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Everything posted by spook

  1. thx Kris so does that mean he is the hands on guy in charge of speedway for IMG?
  2. good post FTM and it is nice to get some extra info............ it doesnt suprise me at all that the materials are substandard feeling like giving us a hint as to who the rider was? Or can we safely assume he is 'close' to Olsen?
  3. yeah sadly they arent all risks which just involve him................. sometimes they involve other riders and sometimes they are with the sport as a whole
  4. not necessarily we dont truly know the dynamics and power struggles in the background.............. IMG promote these events and no doubt outlay a lot of money to do so.......... I am certain that they do not want refs blowing their hard work and I am sure that they have clout
  5. Hancock may have been unhappy with the track.... but he wasnt threatening anything on the level nicki was............... no one is saying the track last night was satisfactory but I do think that it has been got out of perspective re: sliding off a bike..... ah come on...... the americans used to include it as part of the test to allow them to ride ............... hans neilsen made it an art....... Trick went through a period of it............... and now it looks like Nicki P is Nicki P certainly could have stayed on his bike in the Adams race........... quite simply he came across too early and leigh was well in front of him..... most riders would shut off and attempt to come inside..... some would readjust to go wide.................. Nicki chose to engineer a rerun question: if the theory is that in both identical incidents nicki was attempting for an all 4 back if he didnt hit the front................does this mean that it would continue over and over again until he made the gate? and what if everyone started doing it?
  6. sometimes I think that i'm anti danish until I remember Bjarne, Gundersen, Knudsen, Hans Neilsen, Bo Petersen ............................. the problem here is the way that the crop of guys including Hans and Nicki were trained.......... and those since
  7. ah dont believe the hype.............. Nicki scored 11 points (and that was 4 more than he should have had!) and has Crumpy breathing down his neck.......he had to blame something didnt he?........... if he thinks that he can whip up the support of the other GP riders then he is mistaken the issue which is present and could spark a rider walkout is not this but it does still involve Nicki
  8. what a mistake................. does Jim Lynch think that we can actually win the event? If we cant win the event then he has to bring through guys who can possibly help us win it in the future.............. i'm sorry but IMO that doesnt include Simon Stead or Oliver Allen Jim Lynch is trying to reach the final here without going to the playoff........ this is error number 2.......... we cannot win the final so therefore why miss out on the chance to blood youngsters and get to the race off where the bikes and guys can get dialed in? .........The statistics show that teams that progress to the final from the race off do well
  9. I'm not sure that posting here is going to be very helpful........ ive just done a test run and it looks like it is sent to the admin who will then decide if it goes up or not.............. and of course admin is most likely some bod who doesnt even work in the FIM offices or is general IT dogsbody there I still think letters are far more effective than emails which are easily dismissed out of hand I have found this page of locations for IMG http://www.imgworld.com/about/office_locations.sps but it needs to go to the correct location and to the correct guy............ does anyone know the name of the IMG guy who has been popping up in the GP's giving presentations? on the FIM pages I found this: BSI Speedway Ltd. McCormack House Burlington Lane GB - London W4 2TH Mr Paul Bellamy Tel.: +44 208 233 5300 Fax: +44 208 233 6464 E-mail: speedway@imgworld.com it lists it as BSI but it gives an IMG email address.................... I wouldnt be suprised if this was the correct place for IMG and for the FIM: FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE MOTOCYCLISME (FIM) Address: Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme, 11 route Suisse, 1295 Mies, SWITZERLAND. Tel: +41 2 2950 9500. Fax: +41 2 2950 9501. Email: fim@fim.ch Website: www.fim.ch
  10. two things after reading through the reams of posts last night: if what Nicki did to gain two exclusions is deemed to be not only acceptable but also an exclusion for the other rider then we will see more and more of the field doing it.......... race after race we will see budding drogba's and ronaldo's aiming at other riders and then sliding off their bikes........ maybe they will even chuck their hands into the air in that classic Platoon 'why?' pose like our favourite continental football players?.............................. and what happens when 2 or more go for this approach in the same turn? ............... does this now mean that gate 1 is actually the worst gate to be on now because you have to shut off to avoid being excluded? It will certainly mean that riders will start gaining injuries because of other guys being a liability I believe Mr Pedersen and Mr Olsen are missing a point or two here.......... if any collusion should be happenening then it should be how to use his World Champion status to its fullest to promote GP speedway and speedway in general.................. NickiP's theatrics backed up by strong administerial support for him are making it a laughing stock and was the track really that bad? yes it rutted early..................... but from what I saw the majority of the incidents involved guys who were ignoring the dodgy spots of the track............what NKI tried was ridiculous and was only going to end up in tears........... we all know what happens to temp tracks and this was not the worst we have seen by far .... it isnt even the worst Cardiff track we have seen
  11. most certainly it would have if we go back to the ref's first season in GP reffing....... I seem to remember a few decisions that heavily went Tomasz Gollob's way................. however just like Rune Holta has been able to it looks like the ref has changed his nationalty having slept on this I am so incensed by last night that I think a couple of letters are in order for IMG and the FIM .................... if people dont actively do something about this it will be conveniently swept under the carpet and no doubt happen again later in the season
  12. lol well each to their own opinion bwitcher.........I dont seek approval........ I know what I witnessed tonight and it is not good for the sport who said all 4 back has to be for bunching? is it not actually the case that a ref can bring all 4 back at any point during a race? ............. the misconception amongst fans is that there is a rule that all 4 back can only happen in the first couple of bends................... the basic facts are that incidents happened which resulted in exclusions that we just do not see and were engineered and profited from by a certain Mr Pedersen............... all 4 back is there to not force refs into a decision... to provide that leeway that incidents often need re: hancock/adams heat ............ what you say does not change that a result was given and not only was it the first of two decisions that went against Leigh but once again it also in the long run worked for nicki...................... if as I suspect the FIM do not believe in the existence of dead heats and shared points then they need to re evaluate their rules as those guys could not be split........ i'm suprised that the lower number on the bib didnt get the point considering other rules there is no issue with holding tapes for longer................ i'm all for refs being random with this to stop the rollers and creepers................ however he wasnt random was he?............ he was consistent throughout the meeting and waited until the 21st heat to start playing silly buggers ..... and yes Nicki Pedersen was in ht21....................... there was no need for it and he made himself and the sport look silly in ht22..................................... it seems to me that there was an agenda in place ..... the same agenda that saw Nicki touch the tapes but even if the ref didnt see that it was most certainly an unsatisfactory start....... funny how after the tapes were touched though that it wasnt brought back and the race was rushed through as if nothing had happened I would be very interested to see if the Speedway Star have been prepared to run the risk of ruffling a few feathers over this by asking questions on the separate incidents to the applicable people
  13. If enough people speak up it will happen I am a huge fan of the GP's (not that I wasnt of the old world final model) ......... but i'm left wondering what it is all worth after tonight ........... this is not simply serving up a slick track to suit certain riders.... this treads in areas where other sports have taken a long time to regain credibility
  14. I understand what you are saying speedchick and on the whole speedway fans are a good sort and dont revel in crashes...................... however............ this guy, due to his antics down the years brings out passion in people............... there is no doubting that speedway would be poorer without him but by the same token it would be richer if we could have a world champion that didnt have to resort to the depths that he does..... and thats just on the track.... we arent even talking about the 'assistance' provided to him which sadly makes the whole competition mickey mouse in the grand scheme of things...................... I dont cheer when riders crash but I was not unhappy after he walked away and told my tv and the neighbours so the exclusions were an absolute joke and reek of something fishy....... if anyone should have been excluded in both incidents it was nicki ............ he knew exactly what he was doing and both times came across too early.............. however any sane and un 'bought' ref would have given all 4 back for both incidents ................... there was no need to make any other decision........................................ this also reminds me of the tortoise and the hare though............ nicki may feel that there are short term gains to make sure that if he doesnt hit the front that an incident happens instead....... but he should remember that incidents dont just involve one rider and that quite often the most inoculous slides off a bike can result in injury I felt so bad for Scotty and usually my initial reaction would be to criticise but he really gave it some welly out there and has obviously made efforts and most likely spent a pretty penny on overhauling his machinery................. I dont think he was helped by the uncertainty of what the heck the ref was up to with the tapes in the semi's but at least he went for it instead of gating badly on the worst gate and trailing in looking at the replay though he jerks forward and there was a moment where he could have saved himself..... i'm not sure why he carried on but to me in slo mo it looked like he got into a muddle with his clutch lever............. thats a bit insane for a top level rider though surely? Good signs though from both Brits and suddenly they are within 11 points of 8th place It is typical of Tomasz that he completely blew his chances tonight despite it being the first chance to really gain on Nicki .... just as we were starting to believe in the dream ...................... but i'm far more confident of Crumpy being able to overhaul a 10 point lead and with the form he is in right now it is game on I just hope karma has a part to play if it is needed
  15. tbh it was a bit of a rhetorical question.............. Olsen is the very same guy that used to pressurise refs into changing decisions ...... he is still fiddling with the outcome of things...... just in a different way speedway has enough problems without this ....... when are the right people going to do the right thing and force him out?
  16. What a shame that this imbecile ref ruined what was an eventful night.................... or is it? imo a few things shined a light into a shady area where most of us would fear to look.......................... not excluding Nicki for tape touching............ not taking the time to watch a replay of a race finish that was obviously very tight but involved a rival of nicki's (this adding to said rival not qualifying)............... excluding two guys for incidents in the first bend that involved Nicki................ inexplicably playing games with the time taken to raise the tapes in the semis Why was this guy given Tony Steele's quota last season? Why was he obsessed with cutting Nicki a break with every incident? Who is it that is responsible for choosing the referees? What nationality is this 'employer'? the sad fact is that he took the spotlight tonight...... he wrecked leigh Adams season....... he protected nicki P in 3 separate incidents which allowed him to score 4 more points than he probably would have .....not to mention taking points away from others..................... and he discredited a sport in what should be one of its finest hours with the worlds media watching Despite nicki choosing to adopt age old Hans Neilsen tactics of making sure that if he doesnt get to the 2nd bend first that someone takes him out............... and clearly coming across too early in both incidents...... in fact in the second he had already been smacked by hans due to veering across early................... despite all of these tactics it still should have been all 4 back........... the ref was under no pressure to do anything else and yet he allowed the scenario where the worlds media who are already less than convinced about speedway have walked away scratching their heads about the over complex and seemingly unfair rules the important thing for me here is the shady area where few of us really want to look....................... why were the tapes held for longer in the semi's? what was the justification because from my angle it looked dodgy and one of the oldest tricks in the book.................. why wasnt the all 4 back option chosen as it would have been in 99% of other similar cases? ................... why wasnt nicki excluded for tape touching? something smells and it is time that the GP's were cleaned of all biased dodginess going on in the background .............. if they cant do it fairly they shouldnt do it at all
  17. no they certainly dont........ his confidence seems to be knocked but there is a world of difference between his bikes performance getting to the first bend compared to last season
  18. the way things are going I cannot see us having 2 in the series just as much as I cant see us having none
  19. so Nicki Crump has the misfortune of gaining an injury now that keeps him out for the rest of the season and you dont think it is a good idea that they are in the GP's for next season? On the whole the wildcards are worked out well....... they are rarely given to someone who was massively off the pace in the gps that season. There isnt a great deal of time for Bomber and Scott to start scoring but they do still have time
  20. and the best and original mix is the woodtick mix (otherwise you'll be downloading the 20+ mixes trying to find the right one )
  21. all that said a pretty decent gp for the surface Mr Olsen can claim a small victory for the track tonight although sometimes it is good if there is an alternate line the ref was having a laugh over excluding freddie great to see tomasz winning on a temp track..... and to see crumpie with decent machinery and a bit of passion again NickiP is looking nailed on for the championship already the way he is riding and with only tomasz within 20 points of him I just cant see anyone catching him without misfortune taking a part all that said though not impressed by Pedersen's move on crump in the final ... as I should imagine Jason wasnt either
  22. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/ind...p;#entry1209126 no this is becoming a habit with scottie now ... to some degree he has always looked at how many he needs to get into the semi rather than turning the screw from the off..... but this season more than most he has been turning up with the wrong setup and paying the price............... ive been a bit of a sad statto tonight and worked out his record since 05 stats here show that he has been regularly turning up to his first heat either mechanically or mentally unprepared for the last 4 years....... but particularly so this season http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pte...wBfNw&hl=en on average he has always been between 7 and 8 points a gp backed up by him usually just making it and getting a duff gate or just missing out but for me the key stats here are: 05-07 seasons 1st heat 1.23 2nd heat 1.33 3rd heat 1.67 4th heat 1.80 5th heat 1.43 08 season 1st heat 0.75 2nd heat 1.25 3rd heat 1.25 4th heat 1.00 5th heat 1.50 if there is any hope though it is that Scott started last season even worse ............. but if they havent already.... it really is time that his camp realise that blowing the first two races is destroying each GP for him.................... and the irony after all these stats is that whoever has the programme board out in the pits needs to start hiding it as it is no suprise to me that his 5th heats over the years show a dip in performance compared to his previous 2 heats...... too much pressure with too much to do too late *puts anorak away*
  23. thx for the downloads guys it has been great seeing how the Swedish put on a show are there any more goodies uploaded to torrents?
  24. I have to agree with shazzybird here speedyguy....... I am suprised that bone still exists considering the amount of time you have been chewing it and this is starting to look like a bit more than an 'interest' in Spanish Speedway I think it is fair to say that the project has had its problems so far and I cant even imagine what the Paines have had to go through to get to where they are now... let alone how hard they have already worked to get to where they want to be despite the obstacles Did it occur to you that maybe there hasnt been an update on the information that you require (for whatever reason) because it wouldnt actually be in their interest to? After reading through this thread it seems that you more than most people should understand some basic rules for promoters........ ie shout about the good things and wait in silence until the bad things pass while ploughing on Anyone who has invested blood sweat and tears should be able to relate to their situation and the probablity that as they have come this far they are unlikely to throw in the towel so easily..... I am sure that progress will be announced when they are ready to announce it. In the mean time do you think you are helping them?
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