But you forget it's not just the spectators, to run a meeting has to have loads of volunteers, which is fine, but speedway being what it is, just take Danny for instance riding for Ipswich and Poole, Monday he and his mechanic are riding for Poole and some oik has the virus, known or unknown, Danny then unknowingly brings it to ipswich and bingo everyone has to self isolate for 14 days. Well some volunteers have jobs, who will pay them whilst they have to self isolate, in my case my son's company would probably have to close as there are only 10 people working and if he has to isolate so would they.
I have no idea what the answer is, but quite frankly there is no way speedway could have started here under the same rules as before, possibly the riders could only ride for the one team, but then you get as now, Leicester and Manchester in lockdown again and that throws the whole thing out.