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About Speed_Way

  • Birthday 10/13/1990

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  1. And if you also notice to add to this point that Emil is out of shape following the dirt deflector clip. You can also note that Nicholls looks at Emil the bulk of the way around the bend and if you look how he turns the bike it is aggressive and moving Emil further and further wider... As for the pit crew incident, yes it was uncalled for, for the Mechanic to push Nicholls but Nicholls did not do the mature thing and walk away, instead he took himself to their level.
  2. Have to say fair play to Emil for having the courtesy to actually apologize for the incident; Emil Sajfutdinov spoke Saturday after the Grand Prix round in Cardiff. Rosjanin przeprasza za swoje zachowanie i ma nadzieję, że więcej nie dojdzie do takich sytuacji jak na Millennium Stadium, gdzie pobił się ze Scottem Nichollsem. Russian supply for their behavior and hopes that more has not come to a situation such as the Millennium Stadium, where he defeated with Scott Nicholls. - Na początku chciałbym przeprosić moich sponsorów, kibiców i wszystkie osoby, które uraziłem swoim zachowaniem po piątym biegu. - At the beginning I would like to apologize my sponsors, supporters and all those who offended his behavior after the fifth race. Na swoje usprawiedliwienie mogę powiedzieć, iż w moim odczuciu to ja zostałem zaatakowany przez kolegę z Anglii. On herself I can say that I think I was attacked by a colleague from England. Mam nadzieję, że już więcej do takich sytuacji z moim udziałem nie dojdzie. I hope that even more to the situation with my participation will not. Wracając do zawodów, to mogę powiedzieć, że nie były one najlepsze w moim wykonaniu. Turning to the profession, it can be said that they were not the best in my application. Jak zwykle miałem wszystko bardzo dobrze przygotowane przez mój team, tylko popełniliśmy błąd w doborze motocykli. As usual, everything was very well prepared by my team, but popełniliśmy error in the selection of motorcycles. Mimo wszystko ciesze się, że nadal jestem drugi w klasyfikacji generalnej. After all I am very happy that I am still second in the general classification. Ta miesięczna przerwa od GP bardzo nam się przyda. This month break from the GP is very useful to us. Mam nadzieję, że w kolejnych rundach będę równie skuteczny jak dotychczas. I hope that in subsequent rounds as effective as I would. Teraz koncentruję się już na zawodach ligowych w Zielonej Gorze i byłoby fajnie gdybyśmy sprawili milą niespodziankę naszym fanom i uratowali bonus z dwumeczu - powiedział Sajfutdinov na swojej stronie internetowej. Now we focus on the already league competitions in Zielona Gora and it would be cool if we sprawili miles surprise our fans with the bonus and saved dwumeczu - Sajfutdinov said on its website. --- Reading the replies on here, I can perhaps see now that both riders are in part to blame for the incident and their actions even if they were heat of the moment were unprofessional. But I do think Nicholls could have controlled his temper better.
  3. I'm referring to the last bend, where you can see the way Nicholls is riding is aggressive and moving the Russian rider wider and wider and when they reach the straight Nicholls actually moves directly in line in front of Emil and you can see that his dirt deflector and back wheel miss Emil's back wheel by inches. Obviously Emil would have had to shut off to avoid quite a pile-up. I ride speedway myself and aggressive riding such as this is quite frankly dangerous and un-called for. Yes there is hard racing, but deliberately taking out other riders is unacceptable and is what leads to alot of accidents in speedway that shouldn't happen.
  4. Have to say Nicholl's was completely at fault, There was NO need whatsoever to do what he did. Its also not the first time incidents involving him have occured. Such as taking out Chris Harris to name but one example. You can see from the video that Nicholls made a dive under and attempted to take out the young Russian rider, In fact it was so tight that Emil's back wheel almost hit Scotts. Emil went up to have a word with Scott and probably to tell him rightly so that dangerous riding such as that is in NO way acceptable. This is where accidents happen! There's hard riding and there's deliberate taking out - This is the latter. Its sad that young riders have such appauling role models such as Nicholls to look up to... Very unprofessional behaviour.
  5. Got back from Germany late last night and was incredibly disappointed and heartbroken that the Grand Prix was cancelled. We got there at 4.30 suspected something was up due to the lack of people around the stadium, still we thought nothing of it and assumed that maybe the stadium had been opened earlier or something. We were then informed by some fans that the Grand Prix was off. It was hard to believe and still people continued to arrive. The train service was not informed about the cancellation either as signs at stations stated that there would be delays due to the Grand Prix and that extra trains had been put on to accomadate the event. These were still up after we left the stadium getting on for after 6PM. The vendors of the stalls outside the stadium had been informed at 2PM that the event was cancelled, as had the stadium staff. Our hotel was informed at 5PM that the event was cancelled. It was disappointing to say the least and many fans were incredibly disappointed and upset about the cancellation. It was like you were waiting for someone to yell 'April Fools' at the stadium. It was a complete and utter sham, we lost around £1000 in flights/accomadation, etc. and people on the trains who had VIP Packages told us they had come with little money because they were expecting to have a 3 course meal provided in the stadium. What a complete and utter farce..
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