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Badge last won the day on June 2 2022

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About Badge

  • Birthday 06/07/1954

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    in the white room at the crossroads
  • Team
    Ipswich witches

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  1. Tom would need to be as well as, not instead of, Emil in my opinion. I have my fingers firmly crossed that Emil feels that he has unfinished business at Foxhall.
  2. Simple philosophy for the Witches tonight, no last places lads 🀞
  3. I will ask again, where has it been stated that he will not ride here again? He was never riding tonight, Jan was announced last week as guest, do you not think Emil would ride in Poland first, and then perhaps if all well after that he may ride here, or does someone know differently?
  4. Real shame we have to ride next week instead of week after
  5. ???. That's because if Emil has anything to say about it, he still expects to come back. Pity our semi wasn't a week later tbh/
  6. Freddie was booked for both ko cup and play offs but was blocked by his Polish club, Bomber, I think you'll find is a Tiger, also we have Tom Brennan
  7. RR you've been around long enough to know that they can ride in Poland whatever their injuries are, whereas over here not so.
  8. I'm chuffed Sam Masters is a witch again 😜,
  9. Yes I agree about Adam, but Emil's irreplaceable tbh. Just have to hope that now he is home, the Polish medics can work a miracle. Hopefully the Holder x 2 that normally turn up, appear tonight 🀞
  10. For goodness sake, I've been away on holiday and carnage has ensuedπŸ˜ͺ Whilst we had Emil, with Scott etc to cover for Jason, all was well in the team. Now it feels that the guts have been ripped out of the team losing Emil as we have. Why does it have to be Sheffield tonight grrr. Good luck lads, you are going to need it.
  11. https://x.com/BrumSpeedway/status/1816798637361389848?t=Rv077IRAJtIyPOxjPtwVjg&s=19 I didn't know you could re-instate a rider back into the team after letting them go.....or did I just dream that
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