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Everything posted by Badge

  1. Huh you think he is naff, you should try to listen to Peter Churchill on Eurosport, he was commentating on the World Equestrian 3 Day Event this afternoon, and he was giving the scores and penalties for each rider before they had finished their round, so we knew whether they went clear in the time or not hardly before they had started. Also, he also kept getting the names and sometimes the sex of the riders wrong. Obviously Sky and their contemporaries do things on the cheap
  2. The highlight for me tonight in quite a night for highlights, Jason crowned, Hans' win, even Pepe's first race win , was Ales Dryml how great was that to see and hear him tonight.Good on you Ales, continue with your rehab and we look forward to seeing you ride that bike again...marvellous bl@@dy marvellous. Unlike Mr Louis
  3. Well I think it will be Danny King in 2012
  4. I can't believe this, 10 pages and counting again over Hans v Scott I notice no thread on the Crump v Lindbach episode, (or if there is not 10 pages). Nothing anyone says will change the decision from last night, and I think we all ought to thank those brave riders for riding in atrocious conditions. What seems to have started as a bit of rivalry at the Witches in 2004, has now got to the stage where if they are not careful someone will get hurt. I'm afraid all this discussion on the TV doesn't help as they are so biased they can't see the truth(or not as the case may be) if it came and bit them on the nose. Scott is a hothead, and at times loses his head and Hans is completely the opposite and is cool and determined, both dangerous when roused. It does make for exciting racing, but at the end of the day safety must come first. I do think it sad that people have to resort to name calling etc., if a decision goes against their favourite rider, not necessary and I suspect untrue to boot. My feelings on the matter, for what it is worth, Scott had his luck in Lonigo and this time wasn't his
  5. Ever the diplomat Jaybea. I appreciate what you are saying. I just feel it's THAT time of the year again, and 2004 raises it ugly head ONCE again. You know the incident I'm talking about. And it doesn't help when Scott talks to the papers (again) and talks without any thought for what he is saying. We had an absolutely brilliant week of Speedway, thrilling, with spills AND no injuries, sometimes edge of the seat stuff, and even a bit of pantomime thrown in as well.The best team won, and GB (mainly thanks to Scott) did well to finish on the podium should be end of but no here we go again.
  6. The point everyone seems to miss is that Hans(I've used his name as you did) has never spoken to the press about any incident, unfortunately that is what Scott continues to do at every opportunity it seems. Also who is the one who pushes his weight around and throws punches when things don't go HIS way. Not the Danes certainly(and that explosive episode on Saturday night was straight after the event and verbal not physical before you say anything and forgotten about after the event as it should be).No Scott needs to become dignified, he is a good rider but needs to think more about his own behaviour before he casts aspersions against others, and that Jaybea is my opinion on this matter, I know you disagree and thats your perogative, that's what makes forums interesting.
  7. What like Mark Loram:former World Champion etc, etc,a real gent and nice guy.....ummm a loser, yeah right.
  8. "shock horror".......Not one of these posters is an Ipswich fan, whatever next
  9. Good post DH. Will this so called feud with Hans and the whole of the British Isles EVER stop, No I suspect not until Scott Nicholls stops stoking the fire Up until that very silly put down, I had Bomber down as Man of the Week, however he blotted his copybook big time, and so for entertainment value Tomasz Gollob gets it.
  10. Well then don't compalin when you hear a bit of bad language and venting of frustration. You can't have it both ways.
  11. If you have recorded the meeting Subedei, have another look as I think you will find that Nicki's kevlar got hooked around AJ's footrest, he did really well to get clear and still stay on the bike, AJ must have realised this and backed off to allow Nicki 2nd place. bobtasker I totally agree with you, this sticking a microphone in someone's face is farcical, what will we see next, Sophie running on the track to interview a rider who's just been involved in a crash to ask his view of the incident.The pits is the business end of the team and as such a no go area in the name of 'entertainment'. Just my opinion.
  12. Not condoning his behaviour, BUT perhaps the cameras needed to pan away then, oh no much too good TV for that.
  13. Strange really, a thrilling night's speedway, with the result in doubt to virtually the end and all anyone can do is bad mouth Hans Andersen. My personal opinion is that Sophie new exactly what the reaction of Hans would be and milked it 'in the name of good telly'. This is not a new reaction is it for goodness sake, just because it is Hans Andersen. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole event and at the end of the day the best team won and more importantly Speedway was the winner.
  14. Bit of a chauvanist then are we?Or are you truly threatened by the weaker sex?Where does it say on your birth certificate that you shall know everything about everything and that the female sex shall defer to you alone People see things differently.What one person sees as dangerous another can't see the problem, that is life.At the end of the day, Scott beat Hans, neither rider was hurt so get over it.
  15. Just because that doesn't happen to be your philosophy, doesn't mean she didn't have freedom of choice, that is her perogative surely.All sports men, singers actors etc etc have groupies and the Danes are obviously no different.As someone has already mentioned there is NO LOVE lost between Hans and Scot, and all this posting on both threads and all the hype from the biased commentary on Sky has fueled this long running saga again. It was racing for your country, trying to qualify for the World Cup final.You will always have split opinions about riders etc., however, just because someone favours say Hans over Scot does NOT mean that they don't support GB. Freedom of choice in our little island. And at the end of the day Scot BEAT Hans.
  16. Actually I was nearly sick over a Dane last night, I was eating my supper watching on TV and they cut to a picture of Nicki P stripped to the waist, sweat streaming and blower on...yuck!! not a pretty sight TBH.
  17. Stress....stress, you want stress Point taken. The other side of the coin you have to consider is not all posters are in fact British even though they live and were possibly born over here.
  18. Has Chris been drafted into the team then, as from seveal posts it seems he has?
  19. Who is this directed at precisely? The females on this forum I suspect.Not all the males who lust after Sophie Blake then. Rather a stupid thing to say really, I think you will find that 'most' Brits support team GB, but not all with "Blind Faith" and rose tinted specs.
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