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tellboy last won the day on September 16

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About tellboy

  • Birthday 01/09/1969

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    long term girlfriend
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    not bothered
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    Kings Lynn Stars
    Man Utd
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    King's Lynn Stars

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  1. Couldn't get any better,i had a technical fault just as they were interviewing J.Holder,missed it all,bonus😁
  2. 2nd priority is to come away with a 25kg bag of Maris Piper,they cost a fortune nowadays😀
  3. Cracking meeting again from the NSS tonight.Is a 12pt lead enough,i sincerely hope so,but i don't think it is.Pretty sure you won't see that kind of racing in the 2nd leg unfortunately.Maybe the Belle Vue riders can attach torches to the front of their bikes and they may be ok🫣.
  4. He needs to be more ruthless in those positions.We know how fast he can be,but to be right at the top of the game he has to stop being nice.
  5. He has had a great season,just pipping Fricke and Sayfutdinov in the averages.Doyle still tops it though although only doing half a season.
  6. I got the same reply,apart from he added after,our great sport for 50+years.
  7. The ref most definitely did steel the show,with her complete lack of professionalism.
  8. Sent,I feel that strongly about it.They need to wake up a smell the coffee and suspend referee's that make constant blunders.
  9. I did say yesterday i wouldn't have been using Kvech at Leicester,as he was really poor for Lynn there.Anyway it's the ref that took it away from Ipswich.With those riders scoring what they did Ipswich would have still won the tie quite comfortably had it not been for some awful decisions from the ref.
  10. How the Leicester riders can celebrate that i don't know,i would be embarrassed.I'm gutted for the sport i love tonight.
  11. It doesn't matter,they will get the gist and it will find it's way i would like to think.
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