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Everything posted by Wolfsbane

  1. Barker's a lightweight with an attitude problem. Cook's a mug for getting involved with him.
  2. Apparently Fat Maud has persuaded Pedersen to replace Noddy. That's good news for us. The unexpected loan fee can be used towards funding a quality replacement for Ty
  3. Just opened the Speedway Star and there on page 5 was the news that a recently released Dane had signed for Scunny. Bearing in mind some of the concerns expressed earlier that he had become available after being let go and was a possibility to replace Ty my initial reaction was 'thank God for that' . It took me all of 5 seconds to think 'Oh $hit, double up'. Someone tell me I'm worrying unnecessarily please. Please, please
  4. And as for the man in question Kennett how's about 'Sorry Neil, I'm in no sort of form at the moment and it wouldn't be fair on Tai, Bomber, Cookie and the fans so thanks for the invite but I'll have to say no thanks on this occasion'. It ain't just Middleditch who's culpable.
  5. If you're going to fly in the face of perceived wisdom, as Muddletwit did by picking Kennett, you've got to stick by your guns for more than 1 race. Replacing Kennett when he did just made him look a fool. Now we compound the error by dumping Cook after 1 meeting in favour of a 'been there, done that, couldn't hack it' bloke. That's sure going to make Cook feel great about his international future. GB should have bitten the bullet and picked Cook and Worrall for as long as they were in the tournament, make them feel they are a part of a longer term plan. I'm pretty much of the opinion that unless Muddletwit has got a team of superstars at his disposal a la Poole he hasn't a clue. Time for him to step aside and give Morris a chance.
  6. After last night I would be seriously thinking of putting Ricky somewhere else but not #2. Too many daft errors. It didn't escape Adams's notice either.
  7. I'd want to see some production from Klindt first. There's a reason he wasn't in the team from march. Lost his Monmore mojo. Thought the move to KL would be right up his street but clearly that didn't work out. Just too much of a risk IMO. If we agree that we can't continue with RR for Ty and must have a replacement then Gating Bob seems a reasonable shout TBH (Sorry Brum ) as I just can't see anyone better. Given Ty's form before the ruddy injury we just won't replace his points for his average. A newbie would have to hit the ground running and produce from the get go. We're not in a 'bring him over for the Olympique and let's see how he does with a view to next year' situation here. They've got to get this decision right, unfortunately their record of 'in-season' replacements doesn't fill me with confidence
  8. If I was the rider/employee involved the words off & bugger may come into play. Unless there was a few £s flowing in my direction. Nah, there's no money in speedway is there???
  9. Heat 15, play off final at Wimborne Rd., Wolves need 3 points for the title. Tapes up, huge roar from the black country mob on tne first bend, , 'gooooo on Bobby my son', Misko is all over the shop but as hard as they try Noddy & Darsey can't make a pass and the shiny thing is heading back up the M5. Fat Maud heads for the stop tap and.......sorry?, what was that love?, oh, I'll take the recycling out in a minute'. *wakes up* #itwasgoodwhileitlasted.
  10. Rightly or wrongly I wanted gating Bob in the team from the beginning and said so, we wouldn't know whether we'd be be on arse or elbow at Monmore but he'd do daft things away, leaving folks scratching their heads 'who'd of thought it?'. Whoever the replacement, should that become necessary, IMHO he must have experience of British tracks. It's ok folks suggesting untried Danes for example, and they may be right, but in Wolves position we need points now, 'plenty next season' doesn't cut it. Personally, I can't think of anyone better the Bob. On the other hand, can we fit Walesek in? That should annoy a few down Dorsetshire way, which is always a good thing. :D
  11. I'll divorce myself from the Poole it is/isn't fair discussion for the time being. Arguably our season has been set up by Ty's sudden upswing. Bad news as they are, Tai & Fred's injuries could/can be covered more 'comfortably'. I want Proctor back in the team yesterday, but by all accounts, it ain't looking good for 2013. Which brings me to the point. CVS & Adams are legendary for dithering and faffing about when change is needed, even if we are bottom of the bloody league. How much ruddy longer/points are we going to drop before a decision is made? Say what you like about Fat Maud but he don't hang about. $hit, I wasn't supposed to mention them
  12. Assuming that Tai is now mended. Obviously the plan was to try to get by with R/R for Ty and a guest until Woffy was back. Did that reasonably well but now another problem presents itself. Is it time for a replacement for Proctor, as the prognosis on the OS doesn't 'feel' good and to ask the rest to cover for x months/weeks until Fred is fit is asking a lot or even one for both? If Fat Maud can't squeeze Ward in then I'm sure we could accomodate him . If we get a shift on for monday & Wednesday that would be most acceptable please Matt
  13. Won't go whining on about the injustice of it all, no point. Bet Harris & Nicholls are already wondering how they can spend the money from the guest bookings. There's nowt like having your own guys I know but this shouldn't necessarily be the death knell to our chances. Adams reckons 46 pts will make the play offs and as he is always right and if we don't make at least that from where we are now then we won't deserve it anyway. Play off semis not till October so take it steady Fred. Hope I've got this right BW. 01/07 Tai 8.99, Fred 9.19.
  14. And there ladies & gentlemen is a major reason why the sport is struggling. After a superb advert on national television, who wouldn't want the Oak Tree as their home track, the PL v EL points scoring exercise is at full throttle. Christ on a bike, both leagues have got their merits & their defects. The only difference between the 2 is the first 30 yards, after that it's just 4 blokes on a bike.
  15. Perhaps these arrangements for Saturday are provisional as there is nothing on the OS? Wouldn't look very good it if we had to depend on other's websites for latest info about our team would it?
  16. As I suspected. As long as it's going well CVS & Adams are on the money. However, as they have proved many times in the recent past, once it starts going t*its their decision making is on the wrong side of poor or completely non existent. RR for Tai & Robbo for Ty? They're having a giraffe. It'll be worrying for the future of the club, no doubt, but I know what I'm hoping the 'end of an era' means.
  17. Understand where you are coming from but think that's a bit harsh on 'Boro based on the information currently available. As long as Tai's absence doesn't look like running to Darcyesque proportions I would be expecting Ty to be 'recovering more slowly than had been anticipated' or 'Adam came back too soon and has aggravated his injury' if you know what I mean nudge, nudge ;)
  18. There's a name for motor cycle sport on that surface, MotoX. Personally I want to watch speedway.
  19. The FIM have just announced that BSI will no longer be running the GP series in 2014. The contract has been awarded to Camelot. Explaining the decision FIM chairman Alberto Bertorelli said 'What a mistakea to makea. We are confident that Camelot will deliver, they are very experienced at running a lottery'.
  20. Eddie's seen enough of the PL surely? He must know the drill by now
  21. Eddie Kennett must have thought he was a big fish arriving in a small pool when in fact he was a big fish who's mislaid his black & decker
  22. Ruddy hell Steve, you're brave. The worst Achilles heel of CVS & PA is reacting to issues when they happen. It's been going too well, the injuries have arrived, so let's see
  23. Best ride of the night was the semi final. 12 months ago he would have run into Pedersen's back wheel. Went bloody close but a bit more maturity served him well. Calming influence of Deputy Dawg in his pit a massive plus. Your Dad would have been proud.
  24. This is the one thing that contributed most to me no longer attending live speedway, and not just the start time. No, I did not need an interval to get a drink. No. I did not need an interval to buy a burger. No. I did not need an interval to browse the track shop. What I did need was a slick and professionally run speedway meeting, starting on time and apart from track grading and unforeseen incidents, being pushed through without time being wasted. Now where is Frank Ebdon when you need him
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