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Silver Cheetah Snr

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  1. Has anyone received their refund from this match. Not even received an E-mail to say that refund being processed.
  2. And now you are unable to contact them on the phone it is just dead
  3. So after having to buy tickets in advance we are now being asked to throw money away on Petrol to go to a meeting that will not be on and if it is then there will not be any racing.
  4. I think that there can only be one winner of this and that is the weather. Don't know why it is still on at the moment.
  5. Could anybody tell me how easy it is to park at Birmingham now please
  6. Does any body know if the test on the streaming should work because it just goes to an error. Don't want to buy stream if test works for everyone else.
  7. Yes it is now. Was reposted at 08:52 so if you are not Glasgow Speedway then don't cover up for them.
  8. But if you are Glasgow you can pick a forcast that shows rain in a week.
  9. This meeting being called off is a disgrace showing a picture of a weather forcast for Friday 12th on the twitter anouncement.
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