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About greybear

  • Birthday 05/20/1968

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    Anything from Johnny Cash to the Flaming Lips
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    Business Analyst

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    Most Sports & Music

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  1. Like a speedway version of The Hundred then! 🤣
  2. Is that based on some factual information?
  3. Palm Toft has had some really good performances at the NSS in the past & Hans has stated a few times in the past that it is one of the tracks he enjoys most. Nicholls has never been that great here, even when he rode for The Aces. Harris has had mixed results. Not sure whether Wells will do too well & Palin is capable of beating both reserves although Brennan also has plenty of potential. Both Worralls and Kurtz were much better last week, Wright is the only other concern based on that performance. Be interesting to see how the track is prepared as the grip has been mostly on the inside recently.
  4. Obviously he has had involvement in the past, and he is a speedway fan, but I get the impression he has enough on his plate running the stock cars, without the added stress of running a speedway promotion as well.
  5. I was there last night. I believe the official limit was 4,000 and It looked to be somewhere around that mark.
  6. Not sure if Pawlicki played for it but he turned his front wheel back into Vaculik's back wheel in my opinion. He should have been the one chucked out i would say.
  7. I was trying to work out whether he had a mechanical problem or simply wasn't good enough.
  8. As Flint also came in for Palin maybe it's if you're more than 6 points behind the team that are leading? or just a free for all
  9. Probably a bit of both. i'm not sure some of these riders merit places riding in the top division to be honest!
  10. so far both the tapes and the teams have been uneven
  11. Shocking decision there. Pawlicki should have been allowed to go but got pulled back. Przedpelski did worse & got away with it. Maybe they want to keep the match close lol
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