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Mariusz Dubi

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About Mariusz Dubi

  • Birthday 11/07/1965

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    Hard Rock
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  1. Resume Match Races 1955-64: 1.Ove FUNDIN 3:0 RM; 5:3 PC; 2:1 BB 2.Ronnie MOORE 0:3 OF; 2:0 PC; 1:0 BB 3.Peter CRAVEN 3:5 OF; 0:2 RM; 3:0 BB 4.Barry BRIGGS 1:2 OF; 0:1 RM; 0:3 PC 5.Björn KNUTSON rode only against FUNDIN 1:3. I would have similar results from league and others meetings, but it's very difficult to find it.
  2. britmet: "You can find all the details of their Golden Helmet clashes, - and with the others of that era, on the British Match Race Championship page of the Speedway Champions Website..." Thanks for your help, but I still cannot find details of Golden-Helmet race-matches on the www.docstoc.com
  3. Does anyone have statistics of direct duels between Peter Craven, Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs and Ove Fundin? In the 1950s. and 60s, when Golden Helmet was very popular, they 4 WOLRD CHAMPIONS were very dominant und they met each others very often. Such a results would be very interesting...
  4. Hello, can somebody help me and sent the Elitserien-avareges-LINK? Thanks
  5. Hello, I'm interesting on speedway-history and I'm looking for the books about: 1) Peter Craven - "Wizard of balance" 2) Björn Knutson 3) Aub Lawson 4) Peter Collins Can somebody help me, please? Where can I find this books? I would be very glad to help me and find this books... PS: I already read books about Bluey Wilkinson, Ken, Le Breton, Ove Fundin, Eric Boockock, Chris Morton, Egon Müller and all old speedway riders from Poland. Now I'm reading about Brian Crutcher.
  6. Hello, I'm looking for the results of round 7 of 8 of Triviento Championship at Lonigo on Thuersday 30.09.2010...
  7. Thanks... and maybe have you got the results of MACEC CUP (round 2 of 3) at 18.Sept.2010 at Braila?
  8. Do you know new date of the Junior U21 Czech Republic Championship (round 5) at Slany?
  9. Have you got final clasification of Romanian Championship' 2010? All places please:)
  10. Thanks, but I need more places and maybe all points, too
  11. Hello, has somebody the results of Romanian Championship' 2010? Where can I find it?
  12. Hello, I'm looking for the results of Italian Championship (round 5 of 6) at Terenzano (4.Sept.). Where can I find it?
  13. Hello, where can I find full results of this meetings?
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