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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. 40 Steve Regeling maybe,can't remember any decent Kings Lynn riders other than him in the late 80's lol oh it isnt it's Bobby Schwartz lol
  2. 26 Shawn 30 Alan Mason in yb 36 Jan O Pedersen 37 Kelly,Tommy K,Neil Collins 38 Shawn 39 Andy Smith 40 Peter Carr
  3. Well I read it (took awhile!)didn't see anything wrong with it,makes a change to read something abit different than the 1000 odd posts slagging off Poole and Sheffield etc lol
  4. I was around then,Tigerblade,the 1982 team wasn't bad with Shawn,David Bargh and Wayne Brown,added to Reggie and Dave Morton think we finshed 5th in the BL that year. Dad still shudders at the mere mention of the name Glover though lol All those Aussie wonder kids he'd bring back,only they weren't wonders at all! Signings like Zenon Plech and Ales Dryml who hardly ever turnrd up! There was a third Glover of course,Gordon in the annoucers box,ruddy awful he was too lol Anyhow enough of the Glovers,how about a interview with Maurice Ducker,that would be well worth a read! Neil Evitts aswell...that'll please his number one fan lol
  5. 162 Dave Morton I'm still waiting for Jamie Young to turn up,you must have taken a few of him in the early 80s lol
  6. 129.Kai Niemi 130.Simon Wigg 131.Erik Gundersen 132.Larry Ross 135.Eric Broadbelt ? 136.Hans Nielsen 137.Peter Carr,Bo Petersen ?,Kelly Moran 138.Rob Pfetzing (probably wrong,but his name just flashed up for some reason!) 139.Declan Eccles 140.Kelvin Tatum 141.Jan Anderson 142.Kelly Moran 143.Martin Hagon 144.Shawn Moran 145.Sean Wilson
  7. I remember the first time he came to Owlerton in 1988,in his first race he went charging into the 3rd turn flatout (arms and legs trailing allover the place lol) pulled a huge locker mid turn,span round and fell off,picked himself up,bowed to the highly amused crowd,hopped back on the bike and took it slower the the next time round! He was rumoured to be on Sheffield's shopping list for 1989,along with Joe Screen...
  8. 83 is it our old mate Tony Forward again lol
  9. £3 from the next issue,well worth it,the editor is a member of the forum I think!
  10. Dad reckons number 5 is Geoff Pymar and agrees with Jimmy Gibb for number 10. Number 1 possibly an American - Ray Tauser ?
  11. speedwayplus.co.uk Some of the rules aren't a bad idea,I quite like the 'Here Come the Belgians' one
  12. I read somewhere that you have to have your top two heatleaders at 1 & 5,and the remaining heatleader and the two second strings can ride anywhere in the 2/3/4 jackets,adds abit of tactics I suppose,having a heatleader at number 4 might help away for instance,it would certainly benifit a team with a strong top 4.
  13. Wrong,Sean,Wilson,Andrew Moore,Garry Stead,Shane Parker and Leigh Lanham all took a GD from the tapes and from 15 meters back in the same meeting during Sheffield's various KO cup encounters. Atleast they've only allowed two GDs from the tapes instead of three,which I thought was abit much last year even if we did gain from it! If you want to email Neil Machin look on the official Tigers site.
  14. Why alter the format ? just ban the use of tacticals in ht 8 and ht14 for that matter!
  15. Shoddy :?: he's a forum member, he runs the fantasy league,when I said ex Duke I meant supporter,not rider but he's seen the error of his ways and is now a Tigers fan just like forum manager Phil,but all the old traits came out at the Northern riders when Havvy and co were on track :evil:
  16. I think it was something to do with the army regiment that was based in the town ,Shoddy's the man to ask being an ex Duke and all lol
  17. If remember rightly, Tony Forward came from the Grasstrack circuits in 84/85,anyhow he was ok in the second half but only lasted a few meetings in the first team in 1986 before he was replaced by David Walsh. 105 Jan O Pedersen 111 Marvyn Cox 112 Dave Morton
  18. 101.Reg Wilson 102.Tony "Fast" Forward ? he's the only one I can remember wearing white leathers! 106.The 1985 Tigers,Sam Nikolajsen,Flemming Rasmussen,Peter Carr,Shooey,Martin Hagon,Les and Neil Collins and well dodgy sponsership from MHS or so my Dad tells me lol 108.Shooey,Wiggy and Andy Smith at the 85 Marlboro classic staged on the thursday before the world final.
  19. Very jealous here.................................... :x bet its warmer where you are lol anychance of a bigger version of Shooey in pic2? I want to see who he's looking at on his outside!
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