also been contacted by Councillor Bally Singh who is coming on Saturday too. BBC Midlands Today doing a piece on our campaign too.
  2. and over 1000 members have joined the Facebook group since it was started on Friday Twitter group is here First objective is for fans to turn out in force this Saturday morning at Binley Woods Village Hall 10.15-1pm where the planning is being unveiled E mail your memories, favourite stories from Brandon at savecoventrystadium@hotmail.com and / or post on the Facebook wall #savecoventryspeedway
  3. This ^ Not only the financial costs, booking riders air fares etc, but the huge effort that many fans are putting in to ensure the biggest crowd possible, at a time when the future of our stadium might just depend on proving to key people that there's massive love and support for this historic centre of speedway excellence, and a valid reason for keeping the venue active. I worked hard to get around ten people to the original postponed staging, most of them newcomers to speedway - two of which lost money on a hotel booking - and need to know that the meeting is on this week so I can attempt to do that all over again.
  4. Yes, this is the way to go. We have a purpose built 24 acre stadium, the biggest sports facility in the Rugby borough. It would be a tragedy for it to go, with its legacy, it's history, it's unique memories for so many thousands of people over so many decades...we need to wear down the planning committee with a barrage of emails and questions, reasons for keeping speedway there, and hope that Sandhu and / or any prospective buyers will quickly realise that they are facing something akin to WW3! Then we can cast around for speedway people as buyers or a new consortium. The Facebook group I set up at lunchtime has over 500 and our parallel Twitter account is on a par. We made the news on BBC C&W as the lead story all afternoon, edging out Farage and his cronies. The momentum is just gearing up! I would suspect that Horton and co are as much in the dark about Sandhu's plans as most of the fans! All the stuff about a sale seems more and more like a smokescreen. All Horton had to say this morning on his C&W interview was that they needed to "get their skates on". No mention at all of any prospective sites, though he did admit that a lot of "scaremongering" has been going on, whatever that might refer to.... Clearly the new plans have been drawn up with a view to edging closer to planning permission, especially given the local council's recent 'call for sites'.. The only way we will keep speedway in Coventry is by getting the Rugby planners and councillors onside, galvanising as many Bees and speedway fans to become active writing letters, emails and petitions and re-promoting Brandon as a valuable community asset to the Rugby area. Think Rugby, Rugby, Rugby!
  5. The Facebook group and campaign was the lead item on the 4pm BBC Cov & Warks news... I'm on Drive Time just after 5pm and we have nearly 300 Facebook members in a few hours. A good start I think...
  6. Campaign group 'Save Coventry Speedway' now set up on Facebook..all welcome!
  7. Campaign group 'Save Coventry Speedway' now set up on Facebook..all welcome!
  8. They should be forced to re run it tomorrow, Or Saturday. Ridiculous how much disruption this has caused, not least to Coventry supporters plans!
  9. Disaster for me. Had persuaded several newbies to come on Monday and two had even booked a hotel ... What's worse on a personal level is that if the final is carried into the following week (20th and 22nd?) I have a trip to France booked for that week :/
  10. It was a really special night for me and my mates on the back straight, and I've never known so much random chatting amongst supporters who didn't know each other - not just Bees fans coming over to exchange 'I'm having to pinch myself to believe this' type banter, but sporting Robins fans too, showing bags of humility, even asking if they could borrow Bees scarves for the final too The racing was as good as can be expected on that sort of track, but it was still a thrill to see such a confident display from Coventry - the same spirit of application and attitude that has made the away trips to Poole, Wolves, Lakeside and Belle Vue so memorable and exciting this year. Whoever Bees face in the final, I think we can all be assured that they will give it their all - a "canny set of riders" indeed, a great blend of youth and experience. Bring it on.
  11. Yep, fair play. I was one of the Havvy critics, and he's knuckled down and proved himself this year. Well done, Havvy.
  12. An hour before tapes up and the car park s completely full it would seem..
  13. This sheeting job could present some big problems, not least that rain is generally predicted until around 2pm so by the time they've removed the covers, that leaves precious little time to start preparing the track... Hmmm.
  14. A much more exciting meeting at Brandon than at Saddlebow Rd... It will be tight next week at Swindon and a hard one to predict. Hope Garrity has fine tuned that new motor...
  15. Bees must surely be targeting a ten point lead to take to Blunsdon. Any less than that and it will be an uphill battle. Let's hope they've taken confidence from the Belle Vue victory and have a consistent track on Friday to get them dialled in. Bees might just benefit from a more active fixture run up to the semis.
  16. Bomber is usually one of the first to check on his fallen team mates..
  17. Will be a close call tomorrow ...can't help feeling that the engine room performance of both sides on the night will be the factor .. Morris / Gustafsson / North vs Howarth / Fricke / Hansen... On paper you'd surely have to fancy a Robins victory?
  18. Well, that was a dust bowl of a meeting... Bees lucky to get all the points ..now what with Barker.? Surely a broken collar bone... just time to give my ipad a Down and straight off to Leicester
  19. 1. Jason Doyle 2. Chris Harris 3. Dakota North 4. Kyle Newman 5. Maciej Janowski 6. Jason Garrity 7. Kyle Howarth 8. Hans Andersen 9. Steve Worrall 10. Richard Lawson
  20. Looking on Google earth weather layer the big band of rain moving through the country is still slightly south of Leicester right now.. just depends how quickly and which way it's moving!
  21. Great performance from the battling Bees, especially the reserves, but that track is still of major concern. Couldn't believe how bad it was in the first few heats with Andersen, Garrity, Nielsen and Harris being caught out, not being able to turn after hitting ruts and losing several points. And yet, by the halfway stage after much tractor action, it was smooth enough, and by Heat 15 it was finally dishing up a good race, but too little too late in terms of anything to keep the neutrals interested. Great for Bees fans though but still not really speedway as we know it. Not sure what to expect tonight. I suspect it will be close and an exciting meeting. I may venture down given the M25 on a Saturday is probably easier than on a Friday.
  22. I enjoyed the drama, the controversy and some of the racing later on. A weird, odd, strangely compulsive viewing experience. Great vintage Bomber - race of the season at Brandon from him. And where did that clock come from? If the ref had taken time to go into the dressing room and explain his strategy to the riders and team managers, we may just have been saved a few of those exclusions.
  23. It's a total joke this year. I missed the home meeting on summer solstice weekend against Poole at Brandon, so have only seen two home meetings in two months, and both against Belle Vue!
  24. Was in bright sunshine in the afternoon walking around the Macclesfield area and you could see the dark clouds over the city. Then drove up to North Yorkshire in brilliant sunshine all the way. Unlucky Manchester!
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