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Everything posted by spook

  1. been doing it since 2003 ....... should be nothing new for the grammar police i'm sure there are better things to worry about
  2. .............*shrugs*.......... why did you think he was going to be excluded unless you felt he should have been? in the end no matter how much we would like the title decided it doesnt have much to do with what actually happens.... and the refs are there to do a job............. damned if he does and damned if he doesnt.......... he hasnt escaped being remembered for how the title was decided so he may as well have officiated when he was supposed to
  3. yes I completely agree with your first paragraph........... Nicki showed all his experience and pulled off a clever and totally legal move off the worst gate........He put Chris in a very difficult position - go for it or throttle off.......... he chose wrong I dont like Nicki and I never have........ his antics, while being great for the cameras and WWE boos in the stadium, help to bring the sport into disrepute at times.............................................. Holder has ridden really well throughout the season, and is a guy who is difficult to dislike..................................................... but none of this matters........... all that matters is the difficult and awkward decision that the ref had to make the OP got it right........... the ref bottled.............. no rider wants to get in the way of a title battle........... and i'm sure no ref would want to be remembered as getting in the way............. but he had no choice............. Holder should have been excluded pure & simple... no matter what it meant thereafter
  4. Yes.... in fact impossible is probably a good word for how they must be feeling in the IMG offices The names in the frame must be Hampel, Ward, Vaculik, MJJ, Woffinden, AJ ................ politically and realistically I dont see Laguta being involved When was the last time that a GP winner wasnt ensured a place in the following year's series? Theoretically that should mean Vaculik and MJJ are assured Ward is top box office and everything IMG & Sky want for the series.... it should mean he is assured Hampel is top class and has done nothing to lose his place apart from injury..... Polish quota also isnt an issue for him.... he should be assured For years IMG have grimly held on for dear life to the notion that a Brit should always be involved, Cardiff is a cash cow that they dont want to run the risk of upsetting........ it should make Woffinden feel assured...... never mind those long term rumours that it was a done deal months ago According to some VERY quick assurances from those in the know that AJ is now safe ... due to Crump's retirement.... it should be the end of it...................... however it does smack somewhat of speedway's inner circle, making a decision, closing in and now trying to force throught that square block in the round hole..................... I should imagine that they will get what they want and AJ can feel assured but it will be very interesting if this 'ruling' is challenged 5 into 4 doesnt go ...... and if the assurances being offered to AJ end up being hollow then the 5 becomes 6.............. Ward is absolute box office.... once we acknowledge that WC's exist then he is always going to be a candidate reading through the thread i'm amazed no one has commented on this............. if true this is pretty outrageous behaviour from the culprit yeah completely agree that if fit and healthy anyone who thinks they might consider a wildcard should have entered the qualifying process.......... the main problem that I see with it though is that it sometimes suits both the rider, and IMG/FIM if they DON'T enter......... isnt it more difficult to justify giving a rider a wildcard when he failed in the qualification process? I'm glad that NKI has qualified as of right and now has a chance to show what his new self is made of.............. but along with Zagar & KK we have 3 guys who have all failed abysmally at least once in the GP series .......... i'm not sure the top 3 are a good thing for 2013
  5. lol I don't remember that either ............... along with the Gollob incident, I remember being stuck behind the Hackney glass .... and Marvyn having a bit of a mare ive had to go and look at the scorecard now..... and what a lineup with 9 world champions past or future there that night... and the others included 3 podiums, a pairs champion, U21 Champion.......
  6. yeah i'd hope it would wake us up a bit and force some of the riders to truly learn what is required..... although i'd want it full stop and not just for the next couple of years........ sadly though unless the series is Britless in 2013 and Cardiff still does well for attendance .... then I cant see IMG changing their policies
  7. yep some of the threads and posts on him have become slightly over the top............... in some ways though he does bring it on himself as everyone instinctively know the limits .... and the limits of a respectable amount of wildcards ended a year or two ago.............. and if it was being made worth his while, then how many years does it take to even stumble across a decent setup in his camp? ...let alone purposely hone in on on his day you cant take your eyes off him.... and that cant be said about too many riders..................... but we have had enough years now to know that his overall game is not to the required standard time to move on
  8. cheers i was going to say..... I don't remember much from that fabled gollob/boyce night anyway .....but i'm sure I would have remembered Crump winning the final
  9. What a shame.... Jason is and probably will be for some time IMHO the greatest ever grand prix rider Not just for his points haul or top step finishes but also for the gutsy attitude he brings ... a never say die attitude combined with some extremely smart thinking............ Gollob has the outrageous moves but Crumpy has the overall package Despite the shock of the news I cant help feeling already that he is doing the right thing....... we've all seen it with riders down the years... he had one crash too many and has come back from the burns a more cautious rider..... the last thing i'd want to see is a decline He should be very proud of his GP career and the way that he handled himself overall....... hope he has a great swan song in Torun
  10. JC's retirement & unlucky Davey Watt's injury should be a massive help for IMG ..... if it's 9th place that gets his spot then thats the AJ issue sorted...... JC stepping down along with Watt pulling out of challenge means now Darcy is assured and it gives more possible room for AJ ...... If it ends up being 4th from the challenge that gets JC's spot then it is more chance for MJJ & Vaculik to make it through without using a WC................. sadly this also gives IMG a bit more Tai/Bomber room.. although it is really going to test IMG's stubborness with including a Brit, to place one above Darcy, Jarek, AJ, MJJ & Vaculik................ my guess is that they are crossing everything that at least one of MJJ or Vaculik qualify as they will then squeeze all the riders in that they need to
  11. totally agree .... hats off to MJJ for not being intimidated to go for it and.......as if wildcards werent a problem before IMG now have a complete nightmare
  12. ive never felt that he has a voice that fits the part........ his knowledge cant be argued with and he doesnt repeat himself ad nauseum ...... but a commentator or 'colour man' needs more than that .......... he also has impartiality issues
  13. have been watching for far too long to not be cynical.......... I dont have a short memory
  14. well theres a thing now for the outside gates to make a comeback in the next 4 heat set
  15. what's the bets that its sorted out for the next set of 4 heats?
  16. Didnt this happen in recent years?......... i'm struggling to remember exactly who it was........... I thought that IMG snaffled up the extra space for use as a wildcard rather than it going to 4th........... or did I imagine the whole thing?
  17. a good litmus test for this would be .... what if the US supercross and motocross guys started doing it? What would Monster's view of that be? ............... I suspect there would be a meltdown........ most likely because US TV is so 'god fearing' in the first place (just this alone could mean no chance of live coverage in the States)............... so then it would come down to if they intend to bring the same approach to Europe that they have in the States Whether sweary teen stamping NickiP behaviour fits into their image or not, i suspect they would want to control that image and how it continues to be played out rather than leaving it to someones reactions to refs More to the point is now they have got Monster through the door IMG will be looking at other big scalps knowing they are in a stronger position. I'm not an adman but whether what Nicki is doing is deemed good or bad I am certain that they would still want control over how it plays out. I'm not sure i've seen this issue in another sport..... not where the sport allows it to be repeated over & over again anyway...... maybe theres a good reason for that!
  18. Damn shame................. last night we had an outstanding track that served up great lines and action.......... and despite not being the biggest stadium it did at least present a full crowd on the TV
  19. Yeah for sure bias and favouritism always play a part..... but just as with this post of yours it is all to be balanced for instance 3 riders I admire are: Gollob Crump Harris all for different positive reasons but I will never be able to mug myself off over Gollob's blatantly disgusting moves particularly early on in his career... disrespect to the SWC... and 'special' bikes Crump's sourness over the years and now what I perceive to be too much caution on track Harris for his lack of reality and constant excuses... not to mention regular choking when on the best gate of the night now i've just done that I feel a bit disloyal ... but I can't pretend it isnt happening Pedersen can be a 'hard rider' .....he has spent the majority of his career riding the man instead of the track but over time he has shown he is willing to push that to dubious lengths which in my mind moves him on from 'hard' to 'often dangerous'......... it doesnt help that he often so ridiculously denies blame for incidents which are so nailed on.... naturally that alone calls into question his judgement Judging by this forum I'm starting to think that Pedersen's greatest talent is to brainwash his fans into believing that he never does anything wrong btw glad you see his 'extra drive' for what it is
  20. maybe the question should be ......who is accountable then? Yeah understand NickiP is all 'he's behind you' and all that ..... but I dont believe he has to swear etc to play the pantomime game Do Sky want the swearing or not? If they don't then they should either be getting IMG to stamp on it.... or as others are saying they should be avoiding interviewing him..... the latter would be hard for them to swallow though if he is the self appointed panto star What we have had for years is that the riders dont have to worry..... Sky will apologise..... and thats that tbh I havent really been bothered until this season where the likes of Monster are likely to take a dim view of it ..... big sponsors attract other big sponsors I didn't like his seeming lack of care towards AJ's situation but I didnt expect anything different........ he will stick someone in a fence and not blink...... and then treat them as if they are pulling off one of his very own James Brown acts What amazes me about Nicki though is his undying loyal fans who never seem to be able to see fault..... despite watching the same speedway... seeing the same incidents..... knowing the guy's tactics................... he is an exciting rider who is willing to put himself on the edge but it will never give him a free pass to risk others and bring nonsense
  21. I dont think he has been having a dodgy season ..... if anything last season was the blip where he had a hell of a second half..... this season has continued the ever so slight decline over a period getting on for 10 years but...... he was on course for a top 8 .....or for a hell of a fight with Lindback, where if he had lost out he most likely wouldnt be far behind........ which in the wonderful world of the IMG offices can be crucial.......... end up 20 points adrift, and even worse with the wrong rider sandwiched inbetween and you can be cut faster than you can say Rune Andersen Vaculik, Ward, & Hampel are 3 names which i'm expecting to be nailed on ........Jepsen Jensen is someone else who of course they must be strongly looking at ...............and lets not forget the ridiculous but highly possible option of giving a WC to a Brit in AJ's favour is if Vaculik can qualify direct from the challenge...........Lindback and/or Jepsen Jensen qualifying would also help him......... and if 1 or 2 Aussies were to qualify it would put Ward's WC in jeopardy Edit: actually after refreshing on AJ's GP career what I have said is incorrect.....rather than a slow decline he has been pretty up and down in that time ... not sure how that changes the selection issues he faces though
  22. Some good races tonight..... track was prepared well ....and we had a crowd that didnt embarrass the sport I think that could well have ended AJ's GP hopes for 2013..... with so many top class youngsters looking for a place (+ Jarek) and so few places up for grabs I could see IMG being tempted to leave him out is bias really that blinding?
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