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Everything posted by bartlett

  1. No need to shout Phil. Did it strike a nerve?
  2. Agree regarding the investigative journalism maybe the SCB or the BSPA for starters.
  3. Probably because Pairman kept banging on about conflict of interest. Pot calling kettle black springs to mind.
  4. Totally agree, how can 2 promoters from the BSPA and only one person from the ACU make a decision about a fellow BSPA member. Totally undemocratic, and smacks of conflict of interest. SCB should be totally independent of the BSPA.
  5. David Helmsley designed the track and would not take any advice from anybody. The result is not good.
  6. Champion Products barriers were independently verified and tested by MIRA (Motor Industries Research Association), who are an independent testing research centre, with facilities to test anything from motor cars, motorcycles and trains to aviation and defence. All testing was done under supervision of FIM Inspectorate. If you go to www.championproducts.info the testing videos are there for all to see. To quote Tsunami "Nite nite elephantman"
  7. The testing was done by an accredited safety organisation, no other than MIRA (Motor Industry Research Assocation) under the watchful eye of a representative from the FIM.
  8. Whilst Colin Meredith designed the barrier systems he is not the manufacturer and as such only gets expenses paid for his input, e.g. travelling expenses measuring the tracks and doing the first installation. Thankfully with more competition on the market for APD's the cost of the air barriers have actually come down in price.
  9. Yes you are wrong, it is because Buster has got to put the boards back and then put the APD, which is approved by the FIM, up against the boards.
  10. Hi We are staying on holiday in New Forest is there any pub near showing the Cardiff GP on Sky? Please help. Thanks
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