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scoobydoo last won the day on August 28 2023

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  1. In one possible scenario of the KOC, Kings Lynn could end up with a team that includes Ben Cook and Lawson racing for the Stars against Poole at Poole !!
  2. Oxford yes, but Birmingham moved up due to race night restrictions not primarily because they wanted to, theres always the possibility that Lynn would of dropped down as well i suppose
  3. With the current issues being faced by Birmingham to field a competitive team in the 2025 premiership , What state would the league of been in if Wolverhampton & Peterborough were still running ?
  4. Whats the possible timescale now then with the "call in", take it Santa Claus will be back resting up after another hectic nights work long before the second committee sit and decide again if it comes to that , that is ?
  5. What did happen to the track lights in the end ? It seems as though they didn't go to Workington as was rumoured at one stage, Were they sold for scrap ?, If so hope MT kept the bulbs he allegedly had to pay for !!
  6. If they were to compromise and the Grandstand and track are left in the present position would they be liable to restore it to its before decommissioned state with regards the fence, pits, lights and Grandstand as it could be argued it should of been left until after the planning meeting.
  7. May end up being far cheaper for AEPG to incorporate the existing position and use of the Grandstand and track than move it anywhere else
  8. Watched the video of yesterday's meeting and to my surprise it turns out the Chairman of the Planning Committee is an ex work colleague of mine who i worked with for a good 10+ years , he loves his sport especially the red half of merseyside and hes a big fisherman also.
  9. Im sure Laguta Racing Fan has been in contact with his best mate Artem to attend today
  10. Had a look what they said via the councils website as i couldn't open the link , Paragraph 62 of there objection was strange saying the fence and track could easily be restored ,then saying the start finish line and refs box could be repositioned, but then the strange statement of saying the Grandstand wasnt required/needed.
  11. You could also say he needs to "travel" from his home to the track in Poland in a van which requires him to also sit for a period of time in a seat , unless of course he's living in a porta cabin in the car park at the stadium
  12. Luke Becker should of got rider of the night as i believe he was the only rider to pass anyone after the 3rd bend of lap 1
  13. So the Government will be pushing for houses to be built on Coventry and Lakeside's derelict land and just think how many they could fit on Rockingham .
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