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Everything posted by spook

  1. totally agree with that it would only be right............a couple of noms would not hurt the process I really do understand what you are saying Subedei......no rider should be able to sit back in a comfort zone unless maybe they are top 3 or top 5......and even then.......I guess the problem lies with the way the GP system is setup and that it is safe to say that the top rider from UK, Poland and Sweden are safer than safe in receiving a wild card I'm still thinking that your negative feelings about Scott are colouring your views on this.........you feel he should be held to one thing he said in one interview?? and if it is about 'serial failure' then we would have a very small GP field wouldn't we?! Can I ask you what Leigh Adams was doing at Scott's age? Lets hope Scott continues the relatively good GP form and is rewarded with some points for his efforts ....this would hopefully allow another Brit in the back door .......now who do we reckon that would be?
  2. no but would it be fair to say that you have a vested interest in ridiculously taking him at his word? Your negative posts on Scott haven't passed me by as i'm sure they haven't for others give the guy a break Subedei....i'm sure we would all like him to be fulfilling his potential or even if you don't feel he has any more, reaching finals and easily making the top 8 but...........I may be wrong here, but is it not the case that only two riders have made more semi finals than him? Regardless of what he said in one interview I think the man would deserve a wild card with the current system as it happens I think the whole system is still wrong...............The qualifying rounds should be more extensive...more GP positions on offer....more riders should be included and not on a nomination basis only either.........this would also encourage the majority of the GP field to take part instead of sitting back comfortably
  3. same old faces making the same old snide remarks
  4. very poor - he has the chance to pick a decent gate in the semi and blows it!! (and not for the first time) I hope Lee picks things up again but I agree if he doesn't show a vast improvement on last season it is time to give his place to someone else brilliant! totally agree about Scott......the guy has as much talent as any of them out there - he generally has fast bikes and yet consistently chokes at the very worst moments - he'll always get my support but I really don't expect him to do anything more than hang about midfield I think this season belongs to Nicki/Zippy
  5. sorry Yorkshire ace but I agree - I think you were trying to take advantage no incentive required - these are great tickets and I would be matching the sale price if I didnt need 4 seats good for you Kindred - hope you enjoy your day
  6. thx Joanne I had already checked but only the bottom and top tiers are available
  7. Ideally for the back or home straight 2nd tier We left it too late to get the kind of seats we usually have and would prefer not to be up in the clouds - I thought i'd try here first
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