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Everything posted by Piccolo

  1. Did anyone read the programme notes? Didn't it say something about winter trackwork removing the biggest element of advantage, the sweeps round the outside?
  2. When this event was held on neutral tracks (Belle Vue, Coventry, Swindon) the BSPA were surprised how many people turned up. In fact they were astonished that all the moaning stewards that wanted neautral tracks stayed at home. EL fans did not turn out at their home track to support PL events as there was no home interest and vice versa. The last Fours at Peterborough was an absolute disaster crowd wise.
  3. I never heard Pearson say Nicholls was gonna start winning in Cardiff? Just that it was a confidence boost for the lad? Change the record Ashie......
  4. Somebody told me that Makovsky asked for it, I wasn't there mind you but somebody did mention it so it must be true and I thought you all ought to know.
  5. But the real situation is you weren't there on Sunday and you don't know what if anything happened yet you are more than happy to start slagging again based on someone elses opinion and heresay. Well done!
  6. How to ruin a constructive thread, same whingers whinging about the same old same old. Somebody will start a thread about the Sky commentary team the same as the last 5 years next then we'll hear about same old same old again!
  7. It's a team event to avoid a clash with the Ben Fund meeting (individual) a fortnight later.
  8. Last night was the best atmosphere I have enjoyed at a Speedway meeting for years, it had everything for me and the evening went so quickly. Messrs Morton, Pairman, Gordon and Casey ought to be congratulated for a job very well done. I was still buzzing this morning, the music, the fair, start girls costumes, the buses and the noise of it all brought so much about the sport's history back. Nostalgia has it's place in everyone's history book, clearly last night met the approval of many and I certainly wouldn't spoil my enjoyment by nit picking - that is the reaction that can lead to Promoters giving up on us fans. Brilliant and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
  9. The riders brought shame to the nation. Lynch didn't help but don't exclude the riders from blame.
  10. Utter garbage. What chance of new fans coming into the sport? Anyone flicking through channels last night will have thought what a sad, sad sport speedway is. Nice venue but lots of empty seats on TV, looked like amateur hour.
  11. Wolves fans must be mad not to want him back, "Pork Pie" is right.
  12. subedei, of course he is, pearson has no idea about speedway and makes mistakes all the time!! NOT. millard should just retire gracefully coz he gets worse. other sports wouldnt stand for it on sky but spedways different.
  13. Let me get this right, cancel a meeting so that there is no income then spend the money you haven't got on coaches to Rye House? Must be from Workington!
  14. When was the big name ever promised, all the lads are giving their services to Garry, as have so many good people behind the scenes. You need to take a long, hard look at yourself.
  15. "Interesting interview with Hans Andersen at the end. On more than one occasion he was quite skeptical about Grzegorz Walsek having a foot injury." Was it a foot or 11.5 inches?
  16. "All the moaning and groaning will not change the organisers minds, and AFAIK it's a committee that makes the choices and rules is it not, not just one person! " Not so "MR Chapman had organised the whole super7 thing on his own I would be the first to say hang on thats not right, BUT he is just one person in a committee is he not?" No "If the case is that there is a committee, and I have knowledge of committee's as I have chaired a lot of them, the majority vote decisions count, regardless of how the minority feel" Definately not in this case, absolutely not in this case, quite categorically not in this case
  17. Well if wild cards spice up the event just wait till the wild bears start!
  18. Really, absolute wishful thinking on your part, stop believing the hype, Jonathan is the latest BSPA peeing post. SH described his early involvement as a nightmare, true but his enthusiasm is what the sport needs it is his enthusiasm you should applaud him for, beyond that he is stil a f@@king nightmare!
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